Can “Earth Changes” Be Changed?

Is this really the time of the apocalyptic predictions foretold in so many ancient traditions? The Earth survived the “millennium” transition from December 31, 1999, to January 1, 2000… or did it? In reality, this coming December 31st is the true eve of the new millennium that begins January 1, 2001. As the “true” new Millennium approaches, it brings thoughts of hope as we prepare to embrace a new era as well as lingering fears of what is ahead. Very few among us can deny that we are living in exciting times of change.

The warnings of global economic collapse, predicted long ago, may well occur within the year. The environment is teetering on the edge. Nuclear war still exists as a threat to society as the specter of biological warfare. Violent storms and changes in weather patterns, sun flares, magnetic fluctuations continue to remind us how very alive and dynamic Our Earth is and how much our survival depends upon Her.

Many of us have long awaited this time. Some know that this time in Earth’s history is exactly the reason why we came here. This time of Earth’s Transition is one in which the vibrations of the entire planet are being accelerated to a higher frequency. We will have an opportunity to witness the rebirthing of civilization into a new form of consciousness. But the question on many people’s minds is whether or not these devastating predictions of earth changes can themselves be changed? Can this birth into a new dimension of consciousness be one of grace, ease, joy, expansion, and love? Or are we doomed to experience the cataclysmic predictions of the prophets from Cayce to the Hopi?

Earthquakes, tidal waves, pole shifts, changing magnetic fields, melting ice caps, governmental collapses–the list of predictions is too vast and long to recount, and by now we know it all by heart. The question is: does it need to happen that way? Is it written in stone, or has the Mother given us another way to go through this transition?

Of course, we all have our opinions on the matter because few of us remember the last time a planet went through a rebirthing like this. And even those who may remember are relying on what has happened in the past to foretell the future. A future completely unique unto itself and has no exact precedent. Of all the billions of childbirths the human race has experienced, can we even now with all of our advanced technology predict accurately the when, where, and how of a new child’s entry into the world? How then can we be so bold as to assume that we can accurately predict our Mother’s new birth and the circumstances surrounding it?

Although I do not possess the ability to see into the future, I do feel in my heart, that YES, the intensity, severity, and even complete possibility of the Earth Changes predicted CAN be changed! Some people won’t want to hear that. Many of us have become attached to our concept of the end of modern society, the food stored in the basement, the retreat communities, the survivalist gardens, etc. We have a subconscious “investment” in that scenario, as well as a certain need for completion with the past. “There, the old way is finally over!”

Nothing like a tidal wave and a pole shift to really let us know the New Age is here. I readily include myself in this group as I have had to let go of my attachments to the drama of the spectacular. I’ve substituted my attachment to the “End Days” scenario with the excitement, wonder, and joy found in the miraculous. I can say that I am actually excited to see what our Mother will do because She has shown me that She is capable of virtually anything. Her abilities exceed our own imaginations.

I have been blessed to witness some of the amazing power and miracles of our Mother. I have witnessed the impossible and miraculous so many times that it now seems commonplace. I feel without any doubt in my heart that our Mother CAN move through these changes with grace, joy, and ease. What excites me is that She is giving us the opportunities to help make it happen!

One of the ways She has given us to participate in this transformation is in the area of environmental changes. This began for me back in January of 1997 in working with the tools of a man named Slim Spurling. They had been utilizing these tools based on zero-point technology that has amazing effects on individuals and on the environment. We witnessed many miraculous events with these tools, but what interested me the most was the application to the environment. Through sound and sacred geometry, a device called a “harmonizer” was able to clear the pollution in Denver, Cairo, and Mexico City in test cases.

When I heard about this, we got a group together in our area to see if we could reproduce the results. We found that during the eight-month period of time when we were using the harmonizers, that pollution levels in our area were down to their lowest levels in 42 years! During a trial period of one month, from mid-January to mid-February, 1998 we did not use the harmonizers and watched with amazement as the smog levels rose again to their previous levels!

After working with the harmonizers in various other cities and seeing similar results, I was convinced that our third-dimensional reality could be influenced in ways I’d never conceived of before. In one instance in the Salton Sea, the air pollution was so bad that we couldn’t see the mountains only ten miles across the Sea. We used the harmonizer and within ten minutes we saw the pollution clearing in front of the mountain!

These events really began to shift my ideas about what could happen once we began to work cooperatively with Nature. For years, I’d held a belief in the limitations imposed by the third-dimensional world and thought them to be the truth of our boundaries. With this event, I came to a knowingness based on the experience that ANYTHING is possible when working with the Mother.

This third-dimensional world has no more reality than a dream. And we are learning to be conscious dreamers who can CHANGE THE DREAM we’re dreaming. Isn’t that what all the Masters have said? When the apostles referred to the miracles performed by Jesus, He replied, “These things and more ye shall also do.” When Sai Baba was asked how He performs His many miracles, He stated, “I simply think it and it is.” We have been shown that we, too, are capable of incredible things when we work with the God force within us and with our Mother-Father God.

As we continued our geopathic clearing work, we were shown how to clear whole cities of the noxious stress being absorbed by the Earth. We found some incredible correlations once areas were cleared of this stress. The first thing we noticed was that violent storms seemed to be drawn into these heavy, negative stress zones. On February 26th, 1998, after being pummeled by seven of the worst storms of California’s history, we began to turn on the harmonizers again. (They had been turned off as part of a one-month experiment. For eight months prior to that, the harmonizers were operating and over seven major storms heading our way were dissipated. The weathermen were baffled by this and were calling El Nino, “El No No” because none of the storms they had predicted were occurring in our area.)

Knowing that the harmonizer network took some time to get going again, and with another major storm on its way, a group of five of us decided to see what we could do by clearing the geopathic stress of the cities along the coast. In two days we cleared most of the coastal cities, and the storm that was supposed to hit never materialized. Another storm was on its heels, and it too did not occur. In all, during a one-month period, over seven storms were predicted to hit our coast, but we only received 1/10 of an inch of rain in all. This marked the end of the El Nino storms for our area.

Within a three-month period of time from March to May of 1998, a group of four individuals went to work clearing the geopathic stress of the various cities in the Los Angeles area. In that time, they cleared over fifteen cities of geopathic stress. It so happened that they were also clearing the cities that were closest to the San Andreas Fault. “Coincidentally,” the southern end of that fault runs through the Salton Sea. Sometime in May, with little fanfare, the news reported that there was NO LONGER any threat of a major earthquake in the Los Angeles area because the seismic stresses were reduced!

Crime rates are also reduced dramatically by clearing this geopathic stress. In Denver, the first city where the harmonizers were used, the harmonizers were placed directly on the major geopathic lines running through the city. The harmonizers were able to reverse the negative spin of the geopathic, and as a result, within the first year of the experiment, the crime rate in Denver went down by 36%. The following year it went down by 51%. While this was fantastic, there existed the possibility that this was a coincidence or that it was a result of other factors. However, the crime rates in Los Angeles during the three-month period when the geopathic clearing was done were reported down 30%. In San Diego as well, where the geopathic clearing and the harmonizer network were operational, there was a 28% reduction in crime. The likelihood of coincidence was being ruled out with each additional city.

A year later, major fires broke out south of Mexico City (near Popo) burning over 7 million acres out of control. Slim Spurling suspected that the geopathic were linked to magma activity. Again, a group of five of us got together and did a remote geopathic clearing. As part of the meditation, we linked the volcano in Mexico City to other volcanoes up as far as Alaska and down to Peru. We were told this would help to distribute the build-up of energy that had accumulated in the Mexico City area. Hours after the geopathic clearing session, there were thunderstorms in Mexico City that began to put out the fires.

Some of the most exciting changes we’ve witnessed are with the waters. At this point, we’ve seen water turn color from brownish-red on both Pacific and Gulf coasts to teal green. We’ve seen water go from polluted, dead water to water that is clean and filled with life. We’ve watched the Red Tide in both the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific unexpectedly recede, and in areas that were considered dead before, marine life now flourishes.

An interesting phenomenon is the occurrence of whales and dolphins in areas where work is being done with the harmonizers. In three different locations Seattle, Los Angeles, and Cape Cod, whales and dolphins appeared in the bay and harbors where they had never been sited before. They appeared to be attracted to the energy of the harmonizers and the clearing frequencies being broadcasted. In one instance off the coast of British Columbia, while on a whale-watching trip, all 97 Orcas whales that live in the area surrounded our boat. They had reversed their Northerly direction up the coast to come down to where we were, and according to the boat, the captain was moving at a record speed to meet us.

All three resident pods of Orcas encircled our little boat when one of the whales came directly towards us and went underneath our boat. According to the person in our boat who possessed the ability to communicate with the whales, this whale was the leader of the pod and was taking the frequencies of the harmonizer and tapes, which we had with us, back to the rest of the pod to broadcast throughout the waters they patrol. If the whales are able to take these frequencies and broadcast them throughout the oceans, the implications of this are vast. It means the potential for complete healing of our oceans.

These are just some of the events we experience on a daily basis. The result of it is that I no longer believe that anything is impossible. The Mother can do anything. And She can do it in an instant. As the Course in Miracles teaches, “There is no order of magnitude in miracles.” The hole in the ozone can easily be repaired. Lightening is known to repair ozone. Cannot the Earth create a lightning storm where the ozone needs repairing? Clearing geopathic stresses can greatly reduce earthquake stresses, fires, heat waves, crime, storms, and who knows how much more?

The one unifying thread that I’ve found in all of the experiences is the RESTORATION OF BALANCE. It seems that as negative energies build up within the Earth, that the Mother uses many agents of transformation to discharge these stored negative energies (fires, floods, earthquakes, volcanic activity, storms) to restore balance and HEALTH to Her living systems. We have been shown a way to release and transmute this negative energy build up thereby averting the need for Earth to resort to violent correcting measures to restore balance.

We are living in a world of exciting possibilities. Zero-point technologies are hovering on the verge of making their way to the marketplace once financial and governmental resistance to their existence is removed. I personally witnessed someone drive halfway across the country in a car fueled only by water. The established structures that prevent such technologies from being openly used are the same structures that lose their strength as the magnetic fields begin to move towards zero. As these same magnetic fields weaken, we move closer into that zone where thought more instantly manifests into reality. What do we want to dream?

Please insert Christan Hummel’s bio and picture from the July article on devas and insert a link back to that article since it supports this one.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.