Removing the Blocks To Love

All of us have enjoyed at one time or another going to the cinema, and, in recent days, more and more people are noticing the many spiritual metaphors, obvious and subtle, planted in the movies we see. Today, more than ever before, the cinematic industry seems in sync with the growing consciousness of man and we are seeing more and more movies that have a Metaphysical flavor to them. If Hollywood is a barometer of what the public is asking for (and they are), we must then assume that more and more people are seeking answers which they are finding in the movies they see. A concept called Metaphoric Awareness, coined by the authors of this article, teaches us to see the world as a backdrop to illustrate – often with astounding accuracy – what is hidden within the perceiver, and what is blocking the awareness of The Kingdom of Heaven which The Course calls Love.

In Metaphoric Awareness, we encourage all to simply observe their world to see what their perceptual world is showing them. What programs are they replaying over and over again, in place of present moment intention. These are programs that they have been playing, and that they have been denying as their own – Programs that have been playing continuously unbeknownst to the perceiver… the very blocks keeping them from all they have ever dreamed they could be and how they see their world.

We would like to set the stage for you here in this article – If you will, for just a moment, we ask that you imagine that you are the director of a play that we will call your life. In this play, you are also the casting director, as well as the very actors you are hiring to be in the play. Let’s go one step further and pretend that you are responsible for every aspect of this play – so we can assume that you will be the one and only. What you decide will be performed on the stage. So now the stage is set, it is opening night and the house is packed. You couldn’t be more excited. The play begins and the actor that you chose to play the part of the idiot enters stage right, and he begins speaking the lines that you gave him to read. You jump out of your seat, and you think to yourself, “What is that idiot doing!” He continues, and you start feeling sick to your stomach. Eventually, you scream out from the back of the audience, “Stop being an idiot! Hey you… stop it!” The audience starts yelling back at you; “Shut up! We want to watch the play!” You sit back down and you can’t believe that you have to sit through this horror of a performance. Oh! We forgot to tell you that you are the audience as well, just as is the perceived idiot that you put on the stage. This analogy is synonymous with life. We are the creators of our reality. Everything we see and everything we hear is as we asked to see and hear. Every person and occurrence is all pre-scripted by us. Because we are mostly unaware of the part we play in making our world what it is, we get lost in the world we have made. We feel hopeless with very little power, and we become victim to the very world we created. We actually get caught in the memory of a past idea that we have re-birthed in the present moment and we can’t see the forest for the trees.

Once we awaken to the fact that we are Powerful and that we are the Maker of all we see, we can begin to identify what beliefs we have placed in our way. Beliefs that are keeping us from The Kingdom of Heaven, and from our true inheritance as the Children of God.

In A Course in Miracles it says,

The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance.

Metaphoric Awareness takes the perceptual outside world and uses it as a means to get answers for what we need to assist us in removing the very blocks that are in our way and that are keeping us from our True State which is; Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance and Freedom from the world we made.

The Course goes on to say,

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true, but it is necessary to seek for what is false.
T- I 6.IV.6:1-2

As we open to this knowing, we begin to see what The Course calls The Holy Spirit as a loving partner in the illusion we call “life.” Working side by side, we walk through the illusion we have made, in place of Heaven, together as One complete force of Light – Cutting through all that is keeping our True State from us. Our world becomes a Course in Miracles in which we live within a happy dream experiencing moments of ecstasy sometimes referred to as ‘Holy Instant’ where we know that all we are and all we see is Love.

The Course tells us to “Be Vigilant Only for God and His Kingdom” (text, p. 100; T-6.V.C) or what other’s might term mindful, knowing what our purpose is and allowing the Spirit within to guide us through the world we have made. Soon, these moments become like beads of oil floating on the waters of illusion that merge together into an unbroken Oneness called Awakening.

The Course calls this state The Happy Dream. It is a way of experiencing the world through the eyes of happiness; it is a state of mind that is free of judgment where only love abides. The Happy Dream marries illusion and reality, living in this world yet knowing it is still a dream.

The Holy Relationship, another term used in A Course, illustrates the encounters we have in this world (the mind of the perceiver) when we keep our mind on God. In this state of awareness, we know that what we see is an illusion, and in this illusory world, we choose only love and the peace that comes from the knowing we are One with all we see. In this miracle-minded moment, we die to the past and are reborn in the Now. We see all in our world as an extension of God – Oneness becomes us. Love is all there is. There is no judgment; no fear. Lovely experiences come from the mind that knows only love. Once again, we are back Home in The Arms of The Infinite Father/Mother God of us all.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.