Crystals and Healing

Crystals have been used in various manners to effect healing for centuries. Ancient Mid-Eastern cultures would grind up a crystal or stone of a particular color (combining color and crystal healings) mix with food, water or wine, and ingest the healing energy. Other cultures would place crystals on affected areas, drawing the illness into the stone, to be cleansed or disposed of later. It is this method that we will look at today.

Use a crystal generally accepted to work well on the illness or area you wish to work healing on, or, if this is to be a general healing use an amethyst or clear quartz crystal. If the recipient has problems grounding during treatments, use a hematite as well. This crystal should be thoroughly cleansed and if you like, charged with healing energies. This can be done by placing the stone into a solution of one part sea salt to three-five parts spring water (bottled water works as well) and visualize the healing energies filling the stone.

When this is done, the crystal is ready to be used. If you are doing the healing on another, have them lie down and get comfortable. Have them explain the illness, and point out the general locality. Place your power hand (the one you write with/use the most) over the crystal and give it a short burst of healing energy. Ask the crystal spirit to draw the illness out of the body and into itself. Let the recipient relax as the crystal works – about fifteen minutes or so. This is not a guaranteed cure – and it may need to be repeated several times over several days.

If there is a problem with direct contact between crystal and effected area (perhaps the recipient is uncomfortable or the crystal begins to warm etc.) or if this is to be a general healing, place the crystal directly over the Heart Chakra. Repeat the directions given above to open the crystal for healing, however, instead of asking it to draw the illness out, ask it to release it’s energies through out the recipient’s aura. To help facilitate this, run your hands through the aura, above the crystal. Begin a circular motion, always moving clockwise, and in larger and larger circles. Once you have covered the entire body, sweep the aura from crown to foot.

A few deep breaths, perhaps a drink of water for both you and the recipient, and you are done. Place the crystal in a fresh solution of sea salt/water, or bury it in sea salt to cleanse it. I always suggest that the crystal be left like this until the next Full Moon, when it should be placed in the moonlight to recharge itself. On the other hand, some healers will ground the energy from the crystal by burying it outside in the ground. This to me would be fine with smaller stones and crystals, but once you have found a crystal that really works for you, and you have bonded, you don’t really want to give it up!

The following is a very brief listing of some crystals and semi-precious stones that are used for healing, as well as the area/illness that each works best with.

AGATE: This variety of chalcedony can be found in many colors, which can be used to work with the chakra centers. It is a powerful healer, both energetic yet grounging in it’s qualities. It helps tone physically and mentally.

AMETHYST: A type of quartz crystal, amethyst is excellent for working with the crown chakra, and physically, with endocrine, glandular, and immune systems.

FLOURITE: Flourite is a powerful crystal used when working on the digestive system, as it helps with absorbing essential nutrients, and is beneficial with blood vessels. Another that will ground excess energy.

HEMATITE: A great stone when working with blood disorders, hematite helps strengthen the blood vessels, activates the spleen, and oxygenates the blood. Hematite has grounding qualities.

MOONSTONE: The moonstone is the crystal to use when working on any feminine disorders, such as PMS, and other menstrual related problems. It has been used since medieval times to aid women suring childbirth. This stone is also wonderful for unblocking the lymphatic system, pituitary gland, pancreas and stomach. Emotional balance.

QUARTZ CRYSTAL (Clear): The clear quartz crystal is the multi-purpose healing stone. It can be substituted for every other stone, and works with every chakra center.

ROSE QUARTZ: Rose quartz is an important emotional balancer. Many people believe that emotional blocks, with-held anger, hurt, resentment, guilt, and jealousy trigger illnesses. As well, rose quartz is a well known fertility enhancing crystal.

TOURMALINE : All colors are excellent partners in healing the endocrine system, and it helps to clear negativity. Many of the colors, as listed below, work with the chakra centers.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.