Category Personal Growth

Fully Present

During the days of Lemuria, the veils between worlds and various realities were not present. The veils that were placed in the human energy field between then and now have served to dilute, obscure, and/or entirely hide the Truth. Before…

Becoming Aware of Your Programming

Our belief system structures our experience of reality. Beliefs that are unconscious may be difficult to pinpoint, but they have a profound influence on our experience. Once we bring our core beliefs into conscious awareness we can decide whether they…

Earning A Living With Authentic Power

What does money mean to you? What are you willing to do to get money? Do you have all you need or do you always seem to be running short? What are your beliefs about money? The Power of Money…

Creating Powerful Intimate Partnerships

Have you ever wondered why it feels so good to fall in love? There’s nothing quite like it…the euphoria, the feeling of connection, the joy in having found someone to share one’s deepest feelings with! Is it real, or is…

Raising Self-Empowered Children

If you are an authentically self-empowered person, you will naturally want the same for your children. Chances are if you were raised in the dominant western culture, you were not parented in ways that empowered you, but achieved your authentic…

Know Thyself!

It is my belief that the most important step to authentic re-empowerment is knowledge of the self. Remember the idea presented in part one that the infant possesses authentic power, which is gradually given away in exchange for external power?…

Take Back Your Power

If you are up on your astrology you are aware that the past few months have dealt a tremendous blow to relationships that were not “whole”. The astrological forces either forced resolution of unbalance or total destruction. Destruction enables a…

Upgrading Your Life

If you are current with today’s advertising you are well aware that you can get an upgrade for many of the things that you now own. You can upgrade your automobile’s ignition system to improve its efficiency. You can upgrade…

Put the Love Back in Your Relationship

When Alex and Jane fell in love they were so close that it would have been almost impossible to slide a piece of greased wax paper between them. They were inseparable. The love they felt overrode anything that could possibly…

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

If you will recall the fairy tale, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, the wicked witch consulted the mirror on the wall – each time she wanted to hear that she was still the fairest in all the land. In…