A Gentle Doorway

A doorway beckons – inviting you to come and open it.  Shrouded in mist and mysteries, this doorway tempts you, yet something holds you back.  You have heard of many different theories and stories about this door and you are somewhat confused as to what really awaits you, should you choose to open it.

Known as meditation, concentration, contemplation, this is the opening of the doorway to your consciousness and if you do choose to open it, you suspect your life will surely change.

In my meditation workshops, the problem I hear most often is that many cannot seem to still the chatter going on in their heads.  I truly wish that meditation could be taught to all, including our young, for it would indeed help them to handle life in a more peaceful manner.  However, until that time comes, it is up to each and every one of us to learn how to enter into the peaceful realms that exist within. Of what use is meditation – you ask?

How about:

  • A quiet mind ensures a peaceful heart
  • Meditation lowers biological age.
  • It is both energizing and relaxing.
  • It teaches us how to remain in the present.
  • Encourages normal sleep cycles.

In today’s world, we are expected to move fast, multi-task, and accomplish everything, but no one has ever trained us how to become peaceful and still.  Is this not just as important as breathing?

I love meditating; I love the gentle peace that awaits me within the quietness of my being.  I am alone, yet the space within seems to pulse with a great life force.  Many people say that they have no time to learn to meditate, yet I say that in order to master your time, you must learn how to move in rhythm with life, not always fighting for every spare moment and always running late.  This is not successful or constructive.

The gentle doorway of meditation, concentration, and contemplation is one that invites your life to run smoother, your emotions to remain calmer, and gives us the blessed ability to have wonderful sleep and dream time.  Imagine a world where everyone starts their day balanced, joyful and peaceful.  Every person they meet is treated with dignity and respect because it is understood that each of us is worthy of such treatment.  The ripple effect is like a great soothing wave of peace reverberating around the world.  Such is the power of meditation.

Time and truth become understood as two great and profound realities that are to be honoured and lived to the fullest in our daily lives.  Have you ever really pondered upon the incredible importance of “time”?  This word is one that we constantly use to describe the state we are in, for example:  Take one’s time – ahead of time – behind the times – time of one’s life – timeless – timely, and so on.  Time is a living, breathing reality and how we use it determines our rate of stress levels.  Time well used and understood begets a harmonious flow in our life where all gets done without rush or stress.  This is a very important truth.

Truth – a word of integrity and honour, is it a big part of your life?  Do you always tell the truth?  The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is what we swear on the Bible if we are called to testify before a judge.  I believe that when we live in a state of truth, we are in a state of grace.  A truthful person is one that is trustworthy, ethical and high minded and is a gift to those around them.  Being truthful does not mean that you have to tell everyone what you are thinking, because that is not always the truth – it is your opinion.  Be aware of this difference.

Therefore, even though this doorway is gentle, it is also one of depth and adventure.  Taking the time to learn to meditate is the entrance way into a journey of truth about yourself and the world you live in.  It is time well spent!


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.