Cherry Quartz Properties, Spiritual Meaning & Healing Powers

Cherry Quartz is man made  variety of quartz that has a rosy shade when it’s polished. It’s available in many shades, depending on the level of iron inclusions and trace elements present. It’s not the most valuable stone as far as pricing goes, but it ranks high in cut quality and durability. Most designs are only symmetrical on one axis, due to their poor cleavage properties.

Cherry Quartz is a type of quartz that is often used in jewelry. It has traces of iron and potassium, giving it a red color. Most importantly, it ranges from pastel colors to a bright red-orange hue. Well, this mineral can also boost your energy levels and improve your mood while releasing stress.

Cherry Quartz is also known as red quartz and has several symbolic associations. To many, it is a stone of love. This aspect of the crystal can manifest as an increase in intimacy or romantic feelings. It also has associations with lust and libido, which may help people to explore their sexuality or unfulfilled desires more.

The red nature of the crystal may also be associated with desire in general and will offer protection against anger, emotional pain, and violent outbursts such as road rage or others that are situationally induced. The stone may also arouse passion in general and be of benefit to people who are experiencing emotional difficulty or depression.

This is not to say that the crystal will cure the condition, but that it provides a tangible link to the emotions, making them easier to understand. It may also clear issues associated with blood and blood flow, which can manifest as bruises or other problems in this area of the body.

What is Cherry Quartz Most Often Associated With Spiritually?

Cherry Quartz is associated with love and sex for men as well as women and will promote a more fulfilling love life for both genders, particularly where there is an already intimacy between partners. It can also stimulate creativity (especially where there has been neglect) but it will not provide the motivation – that often comes from within.

The stones are said to have healing powers when mixed. It is best to know what each stone means to avoid confusion.

It is also believed to attract business opportunities into your life as well. The Cherry Quartz has also been linked to health benefits including increased circulation, improved breathing capacity which will assist in the recovery of injuries and diseases, and protection from illness and toxins.

What Do Different Cherry Quartz Colors Symbolize?

A lot of people don’t know exactly what the Cherry Quartz symbolizes, but it can be helpful to know these meanings so people can get a general idea.

The red color symbolizes vitality, war, and victory. It creates aggressive energy that is intense and passionate. The color is said to give confidence, promote feelings of self-worth, and increase the thirst for action in the situation.

The orange hue denotes peace, health, and growth in addition to protection from strife or turmoil that may come someone’s way. It promotes healthy relationships with others in addition to a sense of belonging.

The pink color represents positive energy and cleansing. It is said to remove negative energy from the environment. It is also helpful for healing the mind, body, and spirit.

The white symbolizes purity, truth, and unconditional love. It promotes serenity and harmony that is needed for a relationship to work properly.

What Is Cherry Quartz Used For?

Cherry quartz is a very popular bracelet or pendant stone. It can be given as a gift and is widely thought to bring peace, love, and harmony.

Cherry quartz’s inclusion in a piece of jewelry makes it an ideal choice for anyone who likes crystals. Though the negative energy bonding between people can make it difficult to use, the positive energy that results from wearing a cherry quartz item can prevent any negative energy from entering your aura. This gives you the ability to both increase your positivity and that of those around you.

Spiritual Meaning of Cherry Quartz

It is also a highly desirable stone with many spiritual properties. For those who believe in angels and other spirit guides, all crystals have its natural origin in the earth and has been cleansed by light will work as an attractive conduit for their energy. This makes it perfect for helping to support your spiritual growth, whether you are seeking enlightenment or just wish to be more conscious of your environment.

It can often be used for achieving peace and understanding. In some cultures, it is also believed to represent new beginnings and hope.

Cherries are often considered a sign of happiness and luck, which is why it’s no surprise that cherry quartz can be seen as possessing the same properties. This type of crystal is frequently used for achieving peace and understanding, which in turn leads to new beginnings or hope in many cultures around the world. It is also believed to be a good stone for meditation.

Cherry quartz is one of the best stones for attracting love in many crystal enthusiasts’ opinion. Love and affection are qualities that this crystal can bring into your life, although it needs to be said that the amount of love attracted doesn’t mean it will necessarily last. If you’re looking for a long-lasting relationship with someone, pink quartz might be more useful than cherry quartz.

How to Use Cherry Quartz for Healing?

Cherry quartz may also be used in healing situations, especially those involving pain or inflammation, as it can help lessen both of these conditions. It is helpful for people with chronic back pain, kidney stones, and healing of an ankle fracture. It is also effective in treating digestive disorders, such as ulcers. This stone may also be used to treat muscle spasms and tendinitis.

If you are training to improve your concentration and focus or to increase your intelligence, cherry quartz can help you reach these objectives. It can also assist those who are studying ancient texts or languages.

Cherry quartz doesn’t need any direct light to emit energy of a higher vibration. It is better not be kept in the same room as other crystals as it may generate bad vibes or block some of the good energy from reaching you.

Cherry Quartz & Its Metaphysical Use

Cherry quartz is also an ideal stone for metaphysical use. The memory retention properties made possible by its high silicon dioxide content make it easy to develop psychic abilities in those who wish to learn them. With time and practice, you can become accustomed to using your psychic senses instead of relying on your five human senses alone.

Here are some of the most powerful ways to use cherry quartz:

  • To cleanse yourself of negativity. This mineral is a great reminder of the light within us and can be used as a tool for self-love and acceptance.
  • The pointy edges on this stone are thought to attract clarity, insight, and wisdom. A sharpening stone in many cultures, it also helps manifest your desires through creative visualization.
  • Cherry quartz can be used to break up negative patterns and help you maintain an optimistic outlook on life.

Different Ways You Can Use Cherry Quartz at Home

This beautiful stone has a  gentle effect that is both calming and uplifting. It is also a stone of relationships so it can help strengthen emotional bonds with friends, family and romantic partners. It’s often used in self-reflection practices to help as one becomes more aware of their own nature and spiritual path.

Cherry quartz is used to cleanse the aura, chakras, or for spiritual healing work in general.  Some of the most common uses include-

  • To cleanse your environment. One of the best ways to use this stone is to place it in areas where you are having difficulty. The pointy edges are thought to help draw out negativity and allow for new beginnings.
  • To increase psychic awareness. This stone is a great tool for connecting with other beings who can help you answer questions that may be keeping you stuck or confused. I’ve seen this crystal used by shaman’s who work in healing ceremonies to connect with spirits, angels, and guides (as well as those who have taken on the role of a guide themselves), helping them cross over into another dimension or realm when they need clarity or guidance. It can also be used to increase the psychic awareness of those around you.
  • To rid yourself of fear. A stone that is often used in grids as a cold or cleansing stone, it can help you shed any fears or negative emotions that may be making you feel stuck and unsure of your next move.
  • To enhance creativity. This stone has long been used for writing and art – especially music, creating poetry, etc. It is thought to aid in the process of getting creative ideas flowing – some say it makes one alert to sounds around them that inspire inspiration, while others say it helps one capture these ideas and manifest them into their lives.

Who is Cherry Quartz Best Suited For?

Cherry quartz is great for those who are anxious and easily agitated by other people or things. It has a bubbling effect on your aura, which helps you calm down and focus on what is truly important. You will often hear that cherry quartz is good for those who are schizophrenic since it can help people focus on one point and not wander off into the past or future while allowing them to still have dreams.

Since it has an uplifting and cleansing effect on the psyche, you will find that this is one of the few crystals that you will need to include in a meditation practice. It is also a great alternative to rose quartz for those who want a similar crystal, but one that is a bit more powerful.

It can also help those who have suffered from anxiety attacks or panic attacks since it is known to help bring your breathing back to normal after an incident.

How Is Cherry Quartz Purified?

Many people would already know that they need to cleanse their quartz crystals regularly so they don’t become energetically charged with negative feelings or energy. This is true of any crystal. However, it’s important to note that not all of them are made equal.

Quartz crystals vary greatly in how easy they are to cleanse, and in their ability to store or hold energies. For example, some quartz may have flaws that can act as a portal for unwanted frequencies and as a result it can become contaminated quickly.

So how do you cleanse them and how often should you cleanse your quartz? I’m going to show you a technique that has been passed down through generations of healers, and that I personally have used for over ten years. It is a fairly simple technique that can be done in an easy-to-remember step-by-step process. A good thing about it is that it’s entirely up to you how long or often you want to do it.

Firstly, make sure your crystal is clean and free from all residue. If you’re using a quartz crystal from a well known company, like Hemi-Sync, you can do this by placing it under the shower running for 5 minutes. When the water runs clear, that’s when to take it out of the water and start working on its cleansing process.

This is a very simple technique and can easily be performed anywhere: at home, at work, or even while travelling. All that’s required is a quiet moment of concentration. So what are you waiting for? Follow the steps below for cleansing your quartz crystal!

  1. STEP ONE: Before anything else, prepare yourself by grounding and centering yourself. Grounding yourself will help you avoid taking on too much negative energy from your surroundings. To ground yourself, you can imagine the energy inside your body being drawn down through your feet, into the planet itself. This can be done by visualising a bright white light entering your body through your feet. Holding onto this light will keep any outside energies from getting inside you. Centering yourself is simply about concentrating on where you are right now, and putting aside everything distracting and that isn’t really important. It’s about putting all of your attention on the present moment. You can do this by taking a few deep breaths, and then imagining a white light filling up your chest area as you inhale. Then exhale, and simultaneously imagine that light being drawn back up to the heavens.
  2. STEP TWO: Think of a bright white light surrounding the quartz crystal. As you do this, imagine that the white light is also wrapping itself around your hands as they hold the crystal. This will help you to focus your intention better, and create a stronger connection with it.
  3. STEP THREE: Imagine that there’s an invisible spiral of air around you, and within it is swirling in all directions. If you were to look at it from above, it would look like the symbol for infinity. Look at the center of the spiral symbol for a few seconds. See if you can find a point where it starts moving clockwise and quickly spins outwards. That’s your starting point. You can also see it from this point if you imagine the center as a tiny, white dot, and the spiral moving ever so slowly outwards from this circle. If you follow this pattern of cross-hatching outwards, then you should be able to see how it forms a complete circle in each direction (like in a clock). Note: You could do this visualisation while holding your quartz crystal in your hands. The point you’re looking for is the first of the lines going around in a clockwise direction.
  4. STEP FOUR: Once you imagine seeing this happening in front of you, your next step is to follow this instruction carefully: Feel the spiral move upwards and then downwards. As it moves downwards, feel as if it’s getting bigger and expanding outwards from you. Then as it moves upwards, feel as if it’s getting smaller and contracting back into your body. Do this in conjunction with your breathing – inhale when the spiral starts moving upwards, exhale when it starts moving downwards. Do this three times, or until you feel like there are no energies left inside your crystal (if there are any).

This technique can also be used for cleansing other types of crystals such as amethyst, obsidian, lapis lazuli and more. For example: if you’re using an amethyst crystal then all you have to do is perform the cleaning process described above, but instead of focusing on a spiral shape around it, imagine it as a circle with four ‘points’.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.