The Connective Collective

It’s hard to talk about new visionaries without also talking about a new sense of connectedness and our evolving collective nature. Why? Because our ability to connect in new ways with one another – with the world, the cosmos and Life itself – is what’s creating the breakthrough for us into a whole different way of being together and getting things to turn out.

The problem with life on Earth, until now, has been separation, a sense of being isolated and separate from everyone and everything else. The truth is that we’re not really separate; we’re very interconnected and unique at the same time.

We are so wondrously interconnected that there isn’t a person in the world that isn’t a part of you and all that you do. The concept of a butterfly flapping its wings and things changing on the other side of the world is very true. But, even that concept is evolving and we’re discovering a brand new energetic way of connecting up.

Connective living in our new collective consciousness is an amazing place to live. What if we really are one gigantic being’s evolution? What if source is asking us to play a new game, to bring the complete and wonderful evolution of source, Life, Earth and ALL into being? And, yet, it’s not about being ONE, as much of the spiritual paradigm would say it. The new energetics don’t quite work in that way. It’s about being profoundly, deeply, vibrantly and powerfully inter-connected, each one uniquely the whole.

With the new children arriving and more and more people opening up every day, we’re seeing a huge shift in our collective nature. Our collective consciousness has been moving away from being a murky sense of chaotic energies, almost distressful in their overall nature. As cultural and global creatives – as new visionaries – we’ve spent the past years cleaning up the mess and opening up the spaces of consciousness and being to bring through amazing possibilities, potential and vibrational frequency. We have remade ourselves, reconnecting and redesigning our collective nature in a brand new way.

Connective consciousness is an omni-dimensional collaboration of all that we are on every level.

It’s the coming together of all the resources, all the forces, all the knowledge, all the bitingness, all the wisdom and all the energies to create something magnificently brand new.

If you talk to highly aware kids today, they’ll tell you that they feel connected at any point in time to all the other highly aware, super-connected kids. They’re not apart or separate, nor are they one. Their collective nature is a new design, one that allows them this high level of inter-connectivity without chaos or overwhelm. They live in an ultra-connected, hyper-sonic, high vibrational field of resonant collective being. What’s overwhelming for some of them is trying to live in the lower vibrational reality of our separate and individual selves.

I mention the kids because this is part of where we’re moving to. Together, we’re discovering whole new ways of being, connecting, living, communicating, collaborating and creating. We are reinventing being from the very source of our being and redesigning Life along with it. We are evolving connective living.

Connective living forces us to reassess our conception of how Life is. For example,

Is the universe a dark empty space or is it a pulsing, sentient consciousness with thriving potential in every point?

Is any human being operating completely isolated and on their own or does everything we do, see, touch and breathe create the reality for the whole?

Is a single being a collection of molecules and particles that make up a body and mind or is a being the vast array of wondrous energies and consciousnesses that cross over dimensions and universes?

Does anything happen to us that isn’t of a higher, conscious, collective creation? And what if we could live from this place with all that we do? How would that touch the whole if we could live as and for the collective?

One might think that living as and for the whole could be a strange and disorienting experience. But, in truth, it’s not like that. It’s a full on, connective, empowering, magical Life. This is where new visionaries live and play beyond self, living as and for the whole. They live for things far greater than themselves and they measure their accomplishments not at all by standard measurable means. They measure their accomplishments on the ripples and creations in the whole, not just what appears in the moment to be the visible outcome. They know that they are inter-connected with everything and they live their lives joyfully from the power of that place.

What if we have come here all together now, in this marvelous turning point of forever, to create a brand new evolutionary future for us all? And not just for human beings and the Earth, but for Life everywhere? I know that might sound over the top to some. But if you really feel into yourself, deep inside, you may discover the place in you that knows why you’ve come… and in that place you will discover our interconnection on a very profound and powerful level.

You see, we’re not just another generation of human beings who are trying to solve the problems of the world. Far from it! We cross the boundaries of age, sex, race, religion, geography and even humanity, to discover ourselves as a collaboration of sourceful creators able to empower, activate, evoke and catalyze Life in evolutionary new ways.

We’re not here to solve the problems. We’re here to dissolve old reality and to be the evocators of something sparkling brand new. We have come en masse over four or five generations and en masse we work together. We know that it’s not about any one being leading the way. It’s about a collective co-creation, each one carrying a very special gift for the whole.

We know from very, very deep inside of ourselves that we’re global and cosmic citizens. It’s not something we have to learn or grow into; it’s the very essence of who we are. We love the picture of the blue planet in space. We live in a time when we are able to see, at long last, due to technology such as the Hubble telescope, the beauties of the cosmoses. We are in touch with Life far beyond the boundaries of Earth and its inhabitants.

Every single person has something so magnificent within them that it staggers the imagination and takes your breath away when you’re able to touch it. It’s not just about striving to live a better life, to provide for your family, to generate a good, safe community for your children to grow up in. We’re here for mega purpose and Life altering potential… and new visionaries know this.

What does mega purpose and Life altering potential look like? Something like this:

Perhaps you’re the one who can unleash the god presence in every single human being in a single go.

Perhaps you’re the designer / strategist who sees the kaleidoscopic design and knows how each piece fits together into the whole.

Perhaps you’re the one to unlock a brilliant new way of connecting, beyond anything we’ve known before.

Perhaps you’re going to bring the world voice together through something like Live8.

Or, maybe you’re the one to unleash the potential and contribution sitting within every single one of our amazing new children today.

Imagine that! A world in which every single being on the face of the planet gets to live as all they can be, contributing everything they have to give, living in full abundance and adding to the beauty of the planet as they do their work and play.

You see, this is way beyond anything we’ve known of leadership before. This is about a whole new realm of leadership and power. It’s so far removed from old leadership and power that it’s almost laughable that the two can coincide in real reality. Well, of course they can’t – that’s why we’re seeing the dissolution of old leadership and power happening today and a move into the high vibrational frequencies of new reality creation.

So, are you ready to become a new visionary? If yes, then look deep within yourself as you read this. Touch the source place in you. Don’t stop till you find the place in you that rings with desire and passion to create a better world and a brilliant place in an evolving cosmos. Discover what it is you’ve come to gift to us all. We’re co-creating a kaleidoscope of evolutionary possibilities and it will take each and every one of us to make this come fully true.

Can you see that we’re no longer living isolated, separated lives, able to ignore Life around us? We’re cosmic adventurers come to discover the evolvement of Life in this corner of the galaxies. We bring with us all manner of abilities, knowledge, connection, consciousness, wisdom and more! We dance in the creation of a magnificent future, one in which we began as human beings, tiny grains of Life on a small blue planet, to become extraordinary beings enriching Life for everything everywhere.

When you have arrived at this place, you will find that you are no longer alone. You will discover your level of interconnection, your part in the greatest game and your gift to the fabulous whole. You will live no longer as the small, personal you trying to get by in a world of chaos and disorder. Instead you will discover yourself as the connective collective dancing with every other living being to create a cosmos of explosive potential and vibrant, creational power. It’s here that the new visionaries really come in to their own, not as individual selves, but as the whole evolving itself beyond anything we’ve ever known before.

I invite you to dive in, to hold nothing back, to surrender everything you think you are with great delight and glee to discover a world of wonder and magical creation. I invite you to step now into your own new visionary leadership and power and stun the world with your brilliant contributions. For it’s here, with each one of us doing all that we came to do – and more – that we’ll really discover the full magnificence of evolution on the grandest scale.

As I complete this book, I wish you great fun, lots of abundance, amazing friends on the journey and fulfilling evolutionary work throughout the whole of your life. For myself, I know that on the day that I complete life on Earth, I will look back to these moments of myself as an evolutionary visionary and say ‘Wow, that was Fantastic! Bring on the next biggest game.’ May your life be even more fulfilling for you in all that you do.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.