Finding True Freedom Through the Human Experience
All humans dream of freedom; you pray for freedom and will do anything to give yourself a taste of personal freedom and some times at any cost to yourself or another. But what does true freedom look and feel like?
Many believe that they would be free if only they had every monetary thing they desire in the world. Some believe that freedom comes with certain types of relationships. If you could go anywhere and do anything; anytime you wanted, would that be true freedom? And then there are those who believe freedom is becoming someone famous like a movie star or an inventor of something grandiose. These may all represent certain aspects of freedom, but there has to be more, don’t you agree?
Freedom isn’t something that can be bought. No one can give another freedom and you can’t steal it or force it into existence. No matter where you could travel on the Earth you would eventually become sensitized to what the masses experience in their daily lives. Many feel trapped by their society, governments and cultures. The strain of living in the world, especially at this pivotal time in history; when everything is going through a metamorphosis of sorts… is peaking. People like you are feeling the heaviness of that everywhere; in every facet of life.
Yes you all have to choose from the opportunities that human existence brings your way. It is preferable though; that you choose the ones that inspire you to have faith, that your needs will be met according to the heart effort you put forth. That is your birth right, to experience and use opportunities you are choosing in order to find your heart’s inner most sense of freedom.
Can fear stop you from finding personal freedom? Yes it can if you let it, but it’s only a matter of further life experience before you eventually come to the place in consciousness where fear, which is false truth, must be overcome. The need to move through the fear will become so tremendous at some point, that you won’t care how much work it takes to do so. That’s when the powerful need… will become the driving force that pushes you through the fear into the unknown that is on the other side of it. Once need from the heart overpowers the fear to do and be, that’s when real inward and outward changes take place.
Desperation on the other hand, is a mixture of fear and need, but in desperation fear has more control. Let’s say desperation is a more (uncontrolled form) of fear and need… where one feels trapped because there doesn’t appear to be a way to move through them at the moment. Desperation breeds depression, anger, irritability and outbursts of rage. Remind you of anyone?
The big fear on Earth right now is the war and how much worse will the world economy become. How many millions of people’s jobs and lives will be lost or drastically changed because of them? This is all part of the process dear ones that is bringing a deeper spiritual need to the human consciousness everywhere on the Earth. The economy and war are symptoms of untruths mankind has bought into. Those symptoms are bringing challenges that are forcing people out of their false comfort zones. With each challenge comes new fear and needs that were previously unknown, to be faced and dealt with.
Please understand dear ones that you are in the process of breaking out of the old mold that has hid your true, spiritual identity from you. With what is hidden, comes the fear of the unknown, causing fear to build and build. The more it is denied the stronger it becomes, until the (need) to push through the fear becomes so strong, it can no longer be denied or put off. To push through fear requires acknowledgement, and then the emotions of the heart to understand and transform it. That is when you will be able to push through the fear to a new awareness and a new sense of freedom. My friends, this is the only way to true freedom.
Many of you have had to give up homes, jobs, relationships and live more modestly than before. Dear ones there is no shame in that; in fact it is a glorious gift, for these are the challenges that are helping you to break through the outer shell into new perspectives, experiences, homes, jobs and relationships that will continue to enhance who you have become and will continue to become as you move into the Light.
Think about it dear ones, if you had everything material you could ever want at this point in your human existence, you’d never know all that you are capable of and neither would your creative force. Can you picture yourself as a baby bird that is trying to break through the hard shell of the outer egg that encases it? It is a lot of work to break through the shell of false beliefs. And what makes it harder is that you can’t see what awaits you on the outside of the shell. This is what you are in the process of doing and all of you have asked for it. The Creative Force is not only helping you to break through the shell… it is holding your hands, you might say.
Life is not about how many material things you can acquire. It’s not about looking successful and being envied. It’s about moving out of the duality of the “less” and the “more” appearance, into the completion and balance that comes when there are no more extremes in your life that separate you from the wholeness and oneness of who you are.
It is known how difficult it is for the human aspect to lose or seemingly give up what it has worked so hard to have, to be, to do and accomplish in duality. But if those human aspects of life have been inwardly outgrown, isn’t it time to let them go? You who are reading this have asked, either consciously or unconsciously… to see beyond the physical, dualistic world you call Earthly life, to the true Essence of human existence. The material world is appealing to the human aspect but there comes a point where the material aspect of human life can hinder self-knowing and soul growth. That point is here dear ones.
You agreed that if and when the material human part over balanced your spiritual purpose and hindered the break through the shell of false truths, that you on soul levels would alter your human part in order to bring balance between your body, mind, soul and the Spirit/Creator. In the process of this altering, the false boundaries that the untrue beliefs set up between those aspects of you… will gradually fade into the nothingness from which they originated.
Sure, you have climbed many peaks and mountains in your life and reached goals you thought would be impossible to reach, but with each goal you reached for and attained, the steps needed to get there, appeared at the appropriate time for you… but not without effort. The need to know, to move, to experience more of all you are, as the picture of life unfolds before you, is your God force energy pushing you out of the shell of false views and into the light of which you and every you is longing for.
You’ve come too far dear ones to stop now. Your Soul Essence will not let up in moving you out of the old energy. Yes, you can refuse to go any further in the form you are presently appearing as. In fact for some, it may be time to take on a new form with newer wiring and DNA… instead of going through the effort of upgrading a present consciousness and worn out form that refuses to move into the new energy. But it is your soul that will make that decision.
There are many who have become so stuck in the old energy that they have chosen not to move out of it. Of course, they may not be aware of this on conscious levels. They will simply finish up in their present form and put on another that is more suitable for the new energy. But that will not dismiss what you have not faced dear friends, and dealt with on Earth. New form or not, you can’t leave anything unfinished for long.
Moving out of duality and into true freedom doesn’t come prepackaged dear ones. It doesn’t come with closed minds and hearts or over used misunderstood beliefs and teachings. True freedom doesn’t know greed, selfishness, fear, hate or separation from God. It takes much soul searching and challenging inner work… physical, mental, emotional and spiritual effort to see through and beyond the false beliefs that duality has painted as truth since the beginning of time. Completion of body, mind, soul and Spirit, dear ones, means living in the Light of your soul through the purification of the heart while in human form.
You are loved dear souls, more than you realize.
We bestow our blessings and strength so that you will continue to complete the old human game and open the curtain to a life where fear is transformed and not hidden under denial. Your new Earth awaits your decision to choose inner freedom.