Appreciation and Gratitude

In today’s society there is a missing key – a link to the expression of higher consciousness in action.  It is the basic need of all spiritual essence to be appreciated.   When you appreciate something fully, whether it is a flower, an animal, a deed done by another, the time taken even for something to be produced and the amount of time and energy taken to do this, there is a blending of higher consciousness with an opening of the heart centre, and a connection that cannot be surpassed.

In appreciation there is an awakening of the truth and a realisation of it.  In today’s world, there are so many people who do remarkable things, both silently and openly.  There are those striving to change the world, knowing what they are doing is right, but they get little or no recognition for their contribution.

It is only when appreciation of these contributions come to fruition that true unity can be reached on this planet.

This basic need for appreciation is within all living things.  When this energy is withheld it creates a separation, a distancing, from the real need to connect in such an intimate way. How we can appreciate the beauty of a flower, the colours, the fragrances and how it brightens up our day?  We take for granted that the flowers will bloom, we do not applaud the plant for its efforts in growing and producing such beauty.  The plants need our appreciation for them to continue to make their contribution to our lives.

Appreciation is something that takes time and effort.  Every day there are so many things that cross our path, things seen and unseen by our eyes but not necessarily appreciated by them.

This withholding causes, in humans, the need for approval, and in that the missing of the correct flow of energy.  All of the energy goes into finding approval and keeps man in a negative cycle and out of the natural flow.  In children, this sets up a patterning that is out of the flow of their natural energy.  It is the beginning of the addictive/co-dependant cycle.

Everything on this planet is connected, the plants and animals are connected to all living things. Everything is interconnected in Gaia’s web of life.  Appreciation of other’s acts, or deeds is the key to acceptance, for all beings in and out of the physical body.

After a lifetime of appreciation and appreciation alone, one begins to know the true meaning of love – in reality there is no such thing as love without appreciation.  Love has many forms but it is always a form of giving, giving with no expectation.

This appreciation must be true, for anything else, with any other motivation, will not be received.  It will still cause separation.  Nothing will open another’s heart faster than to feel appreciated.  The key to healing comes from appreciation.

Man has forgotten to appreciate most of his environment and the people around him.  It takes not much to notice the effort someone has gone to and to signal your appreciation.  Whether that be verbal or via a short note, it matters not, for it is a connection.

In that interaction the souls touch, and a higher expression is experienced.  The connection to another spirit has enhanced both or all concerned.  It is like a win/win situation – a true spiritual exchange.

Every flower that blooms has been connected to the earth by the roots, in which they all intertwine. Without this connection there would be no beauty, and this would not be appreciated nor acknowledged, as it is out of our awareness. The flowers are part of the cycle and they stay within that cycle until they die back to allow another generation to come into being.

It is like the nature kingdoms around you.  They toil and they do their mission, but mostly they are not appreciated, and in that are distanced from the consciousness of man.  There is separation within parts of the same source.  They do their work with joy, but if they were appreciated by man their task would be all the easier, and the outward flow of their lifting would enhance man’s journey more than he could possible imagine.  Both would be rejuvenated by such a simple flow of appreciation.  A very powerful energy.

The flower in your garden, or in another, will grow all the better for appreciation, for the intermingling of energies – the connection.  It will create a positive effect on all living things.  When you appreciate another, you connect with them on another level.  This will help in all your dealings with them.  The energies created within this action can be very powerful.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.