The Secret To Creating A New Earth
So many teachers have come forward speaking of the ascension we are experiencing. Each speaking so lovingly, sharing so much wisdom. Today I bring forth a different perspective. One that varies greatly from many other master teachers, one that I have found great comfort in living.
Are the other teachers wrong in what they believe ascension is? No, they are simply sharing their perspective. Each of us holds a truth that is illuminated by our own experiences, values, beliefs, and purpose on the planet. We are all beautifully and uniquely different and yet, within our differences there is unity and oneness. The miraculous thing is that so many teachers are coming forward to offer you a buffet of perspectives so you alone can discover your truth.
Today the choice is yours as to what you choose to embrace.
Know that the guidance being offered is brought with the greatest love and appreciation, that we are here to collectively and individually experience a time of great awakening.
The Secret to Ascension: It is You
Today as I was walking surrounded by swaying Banyan trees, graceful butterflies and luminescent dragonflies God spoke to my heart as he often does when I need it the most. It was the most miraculous encounter.
All of life, all of nature is in perfect order. The ascension and the new earth so many speak of is created by each of you individually, as you embrace the fullness of your lives. The earth has been changing since the beginning of time, what is changing most dramatically now is each of you. As each of you becomes whole and complete the world indeed will be very different.
Be easy and gentle with yourself and what you view as your problems. The eternal nature of life is constantly shifting, changing, dying and renewing and it is all ok. If you knew the power of making peace with every aspect of your experience, if you were willing to embrace every emotion, if you could simply be ok with the fullness of your life the result would be ineffable. You would then understand the complete essence of me in every aspect of your life and deeply know the magnificence of who you are.
The suffering you feel is not the result of your problems, it is that you are so afraid that you are not ok, that the people you love are not ok, that the world is not ok.
But it is not the fear that causes the suffering; it is the resistance to the flow of life that causes you great pain. I have gifted each of you with a magnificent array of emotions, but so many of you, especially lightworkers feel the need to deny the emotions and experiences that do not feel good. So many of you go into spiritual by-pass, leave your bodies and miss an extraordinary opportunity to grow through your emotions. This is the great lesson the Indigo children have brought forward. They are here to shatter that illusion, to feel, experience and express every aspect of life.
When you are able to accept and embrace every emotion, you allow the wounded parts of your soul to express themselves. For in your wounds I have found points where I can enter and bring light. It is essential to allow the emotions of these wounds to be expressed. When you learn to embrace the fullness of your experience, you will find the fragmented pieces of yourself re-integrating. This is where you experience the still point of grace, the moment when you can truly fall back in love with yourself. This is the point where you become whole again.
Then from this point of wholeness every experience becomes a gift that you can deeply appreciate and savior. This is where you can experience a joy beyond measure. This is where you love being on this earth plane having both a physical and a spiritual experience. This is what it feels like to be fully alive in the present moment.
Trust that what you are going through physically and emotionally is perfect, for you are perfect. Ask your bodies, inner children and emotions what they need to express and allow it to come forward with love. There is so much that can be learned in the process of embracing the fullness of your experience. I know it is not easy, but it is exactly what you need to move into the extraordinary experience of your life.
Your courage and willingness has brought you through the past into this present moment and has strengthened the magnificence within you. There is nothing to fix, only opportunities to grow, for it is all in divine order.
You are loved beyond measure my sweet child and just trust life is ok and so are you.
Remember as each of you finds joy in the fullness of your life, as you learn this wisdom from your children, this is when we collectively experience heaven on earth.
May you feel your own magnificence and may it bring you the highest good.