Bidaa – All That Is

Bidaa – All That Is

There are many names for the concept of God. Bidaa – All That Is – explains the power of oneness. Bidaa is the force that is present throughout all the universes.

This unified part of creation produces the power that propels life. This entity is critical in the human journey, for if it did not provide the way and means of evolution, humans would not exist, nor be able to fulfill the activities of their destiny.

It is this force that is the physical energy structure of all life. This force is used by All Our Relations on all dimensions of time and space and beyond.

Please continue with your awakening of your innate powers and abilities.

Naiees – Coming Out

Naiees – the Human Coming Out – accesses every division and component of Bidaa through the vast Dragon’s Rites of Initiation. I use “Dragon’s Rites” firmly, for in reality, Naiees is a coming of age rite of passage. Initially this rite celebrated a young person’s transition from childhood into maturity. Humanity now moves into a period of spiritual maturity previously unknown.

There is no place like Esonknhsendehi – Changing Mother Earth – that inhabits souls more emotional than humans. It is here, through feeling, these many colors of races and vibration of the planet that physical manifestation evolves. You co-create this process.

Telepathic abilities are awakening within humans. Many souls are recognizing the vibrational shift of Esonkhnsendehi’s magnetic polarities. Naiees assists you in accessing incredible depths of power and talent, even in those who do not recognize what is happening.

The way that you move in and out of this time of changing world realities is the passing from alienation to a time of peace.

Ga’hidzilitsulin – Wise One Within

The human mind in the awakened state searches among the hundreds of thousands of experiences for explanations of what is happening Now. Ga’hidzilitsulin – the Wise One Within – helps humans open synaptic gates that have been closed, for conscious input of energetic factors to repattern imprinted emotional patters. Ga’hidzilitsulin is an integrative aspect of self, piecing together the unity of universal evolution from all the diversity of human experience.

You can stop the committee by saying, “Stop!” You have the power and the ability to stop the mind chaos. Breathe. You can find your way by letting go of the process addiction. Breathe. Find what works.

Without stopping to think, write eight options down as “I can…” statements. Allow your options to flow until you find your direction.

Center. Picture a balloon floating to the ceiling. Look at it. This is the problem…. the illusion created by fear. Now pop it!

Libaye Dii Jidgha – Coyote Dancing Crack

Many humans have shared an experience of Libaye Dii Jidgha – Coyote Dancing Crack – while involved in daily pursuit of life. This is an ungrounded sensation that often leaves one wondering what has happened, even how they might have gotten where they are. It is a “stepping through time-space” vortex. Breath four times, relax and center on your gravitational center (2″ below your navel) when this happens… allow yourself to be fully aware… be in the experience. This experience causes an upset in the equilibrium, but do not fear it. This rare experience is happening more and more frequently. If you can be fully in its dynamics, its light remains with you, growing inside.

Some of the most dynamic and visible behavior evidence of the results of the Libaye Dii Jidgha comes from trust. Use relaxation and auto suggestion techniques to help you see beyond the physical sensations. Visions are to be gained. Acknowledge mind/body sensations, but reassure the brain which is powered by the emotion of excitement… “We are in vibrational shift!”

Humans are looking for something of great importance. You are learning to affect the levels of personal concern, mental and emotional on three planes… you are experiencing oneness, perceiving sacred identity, and learning to effectively express personal truth as life. This is self-actualization.

Fear was designed to keep you from physical harm… not to keep you from your essence, your higher self. Coyote’s mission has always been to demonstrate and expose the illusions that create self sabotage and keep us from becoming all we were meant to be.

Yusn – Giver Of All Life

Evolution is a healing process, as well as a transformational one, for both humanity and earth. It is a process which culminates in a physical and spiritual transformation. Yusn – the Giver of All Life – male energy entity of All That Is, reminds us of those who have epitomized the Fifth World dynamics within Fourth World reality. Many of them are acclaimed as ascended masters that have walked and lived among us. Now this perspective dynamic will be experienced by more. This is Yusn’s enlightenment for these evolving times.

If this information has set your body to tingling it is because of the influx of energy that accompanies the concept. Rub your face, hands, and wiggle your body. If your head is spinning, bend over and hang your head between your knees. Imagine energy running down your spine and into the Changing Mother earth to bleed off the overamping. Drink water!

Ilna’ahi – That Which Crosses

Our Intent – Ilna’ahi – That Which Crosses, projects in an intense level of light: it has already shifted from Fourth World dynamics to Fifth. If you visualize your projected and focused intent as light, you will naturally see its influence on all dimensions, penetrating all of time and space. Ilna’ahi reflects your higher source of committed strength. It permeates the universe and shines everywhere. It is clearly connected to the Source, which is why ceremony is often invaluable in joining individual intent with group intent, for a whole new vision of possibilities and ideas previously believed impossible. Remember, all things are possible when enough Ilna’ahi is the motivating force. It is the energy of Creation.

Enjoy the experience of wonderful communion.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.