Animal Kingdoms

Animals go through an evolutionary process – like all living things must. They begin their passage as an over-soul. The over-soul sends down vehicles (the numbers depend on the species, but as a general rule around 100 per over-soul). The experiences are then returned to the over-soul (or ‘group soul’ as some refer to this).

As the soul develops, it sends down less and less, until but two remain – one male and one female expression. The soul is individualized – down to the single expression of male and female. It can then, when it has gained enough experience, go on to its next expression – its next choice for further development.

The animal usually chooses to become closer to humanity as it evolves. This aids in the energy and experiences required for further development. Humanity has much to offer its younger brothers and sisters.

Ego Filters

Many truths about the animal kingdom have been perceived through Ego filters. Some of the species that you so love, like the dolphin and some whale species, have completed their work on this planet. Some will choose to return to the place from which they came and others will choose to stay.

There is also many of what you call ‘mythical creatures’ that exist within the 5th Dimensional reality. Many, over time, will reveal themselves to those that have the sensitivity and desire to work with them.

This will be a wondrous experience.

The Evolutionary Path

There are so many beautiful animals and all of them are on an evolutionary path. Most of the animals that come into close contact with humans are those that are what you would call “more evolved”.  There are those animals that are “pets” that are close to completing their journey within the current type of body.

Some of these will humanize and others will choose to go into the “fairy kingdoms”.  Those more evolved pets are recognized by their almost “human” qualities for when they are on completion they truly do respond differently to their environment and those within it than perhaps their less evolved brothers and sisters.

What is important for you to understand is that there are very many levels of animal experience and it would help the kingdom for their human career to recognize this and work with them accordingly.

I will explain further.

The animal soul begins as an over soul and gradually, through experience this many aspect soul reduces down until it has enough experience to move on in its journey.

Attachment to a Human Soul

When an animal is attached to a human soul (and they do this for the evolutionary process) they also take on some of the characteristics of the human that they are attached to.  For instance as the human travels their journey and gains wisdom, some of these transfers to the animal.  It is wonderful to notice how your pets respond as you do.

The animal requires boundaries from love, just like your human children, and in that the type of being that it will eventually become, is enhanced.  Remember that whatever characteristics the animal holds in animal form it will carry these into the human or fairy condition.

I also will talk to you about the animals that you use for your sustenance. It is important to understand that the animal kingdom also must go through the whole range of experiences for their own development.

The domestic animals do this via their experiences with their humans and the food-source animals do this via their experiences within their reality also.  Just as there is suffering in the human kingdoms, there is also suffering in the animal kingdoms.  That is but a reflection of the earth and those that are within its evolutionary journey.

The food-source animal comes into this form as their part in the interchange between all spirits.  It is its destiny also but as the earth evolves they will also be recognized for their service and honoured for the beauty that they are and for their bountifulness of what they offer.

It is not a problem for the animal kingdom to offer themselves for food, as this is their chosen journey also and they too are gaining experience and understanding from their journey.  What is so important for you to see though is that they must be honoured.  Their spirit recognized for the gift of the produce that it provides and that all the animal is used and not dishonoured by waste. All parts do have a purpose.

There is much understanding needed and much change to come about in this area, for within this there is also the pendulum swing of emotions from human kind.  On one end there are those that believe it is wrong for mankind to eat flesh and there is much judgment on their brothers and sisters for this choice while on the other end of the pendulum there are those that kill for pleasure and waste and dishonour the offering of the animal.  In between there are many levels of dishonour and misunderstanding.

There are many that work with your food source supply chain that are good hearted but there are also many that also work with your animals that have yet to understand their great beauty and service to mankind.  The time will come when all will understand and there are many currently working to bring this about.


I also talk of hunting, this is not a problem to the animal either, providing it is honoured and its bountiful body not left to rot.  Hunt, certainly but honour your kill and also eat what you hunt, use the pelt for your homes or pass it to someone who will honour it and make something from it.  Hunt only what you need and always be conscious of the numbers that are in existence at the time.

When you go to hunt also connect with us, the kingdoms, and feel whether this is appropriate at the time for we care for our charges and in that there are sometimes events that you may not be aware of that would cause difficulty at the time.

Listen well for we will always inform you via your feeling level if it is not appropriate to hunt at that time. This we always try first (through your feeling level), but if we cannot contact you this way we will try via the environment around you. By this I say we will show you via tripping, spider webs, other animals etc when we do not require your presence in the forest.

The most important energy is to honour your animal brothers and sisters, respect their differences and their choices and see that they too are on the journey.  Assist them by truly understanding their choices and within that wisdom you will separate your own beliefs from their choices.

That is the journey you are traveling within your own species and therefore that is also the journey that you are traveling with your animal brothers and sisters.  In truth that is also the journey you travel with all spirit forms – to truly respect, honour and allow the differences – to wholly Honour the self and all others as equals.

As the consciousness lifts on the planet so does the circumstances for all of earth’s creatures.  New ways come forward, new understandings and in that we all journey towards the 5th dimension together.

We will talk again but until then farewell from myself.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.