A Global Network For Peace
No matter who we are, what cultural or religious group we belong to, or what nationality we are, we all, at the fundamental level, want peace. A peaceful state of being is our natural God given birth right.
In our accelerating, technologically advancing world we are becoming more stressed, stretched for time and energy, and we are moving further away from our source. Our technological advancements have definitely come at a price. Even with all of our modern time savers such as automatic washing machines, microwave ovens, online banking facilities, laptops, mobile phones, etc, we are still more stressed and time deprived than our parent’s and grandparent’s generations were. The majority of the western world, and even some countries in the east now find themselves running around in a perpetual ‘rat race’ constantly striving for something, be it success, money, fame or fortune, or just to survive, with little or no positive results. All this striving, working to meet deadlines, paying the mortgage, putting food on the table, building wealth or security seems to be putting us in a constant state of frustration, stress and exhaustion.
This constant state of stress not only shows up in our own individual lives, but reflects the state of affairs on the collective consciousness as well. We can see it being played out on the world stage as political and environmental upheaval, wars, crime rates, dis-eases, poverty and hunger on a mass level.
We are all essentially spiritual beings having a physical experience. We are all components of the One Whole. Some of us call it Universal Life Force, some, God or Spirit, Mohammad, Jehovah, Christ Consciousness, or Great Mother/Father Spirit. Every religion and every culture has a different name, but it is all one and the same. It is our Source, the All That Is, The Creator. As components of the One Whole, we are all connected and interconnected. Each and every one of us affects the Whole with our thoughts and actions.
For a long time now science and spirituality have been divided, but in recent times through the study of quantum physics we are beginning to bridge that divide and we are becoming aware again that we all, individually and collectively create our physical world and experiences in this dimension. It has now been proved scientifically that our thoughts actually create and affect our reality. It is no longer viewed as just some ‘hippy pipe dream’. We all create our own individual experience we call our lives, and as a Whole, we also co- create the global thoughtform and the world in which we live.
There is a phenomenon known in scientific circles as The Hundredth Monkey Syndrome. This effect was discovered by scientists studying a group of monkeys on some islands in the South Pacific. These monkeys began to wash their food in the water to get the sand off before consuming it. At first it was only one monkey; then, over time the other monkeys in the colony began to do the same. It was noted that after a certain amount of monkeys took up this practice, approximately one hundred or so, that monkeys in other colonies on other islands and then on the other side of the globe began to so the very same thing with their food. It seemed that once a critical mass was reached, that it somehow became part of the collective consciousness for the whole species on the planet.
What this means for humans is that if enough people on the planet focus their attention and intention on peace, we can collectively raise humanity’s level of vibration such that it actually creates peace on Earth. It is not some ‘pie in the sky’ idea, or wishful thinking. Thought frequency does affect physical reality.
Every single thing in physical manifestation is energy. Energy resonates to a specific vibration, the slower the vibration, the denser the energy or matter. Thoughts are also energy and resonate at certain levels depending on the type of thought.
Scientific studies have been done on water molecules that have had thoughts directed towards them. The affects have been photographed under high-powered microscopes, and the results are amazing. The molecules in water that has been bombarded with hateful thoughts are in disarray and quite chaotic, yet the molecules of water that have had loving, kind, respectful thoughts directed towards it form beautiful designs not unlike that of a snowflake or crystal. There have also been experiments involving large bodies of water such as a damn or lake that has been contaminated or become stagnant. People surround the water and send loving thoughts to the lake. After a period of time water samples show that the water has cleared itself of its previous contaminants and become crystal clear and clean. This is another powerful example of how thoughts actually create and change physical reality.
At this point in time in our current stage of technology we have manifested the ‘in-form-ation’ age. What this means spiritually is that we have immersed ourselves fully into dense physical form. If we wish to evolve as a species we need to shift our focus from ‘in-form-ation’ to ‘in-spiration, or in spirit, which is our natural state of being. It is through recognizing our spiritual nature and moving back into alignment with it that we can begin to create peace.
Our minds are our creative centers. Nothing, that is, ‘no-thing’, has ever shown up in physical manifestation without first being a thought in someone’s mind. It has been said that we only use approximately 10% of our mind’s capacity. We are often on ‘autopilot’ as far as our thoughts are concerned. We become stressed, ill and disillusioned with the state of affairs we find ourselves in without consciously realizing that we have actually created our situations, our stress, our dis-eases, our wars, our lack of peace, by the very thoughts we constantly think.
Scientists have discovered that the mind does not distinguish between past, present or future, and spiritually this makes perfect sense, as there really is no past, present or future as we interpret it. There is only the eternal now. As Louise L. Hay says, “The point of Power is in the present moment.” Studies have been done on athletes who are hooked up to electrodes and monitors and are asked to visualize their event in their minds. What is interesting to note is that the same muscles fire off the same impulses and the same chemicals and hormones are released throughout the body as when the athletes actually physically perform their event. The mind does not differentiate between what is imagined, or visualized, and what is physically manifested.
With all this in mind, pardon the pun, let’s now look at how we can create peace on Earth. First I will explain how the idea of a global mediation came to me and what I wish to do in order to help create this mass consciousness shift.
Late last year whilst in a contemplative state I had a vision of how I could help to be part of the raising of human consciousness to create peace on Earth. In my minds eye I saw millions upon millions of people throughout the world meditating, praying, visualizing or concentrating on peace and goodwill to the planet as a whole and all beings on Her. The seventh day of the seventh month in the year 2007 at 7am and 7pm flashed through my mind. I began to think that if enough souls throughout the world held visions, intentions and attention on peace, all at the same time within the twenty-four hour period of this sacred date, we could help to shift the collective consciousness of humanity.
I began emailing and sending letters to as many people, both ‘high profile’ and like-minded souls, as possible to ask them to help spread the word of this global call for peace.
As I am an astrologer one of the first things I did after having this date presented to me was to cast a chart for that day. There are many interesting energies at this point in time. For those of you who do not have a comprehensive understanding of astrology, I will keep this explanation brief and as simplified as possible. I do intend however to look into the astro- energies in more depth from an esoterically astrological viewpoint between now and the 7/07/07.
The Sun is almost midway through Cancer on this date. Cancer rules the Mother aspect (Mother Earth) and is nurturing, caring and sensitive. This is one of the healing signs of the zodiac. On a soul/spiritual level Cancer dissolves illusion and allows inclusive love to shine through. The Soul words for Cancer are, “I build a lighted house & therein dwell.” In the chart I cast for my time zone (7:00am AEST -10:00), the Moon, exoteric ruler of Cancer, is in Aries in the ninth house indicating that through direct action at this time using the higher mind we can creatively affect the mass consciousness of humanity bringing about global understanding and tolerance. At this time we are able to bridge cultural and geographical differences and pull together as the one human family. Neptune, the esoteric (Soul) ruler of Cancer is in Aquarius, the sign of the Age in which we have now entered. Aquarius rules group awareness, humanitarianism and deep purpose.
How might we conduct this Global Meditation? There is no set meditation or visualization per se. It is up to each and every one of us who wish to participate in this global call for peace to do what feels right for us. Some of us may wish to meditate, or visualize, or pray alone in the privacy of our own homes, or on some mountaintop. Others may wish to join with groups or set up a meditation circle. It is through the intent and thoughts of peace and goodwill that will create an outward manifestation of these energies.
There are other suggestions I have which may help to align and prepare you for this upcoming event. Let’s examine why, when we have been striving for peace on Earth for so long, that we still seem to be so far off the mark.
We continue to grumble about the state of affairs. This only gives those states of affairs more energy. We wage war on everything. We have wars on hunger, wars against poverty, wars against terrorism, wars on drugs, wars on crime, not to mention wars on racism, sexism, and a myriad of other ‘isms’.
You can’t fight fire with fire, so why are we so intent on waging war on everything we are opposed to? It’s no wonder with all this internal war mongering that we see the external results of wars between nations. The more we are against things and the energy expended on these ‘anti thoughts’, the more we perpetuate and create more of what we don’t want. By being against something we actually create a counter force which helps to perpetuate more of what we don’t want.
Mother Teresa was once asked if she would attend an anti war demonstration. She replied, “No, I will not. But be sure to let me know when you hold a pro peace rally and I will be there.”
So, let’s look to realigning our thoughts and intentions with what it is we actually do want, instead of what we don’t want.
Here are some simple steps we can take to shift the focus from fear based thoughts and actions to creating peace and harmony for all.
When we begin to align with positive, loving thoughts we begin to actually create a more positive, loving environment around us. This energy spreads and little by little, one by one, we can all become co creators of peace on Earth.