Compassion and Patience

Compassion. n. The deep feeling of sharing the suffering of another in the inclination to give aid or support, or to show mercy. [Late Latin compassus, to sympathize with.]

In these passage to freedom, compassion follows forgiveness. Without forgiveness, you cannot begin to experience compassion. It naturally develops once you are able to forgive. Compassion is a more evolved, higher frequency state than the lower frequency states of pity, sympathy and empathy.

Pity is the sorrow or grief aroused by another’s misfortune; sympathy is a relationship or affinity in which whatever affects one similarly affects the other; empathy is an identification with and understanding of another’s situation, feeling, and motives.

The only way the low frequency states of sorrow or grief can be experienced is to perceive loss or judge the experience as inappropriate, wrong or bad. Emotion is aroused by the experience of another being – a person or animal. “I really feel for you.” One is emotionally involved in the experience of the other, wishing it otherwise, and is dominated or even overwhelmed these emotions until they pass.

Compassion, however, is an evolution of pity, sympathy and empathy. It is therefore a higher frequency state. Memories of one’s own past suffering emerge, and from them, one can relate to the perceived state, and cares, but does so without judgment, and hence, remains apart from a personal experience of another’s suffering. Detached from the suffering, painful emotions are not aroused. The compassionate state evokes caring and often the desire to give in some way, if nothing other than genuine caring and concern.

Joseph Campbell says: “The purpose of the journey is compassion. When you have come past all the pairs of opposites you have reached compassion.” Yes, indeed, compassion is possible only once you perceive beyond polarity. When you no longer view life through polarized perception, you don’t judge anything as wrong, bad or evil that should be punished or eradicated.

Campbell goes on to say, “The main task – though this can be really formidable – is to see that neither animosity nor prejudice stunts its natural growth.” Yes. You see injustice, assault and attack as natural consequences of polarity, and you can feel compassion for the pained state of “perpetrator” or terrorist, as much as for the victim… This is the high frequency state to which spiritual masters and great teachers arise. It is not that they don’t care. But rather that they see all experience as natural and relevant within the larger flow of life within the governance of polarity.


Patience. n. The capacity of calm endurance. [Latin: patiens, to suffer.]

Those who are patient are ultimately wise. They take their time and hold resolute forbearance until the advantageous moment arrives. Why? If it is to be, it will. When it will be, it will be… Nor do they tarry. With clear intent, the wise carefully consider how to achieve their intention, follow through as intended and maintain integrity in all relationships, then let the Law of Attraction do the rest.

Our lives develop in accordance with intent, action and the Laws of Polarity and Attraction. The question is whether progress is governed by polarity’s often disruptive extremes; or through wise and intended partnering with the Law of Attraction. Each Law presents consequences. The question is which persuasion do you want?

Impatience fairly assures errors, omissions and delays. “I never failed. It was a 2000-step process,” Thomas Edison explained about inventing the light bulb. How would Edison have progressed if he had been impatient? Someone else may have invented the light bulb.

Patience attains what it intends. With a solid foundation, blueprint and multi-dimensional, cooperative output, there is no reason to hurry or force. Knowing this provides all the support ever needed.

Customarily, wisdom has been gained through much trial and error, and then finally enjoyed in the twilight years. But now, as Quantum Physics supports ancient metaphysical teachings, we can develop wisdom early on. We no longer need stumble through the best years of our lives, then once we’ve finally acquired patience and wisdom, be too weary to create greatness. This is one of the most exciting benefits of this time. Yet, knowing it is merely the first step. Applying it is the next, and takes the vision and determination of a great soul. Are you one???


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.