Decisions, Decisions

Each moment brings us face to face with possibilities – choices, various roads we can take. Yet most of the time we have such trouble specifying a path for ourselves. Why are decisions so difficult to make?

By examining the causes of our indecisions, we are gifted with awareness. Through awareness, we achieve liberation, as we come to a place where all roads are open and perfect. We realise and accept the greatest gift of all – Free Will.

Fearing the Future

One of the main reasons for our indecisiveness is our fear of future instability – or more aptly, fear of future insecurity.

Every decision we make leads to a path. All paths are uncertain because they concern the future – and are therefore unpredictable. All uncertain and unpredictable paths are unstable. Why does being unstable cause us fear?

This is because we tell ourselves that external things, such as friends, family, lovers, situations, career and money, can make us happy. All these factors represent a pool of power that we draw from to give us happiness. Power is synonymous with love. We endeavour to seek this power, this love, externally because we do not believe we can source it from ourselves – we do not love ourselves.

As we draw power (love) from these externalities, we perpetuate our state of instability through our dependence upon them. This is because as those externalities fluctuate and change, we become disorientated and ultimately lose our power source – we become unhappy.

And this is where this philosophy of fearing uncertainty (the future) emanates from. The future is uncertain and therefore unable to offer us definite security. When we realise that our happiness is reliant upon something that is inherently unstable, we realise that drawing power externally does not serve us. As we begin to draw from within, we create the very essence of security. The more we draw security (power/love) from within, the more this security becomes something that is harmless to external influence.

This enables us to have a completely different perspective and experience of our reality. Instead of allowing external people, experiences and situations to control our choices, we allow ourselves to make the decisions. It is when we allow externalities to make our decisions that cause us such pain. This is because we know our true decisions are not being met. Would you like it if your parents made all your decisions for you? Of course not! You want to make your own decisions. Then treat all externalities in the same manner!

As we learn to believe in ourselves more and more, we open ourselves up more and more to a world of infinite possibilities.

Distrust of Ourselves

Another factor for our indecisions is that we simply do not believe in ourselves. We do not believe that we are capable of making a sound decision that will lead to a positive result. Whenever we are undecided about something, we are basically saying to ourselves “I am uncertain whether this decision I make is right. Therefore I am uncertain of my own ability to make right decisions”. This is a direct reflection of how we feel internally about ourselves. If we were confident and secure about ourselves, we would not be concerned about making “wrong” decisions.

Our internal fears always emerge to inform us that we are simply incapable of making a decision that could lead to a positive experience. We doubt.

So let us ask, what is doubt? If we look at our language definition of doubt we see the words distrust, disbelief and uncertainty prop up. And this is what doubt is – it is a distrust of ourselves. Our internal and external conditioning informs us that we have no right to believe in ourselves. We dictate to ourselves that we are simply incapable of making a correct choice. When we have little belief of our own power to make correct choices then this will be reflected in our outer world. We will literally approach people, situations and experiences with this negative belief (insecurity) of not having an effective power.

Doubt over Our Ability to Handle Tough Experiences

Another aspect of our distrust is our belief that we are incapable of facing certain situations. When we fear making wrong decisions, we basically fear a possible negative future event and how we may be placed in it. Ultimately, we also fear our ability to handle that possible negative situation.

If we were truly confident, secure and empowered in ourselves we would not fear any situation or experience because we would know we could handle it and not be negatively affected by it. Therefore, all roads would be open.

This point ties in with another crucial factor of where we are still seeing the world in terms of good and bad, right and wrong, black and white. This is polarity consciousness. This is the paradox of our distrust. On one hand, we do not trust our ability to make “right” decisions. On the other hand, we harbour a belief in right and wrong in the first place! However, it is important that we approach both points separately because both individually offer us respective growth as we overcome them. As we evolve our awareness to see as a compassionate being, we see the truth, beauty and splendour in all things.

All situations have an opportunity of growth as all situations serve us. To fear situations and experiences only empowers potent messages to our subconscious mind that we are weak because we are unable to handle certain situations. It is imperative for our own happiness that we do not simply label an experience as negative since this will tie us to it. When we see the Light in all situations, we move on and become happier, wiser and stronger – we grow. It is therefore crucial that we change the way we perceive all our experiences. We must endeavour to see the purpose in all things.

It is also essential that we believe in our own ability to handle any situation. There is not one situation that we cannot handle. It is only our disbelief in ourselves that causes us to shrink from pain and suffering, thus making that pain and suffering affect us more! If we really fear our ability to handle negative situations, we will literally force ourselves to live under a rock for the rest of our lives. Yet this still does not hide us from negative situations! A fearful ostrich that hides its head under the sand, still has its entire body open to attack! You simply cannot run from your fear – and this is not something to fear either! It is a part of you that you have yet to heal, embrace and transmute into a positive trait.

Where a choice leads to a so-called mistake, it has highlighted a part of you that needs healing anyway. Whether you experience that ‘mistake’ now or later is irrelevant, it is a part of you that must be addressed and healed if you are truly to be fully empowered. By aligning with your heart and raising your awareness, you can heal your ‘mistakes’ (insecurities) before you experience them.

So by moving beyond the polarised view of black and white, we see purpose to all situations and experiences. We also see the power within ourselves to transmute any situation into Light, enabling all experiences to help us grow. Thus we do not fear any road or path

As we learn to be more confident and ultimately realise that there is nothing to fear, we realise that the world is in fact an exciting place of infinite opportunity with unlimited doors to open and explore.

Negation of Our Own Intuition

Another cause for our indecisions is our incessant negation of our own intuition.

We are constantly told throughout our childhood, adolescence and even adulthood that we must look outside for confirmation of our decisions. Schools, parents, institutions tell us whenever we make a decision to first question it. “Are you sure? What did your boss say? Why have you taken this subject, what are your friends taking? You’re too young, I know better”. In reality there is no ‘better’. There is no right decision. Both are equally valid because both are the choice of the individual. Of course, children require guidance in life, yet to truly learn and be happy they must trust their own decision-making ability. Free will is the ultimate gift, why let another take it away from you?

Remember, if we are constantly seeking validation from others and seeking others to make our decisions for us then we are not truly living. A common example of this is with psychics, psychiatrists and counsellors. For example, psychics are wonderful beings who can offer us insight into the various roads that are open to us. However, we must endeavour not to rely on them to make our choices for us. The same is true for counsellors and psychiatrists. If we are persistently seeing (depending upon) another to choose a path for us or to confirm our decisions, then we are sending a clear message to ourselves that we need others to validate us. We are basically saying that others are more capable of making right decisions in our own lives! This creates an internal theory that we are imperfect in some way as well being weak and needy. These negative beliefs (insecurities) will then be reflected and manifested in all parts of our life.

We already have the answers to all our decisions within. Let us take a very simple example to establish our intuition. Let us say Robert is a gifted and passionate musician who is desperate for a break in the industry. He is offered a two week contract to make a CD that could sell millions or to go on holiday with his friends. What is he going to choose?

Robert will immediately feel compelled to the path that satiates his passion and desire. Sounds too simple, but the real decisions we make are the ones we don’t even think about – because we resonate with the response. We intuit. We know.

Making General Decisions

Making decisions can often be time-wasting events as we fret over the possible road to take. Will this road lead me to the Emerald City or it will it take me to the Wicked Witch of the West? Both are perfect! If you ‘suffer’, you have learned something and are stronger, wiser and ultimately happier. If not, then you have still reached your goal. Dorothy found her way, despite randomly picking paths and getting into trouble. The yellow brick road is your golden path to your dreams, it is already paved! It already has many directions, but they all weave in and out to lead to your Emerald City..

And this is the way to view all decisions. Not simply as one path that serves you and another that does not but to view all paths that serve you! Remember, by viewing everything as pure and perfect, you bring about that perfection into your life.

Let us take an example and look at Angelina. Now Angelina tells herself that she has huge problems making decisions. Every time, she is faced with a decision, she is immediately faced with myriad alternate directions and paths that could possibly lead to a multitude of other directions! However, it is only Angelina that is confusing the situation here! There are a multitude of paths open to you. Always. However, you are not always confused about the direction you choose. Why not? This is because you do not always harbour doubt when making your decision about your path. Angelina feels confused every time she has to make an important decision which affects her life experience. She doesn’t want to make the ‘wrong’ choice.

There are a few lessons here for Angelina to counteract her perpetual indecision. First, she must refrain from distrusting herself for making a ‘right’ decision. Secondly, she must endeavour to realise that there simply is no right or wrong decision! Thirdly, Angelina may realise that she is harbouring doubt over her ability to handle tough situations. Fourthly is Angelina’s obvious attachment to externalities. The last one is crucial because it defines Angelina’s perceptions, fears and insecurities – where reliance upon externalities creates dependency and false comfort. She relies upon her external power sources for her security. When she is faced with decisions about a future direction (which all decisions are), these power sources become threatened. And this is what causes Angelina fear and her inevitable indecision.

Angelina’s dilemma has never been external; it has always been an internal conflict of belief in herself versus a dis-belief in herself. As you can see there are many factors involved yet by becoming aware of why we do things, we transmute the ignorance within us into wisdom. Awareness is our salvation and our key to ultimate freedom.

When you truly believe in your own power, you will take so-called risks and so-called chances. We have conditioned ourselves for so long to believe that it is too dangerous to plunge ourselves into a pit of variable chance. We’ve convinced ourselves that it will lead to a negative experience.

So as Angelina learns to empower herself as a Divine being, she sees that she is instead faced with rays of sunshine that all lead to her goal. Angelina realises that each path is blessed, each road vibrantly awaiting her feet to walk upon.

Remember, you are constantly creating! This means that whatever path you choose will not necessarily be the one that you faced when you made your original decision, since other paths will always be merging towards your present intention.

So in this respect, there are no alternate paths once you’ve made your decision! We tell ourselves, “What if I chose this path instead of that?” However, we are assuming here that our one decision would lead to a definitive result. This is impossible because of the multitude of other decisions we are continually making each and every moment! If your intention is pure within yourself that you intend to follow your heart’s desire and ultimately serve yourself, then you attract the benefits from other paths ‘that you may have missed’.

We must endeavour to realise that every decision we make, every path we take, is our own sacred choice. As we live our lives with our positive intentions, then all positive benefits will be attracted to our reality anyway! This truth leaves us with the wisdom of knowing that every decision we make is perfect! By harbouring positive intentions, we magnetise and manifest positive experiences into our lives. By embracing the wisdom of perfection in our decisions, we simultaneously brighten, clarify and attract the positive benefits from all other paths to merge with our own.

Making Decisions Concerning Our Security

To overcome our fear of change, fear of a possible negative future event, we need to target the cause. The cause is a present fear: not knowing from where we are going to draw our power (love). If we make a decision and it leads to an event where we could possibly have nowhere from which to draw power, then this will cause us pain. This is ultimately what we fear. Our indecisions in life often result from a fear of losing our power sources, as we attach externally to ensure our happiness.

What is the lesson here? The lesson is to draw power from within! This ensures your security. The power (love) within you is far greater than anything you could possibly draw from the outside world. It is infinite!

Let’s think about the psychology of this. If we depend upon an externality (such as our partner) for our security/love/power, then we open ourselves to be harmed when that externality changes. When we are fearful of change, we close the doors of possibility because we are latched onto what we presently have. If, on the other hand, we harbour the power within, then we are unmoved by external events. We are fearless of changes to the outside when we know we are secure and happy within. When we are fearless, we are open to more possibilities.

Fear of risk is one of the main instigators of our indecisions. It rides alongside with the fear of change. It is our own fear of displacing our source of security (power/love).

Let us take an example and look at Leanne. Now Leanne is currently in her present job, which she despises! She goes to work, sits at her desk and feels like she would rather be any place else. The work does not challenge her mentally and she feels that if she ever did anything creative in her work it would be cause for a celebration.

Leanne has ideas popping around in her head. She wants to move into a field that is more conducive to her talents, and more importantly, her desires. She dreams for a career in the media. However, she tells herself that to change her current career and pursue such a notion is in fact a dream. Decisions! What does she do? Does she quit her present job and pursue a dream? Or does she remain in her present job, take the 4 percent pay raise this year and maintain her security?

“I can’t quit, I have rent to pay! I have bills to pay!”
“I hate my job. My computer is my best friend!”
“My life is so complicated!”

We can see immediately that Leanne has got herself into a condition. She has created so many negative statements that she has lost herself within her own drama. And this is what it is – a drama that she has created. Therefore it is her own creation to change if she desires.

So, we meet with Leanne and we ask her to relax. As she takes a moment and lifts her consciousness out of the situation, Leanne finds herself outside of her drama – her movie. She looks down upon her life and slowly begins to see that she is not in such a predicament. Her life isn’t the most complicated thing in the world!

Now, Leanne can see that she has two possible paths (and possibly more)! She is going to examine the two paths to clarify her thoughts. One path allows her to stay within her present job and the other allows her to leave. Neither choice is damned; neither choice is wrong. This is the ultimate realisation. Both are blessed, sacred and perfect because they are her choice. Each is an expression of the Divine.

From this higher perspective, Leanne sees the freedom in seeing the perfection of all choices. Now as she detaches, she may see that she has been allowing her fears to control her decisions or indecisions. The very fact that Leanne has an idea within her that is compelling her towards her dream (in this case the media), is a sign that Leanne wants to pursue that dream! This seems a simple choice. Yet, we almost certainly deny any resonance we feel for a path that frightens us. Our fears will march a crusade in the name of Security! We must endeavour to fight back with our own force of Wisdom, in the name of Love.

Often when we come upon a new path, a new decision, a new route in our lives, we immediately negate it with our fears. Our internal and conditioned fears immediately emerge and tell us that we can’t possibly make a right decision! Our fears tell us “Stop! What are you doing! Are you sure you want to make a change? Any change you make will threaten the status quo and it is the status quo where I know where I am drawing power from!” Our fears also claim that we don’t know the future so all sorts of things can happen! Yes, we don’t know the future, but from where did this philosophy come that says the future outcome is more likely to be negative? This archaic philosophy only limits our world. It limits our doors of possibility and our happiness. Surely this is the opposite of what we want!

Our fears would be happy with the first of everything we come across because immediately it has discovered a source of security. But what happened before that source of security? Were we truly damned? Change is the very constant of the Universe! Embrace it!

A man who lives in thirst inside his house will continue to suffer unless he is willing to venture out and take the chance of believing that there is indeed a pond outside. He will persistently tell himself that to venture outside of his house is dangerous. He will tell himself that the rumours of a pond are in fact a mirage that people are fooling themselves into believing is real! However, the moment he steps out of his comfort zone and outside his house (his security) to actually test his theory is the moment he changes his consciousness. He has bypassed his fear and thus transmuted it. He then realises that there was always water for him to drink. It was simply his stubborn belief that things could never be kind to him that led to his own suffering.

The point here is not just about the fact that a pond existed near this man. The point is that the man attempted to believe in something his fears persistently told him couldn’t be true. Through this belief, this man finds his salvation and ultimate freedom. It is when we challenge things that limit us that we are free.

As we use awareness, we see the illogic of doubt. We understand that to doubt is to enter a field of limitation. It simply serves no one. As soon as we doubt – anything – then we immediately know that we are following the logic and philosophy of a lesser being. To truly appreciate ourselves and the things that are out there for us to accomplish and embrace, we must endeavour to utilise the logic and philosophies of a higher being. These philosophies reflect things that serve us, not attack us – obviously!

Choose to Believe in Yourself

So, when we are faced with a cross-road of paths, we endeavour to understand what it is we are feeling that is making our indecision so intense. If it is our fear of a probable negative future event, then it is something which states our insecurity in the present. It is something which highlights our attachment to externalities as well as our fear of handling negative situations. Here, we endeavour to look within for our happiness. If you are presently unhappy with a part of your life but feel that to change would cause instability and upset your security, then it is your security that must be questioned. You already have wings to fly if you so choose. We ask ourselves, “If we take flight, who will cushion us if we fall? Will our wings actually work? Yes, we’ve seen them work with other people but why should they work with us? Surely something will go wrong!”

Believe in yourself! Believe in your own capability. Believe in your ability to handle situations. Is this such a hard concept? Yes. It is hard because you have persistently told yourself (as others have persistently told you), that you are weak, insecure, inferior, or incapable. These all formulate theories within your subconscious mind that you are those things and worse. These theories then affect every thought, decision, action and feeling you have in life.

So, begin by changing the way you approach yourself. See yourself as capable of anything, for if you truly understood the scope of your power you would laugh at your disbelief in yourself. You would instead find it unbelievable that you had any form of doubt over what you could accomplish. You would stop fretting over whether or not you are capable of doing something and instead explore the infinite array of all that you can do. You would realise that the Universe is your oyster, to mould and shape and utilise for your own pleasure. It is you. Children are a prime example here. Being so close to the Divine, they do not fret over decisions they have made or have yet to make because they understand the perfection in all things. And so, they learn and experience happiness at incredible rates.

To counteract our inability to make decisions, we must endeavour to realise this crucial truth: “Whatever I choose is right!” There is deep meaning to this. It means that we not only trust the Universe that everything is perfect but we also trust ourselves.

As you realise the perfection in all your decisions, choose paths that serve you! The directions we are led to are the ones we resonate with. They are the directions that leave us feeling freer, more open, creative and happy. The directions or paths that leave us miserable, frustrated and trapped are obviously signs that something is not working! All paths are open to you. Whichever path you take is up to you, they will all lead to your goal if your intent is pure and your decision is aligned with your heart. If you feel good about a decision then you know it is the right one for you. You resonate with the response. If you feel that a decision will leave you freer and take you away from unhappiness then you know that that decision is for you. However, whether you “know” or not is really irrelevant in the end because all paths will merge towards your own as you begin to align yourself more and more with your heart and intentions!

The Universe always serves you because you are the Universe! When you make your choices you become one with all that is around you. You embrace your fundamental birthright as a Creator and you also embrace what you have created before you. For you create for yourself the fork in the road. It is a gift, not a curse! You offer yourself alternate ways of travelling. If indeed another path did serve you slightly better – fear not! That was meant to be and a part of your learning!

You are constantly creating! You are constantly making decisions, whether you realise it or not! Enjoy the ride that is life. It is a free ride and it will twist and turn and loop and barrel. Fear not this ride, for it is a ride of your own, unique calibration. You are not only the train driver but also the passenger. Allow the train to flow with your surroundings and intentions. Travel with your train and allow it to flow onto different tracks or stay on the same one – it is all your choice. But remember one thing: if your intention is pure, the train will reach the same destination, whichever track you are on.

As you make your decisions, know that all results are neutral until you react. It is how you react that defines the decision’s polarisation. Are you going to make that experience positive or negative? Raise your vibration even higher and see the compassion in all things; realise the purpose of everything. Everything has purpose of growth; so, whatever the result, it is going to serve you. Everything is meant to be.

Everything is meant to be… This is almost always misunderstood to mean that everything that occurs must be deserved. This is not so! It means that everything is meant to be – everything has purpose. That purpose is growth. So-called ‘bad’ things that happen to us have purpose of growth, making us happier in the outcome through our learning. So-called ‘good’ things that occur to us also have purpose of growth, as we enjoy and understand the meaning of happiness.

The lesson here is to realise that all paths are perfect. It is only our own labelling and polarised minds that attempt to box things into right and wrong, good and bad. We attempt to see one path as good and another as bad. Life is not as simple as black and white! Life is Gold. It is an endless array of sunshine in all directions. Whichever ray you decide to walk upon, it will always shine beneath your feet and take you to your goals, if you believe in yourself.

This is what the path is all about! It is not about the path at all! It is about YOU. It is about how you react to situations and experiences. Whatever comes your way is really irrelevant; it is how you react that defines your experience. Remember the saying, “Life is 10% what you experience and 90% how you react to it.”

So, now, do you choose to allow your life experiences to control you or do you control your life experiences? Everything you experience in life is an experience defined by how you choose to experience it!

To truly live in this world is to make decisions. To truly embrace life is to embrace the ultimate gift – the gift of Free Will/ Free Choice. This gift is your Divine birthright allowing you to literally choose what you experience.

There is no ‘wrong’ inside you. If you see yourself as anything less than Whole and Holy, it is an illusion. You are incapable of fallacy, for you are an expression of the Divine – expanding Universal Consciousness through your magical explorations (choices) in your life. Each choice heralds new opportunity and learning whatever the result. Every decision you make is a pure, correct, blessed and divine choice because it has been made by a Sacred Being… You!

You have wings; you always have had and always will. It is up to you to use them or not. THAT is your choice.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.