12 Keys To Abundance

The universe is abundant. It is in this sense that the Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance are one and the same. We attract (not manifest) what we allow ourselves to feel, think, say, see, and do. Thus we attract lack when we say that all resources are limited.

This is why it is so important to recognize the immeasurable power of living from moment to moment in gratitude; knowing that all good flows to us with ease and grace as long as there are no obstructions (i.e. our beliefs, judgments, and limiting beliefs).

There is Never Enough Money or Prosperity To Create Abundance

Western society is addicted to money. It confuses the standard of living with real quality of life. And in its constant struggle to achieve growth and accumulate more, it shuts itself off from the abundance of resources we actually have. As long as you’re focused on money, your capacity to enter abundance is limited.

Money Has No Importance in Itself, Only in Terms of Our Reactions To It

Money does have a role to play, but not as a measure of success or an end in itself. It is a gloriously rich and hilarity-provoking tool for working with trust and self-esteem. Your attitude to money, whether you love it, hate it, resist it, treat it with disdain or discomfort, hoard it, use it to make insidious comparisons … or let it flow freely through your life speaks volumes about your level of trust, self-esteem, and human maturity.

Sorry Blocks Energy

Worry is the most monumental waste of time and energy ever invented. It creates nothing except ulcers and other things to worry about. And it takes the joy out of everything. Stop worrying! It opens up a channel in you through which abundance can flow.

Money is Only of Value If You Value Nothing Else

What really matters in life is coming into a relationship with yourself and with others, sharing, learning, and growing, stepping into your potential, and feeling wonderful whatever your own context. These things are worth valuing. Money is just a distraction. A certain amount is of course useful but obtaining that assumes a wholly disproportionate place in our lives.

The Old Laws Affirm Lack and Separation: The New Laws Affirm Connection With Abundance

The old laws said that unless you work hard, get to the top and make a lot of money, life will be difficult. They constantly stress that there is not enough to go around and that you have to fight against others. What a waste of a life! How much better to connect with the enormous potential that lives within you and allow it to flow abundantly, like releasing the energy trapped in a lump of coal.

The Discomfort of Undergoing Change is Nothing Compared To The Pain of Resisting It!

Even when you know change is overdue, you may resist, reluctant to get it wrong, attached to what seems secure. This holds you back. The conflict between how you really want to be and what you’re used to can be agonizing. Once you decide to change and open yourself to possibility, once you step off the apparent cliff, the pain of resistance can gradually be reduced. It is still scary, and part of you hankers after the ‘fur-lined mousetrap’, but slowly fear gives way to excitement.

We Create Our Own Reality Because We Control Where We Direct Our Consciousness

If I am not running my life and creating its reality, who is? And why do they have this power, and I don’t? We always have a choice – what we believe, how we react, how we perceive things. And we have 100% responsibility for all this and the consequences. Setting a goal that results in disappointment is just one of the choices you make. We always get what we put out for, or a lesson about what we put out for … and our escape mechanisms are not always perfect!

Right Energy Means Committing Yourself And Then Letting Go

It is not enough just to be open to the forces of the universe or natural law. Nor is it enough just to put everything you’ve got into it and exhibit powerful commitment. You need both. You need an inspiring vision matched to the need of your environment, clearly stated with total commitment. At the same time, you must release all attachments to the result. Attachment is ego, seeking validation from outside to repair its insecurity inside. It takes massive energy to achieve an ego goal and there is little joy in it. When the energy in you is right, abundance flows through you. Let go. Let God.

Abundance Contains Lack

It can be very difficult to discover abundance when you’re surrounded by things! Debt and deprivation is a much easier place because there are fewer superficial distractions. The main lessons are acceptance, gratitude, release, openness. Lack is at least as good a place as any other to learn these lessons and discover the meaning of abundance – feeling wonderful regardless of outer circumstances.

The Measure of Success is Not Money, But Learning

Fulfillment is a journey towards wholeness, acknowledging what we already have and not stopping at that but pressing on to explore all of ourselves. How much we accumulate says nothing about how much we have learnt or whether we have grown and realized our potential. It is a distraction, a game invented by people who live in fear of self.

Work is A Place We Each Create in Order To Grow

The main place we can do this learning and growing is our work. This is what it is for. This is why we have created it. So if your work is not a place of personal growth, leave! Life is for living.

Wherever You Are is A Good Place To Start

It’s all too easy to say “Well, okay, next year … when I’ve moved home … when the children are older …when I’m earning £30,000 … when I’ve got my degree … when pigs fly … when I’m dead.” Here, now, with whoever is there, without delay is the best place to start being you and being abundant. Please don’t waste any more time.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.