Choosing a Path with Heart

The struggle that we face is often the struggle between the heart and the mind. The mind seeks control because we have been taught that the heart is not to be trusted. How many times have you heard someone say that they would follow their heart if only they could trust that it would not lead them into hardship?

When you choose to follow your heart creation of a new life begins immediately. Parts of your old life must dissolve away to make room for the new. The usual course at this point is to abandon the quest while trying to salvage the old ways or to plod on, weighed down with increasing fears for the future. Fear attracts its own destiny and so these heartpath pioneers often attract the very things they are trying to avoid.

You need to be cognisant that your inner calling must dismantle parts of your life that are not serving you, while it rebuilds your life according to your highest choices. When aspects of your life begin to dissolve you must be quick to catch yourself before you sink into the anxiety trap. The best approach is to give thanks to the powers that are rebuilding your life.

Know that anything taken away will be replaced by something even better. Give thanks and you will find that instead of anxiety you will experience the tingling of positive expectation. Have faith and provide the patience required for your highest choices to manifest.

The mind and the world that it perceives, being purely relational, has no existence in and of itself. The realm of existence is the Absolute, which is what the heart perceives. The mind is meant to serve the truth. Truth is that which exists and that which exists is what the heart perceives. Therefore the mind is meant to serve the perceptions of the heart.

Much of the mistrust of the heart by the mind arises as a result of the empirical approaches of science. Scientific principles are relational because the physical world is relational. Science would have us believe that physical reality is all that is, which is to say, that all is relational.

Scientists parade equations derived from physical reality as if these convey the whole truth. These expressions however, describe the world of measurement, which is in practice relational. Many of us have trouble imagining a world comprised of relationships with nothing being related to. Being implies an existence beyond relation which is what we mean by Absolute.

Scientific measuring devices are themselves comprised of energy. Transformations of energy affect our equipment as well as the energy being registered. Our equipment thus can only register differences in energy, which is Relative, and not total energy, which is Absolute.

We can easily show that even the most revered equations describing physical reality are in practice incomplete descriptions of a more fundamental reality. When we supply the missing information we transform a relational expression into one that conveys the same information in Absolute terms. In this way we show that physical reality emerges from a deeper realm.

You may be shocked to discover that Science cannot tell us how long ago something happened compared to the present moment. The present moment is an Absolute that can only be known locally by sentient beings who consult awareness of their own existence to know what the current time is.

There is no room for the present moment in Science because scientific thinking is Relational and both consciousness and the present moment it perceives are Absolute. Science views spacetime as a four dimensional block without differentiation between past, present and future.

Without having access to the privileged knowledge of the present moment Science can only compare the difference in times between one moment in the past and another moment in the past. This is a Relational view of time.

Science, for example, cannot tell us how long ago the World Trade Center fell, but it can tell us that it fell 11 days, 9 months and 2001 years after the year in which the historical figure Jesus Christ died. The reason that Science cannot tell us how long ago the World Trade center fell is because clocks cannot know what the present moment is. A clock tells all times. If a clock prints out the hours on a ribbon then that clock will print all the hours until the ribbon runs out.

A clock or a computer can tell the difference in time between one point on the ribbon and another point on the ribbon but only a sentient being can know which particular hour corresponds to the present moment, locally. No machine or measuring instrument, other than a conscious being, can ever differentiate the present moment from any other moment. To know an Absolute, such as the present moment, we must add information drawn from a deeper realm such as from our awareness of our own existence.

Perceptions of the heart are drawn from existence and existence is Absolute. The Absolute can be arbitrarily subdivided into parts, which can then relate to each other. The mind and its perceptions are drawn from the relationships between these parts. Heart and mind are different perceptions of the same reality. The relationships between parts are necessarily less than the whole and so the mind is necessarily limited. The mind thus perceives a reality that is merely physical, and which is relative and incomplete.

The heart perceives the world in its totality, as the sum of all the parts, including the relationships between the parts and so perceives a reality that is Absolute and eternal. The heart encompasses the mind but is more than the mind, just as the Absolute encompasses the physical but is more than the physical. When we put our minds in charge of our being we place the created in charge of the creator, we put the lesser before the greater, and we listen to the limited while spurning the omniscient.

For example, being aware of our own existence allows us to empathize with other sentient beings and recognize their awareness of their own existence. This allows us to know in an absolute way that to cause our fellow beings suffering or to sacrifice their lives is wrong.

Such Absolute knowledge is precluded from Science because Science is limited to what can be measured and measurements are inherently Relational. Scientists thus routinely condone such practices in their research. Only when absolute knowledge is drawn from the realm of existence through our heart center can we obtain a more complete and balanced perspective.

To become truly happy you transform at the level of being. Heart is the only intelligence capable of operating at the level of being. The heart shifts the relationships that comprise physical reality and thus also shifts the mind. The mind is meant to operate at the urgings of the heart within the realm of the relationships chosen by the heart. The mind on its own has very limited power because it can only operate within the set of relationships already selected. The heart operating in concert with the mind creates new physical realities and then navigates the relationships within these.

Upon learning that European Settlers used their minds to come to decisions a Native American Elder responded, “No wonder the white man is so foolish. We make decisions from the heart because the heart is the source of wisdom.”


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.