Dragonfly Symbolism-Dragonflies as Spirit Animals, Totems and SECRET Omens

A dragonfly is a two-winged insect with four slender legs for walking, and two large wings covered in tiny scales that appear to shimmer in the sunlight. They are found all over the world, except the poles. These fascinating creatures  live near water where they catch small insects like mosquitoes and flies as food.

The dragonfly is a symbol of change and movement. It is a symbol of the ability to transform, adapt, and emerge. These qualities are present in the qualities that many cultures hold in high regard: heroism, wisdom, power, knowledge. The dragonfly can represent these ideals for you or someone close to you who needs encouragement to grow through their struggles.

The shape of their wings allows them to fly backward or forward with ease, even if their position is upside down or sideways. Dragonflies symbolize the ability to look at a situation from all angles or directions, and are often seen as a good luck omen because of their constant and unceasing movement. The dragonfly is also associated with protection, wisdom, longevity, and strength.

In the western world, they represent emotions like love, anger, sorrow, and joy, and when combined with other symbolic images they can create a powerful visual message. Therefore, they are often seen alongside butterflies in tattoos or jewelry designs.

Dragonflies also represent renewal; they go through life constantly changing into different stages of their development as we do – from egg to larva to nymph to adult (imago). This also links them to creativity – the ability to change your perspective and see things in new ways.

In many cultures, dragonflies represent the coming of summer. They signify spring and happiness and are also associated with wisdom. In some countries such as Ireland, dragonflies have a legend that states that if one rubs their eyes while naming a wish three times in front of a dragonfly, then it will come true.

What Does Dragonfly Symbolize for Native Americans?

Native Americans have a long history of rich storytelling, which has been passed down from generation to generation through an oral tradition. They’ve carried on these stories through the generations and continue to do so today.

The dragonfly is one of the many symbols in Native American culture that carry meaning. It was highly regarded as a sacred creature representing strength and goodness because it feeds on unpleasant insects like mosquitoes.

Dragonflies have many cultural meanings and were often used in Native American folklore. The dragonfly has been associated with wisdom throughout the ages because of its life cycle; it spends most of its time as a nymph living underwater but then becomes an adult it flies to the top of trees and lakes to mate at sunset. It seems like some kind of message from above that you should enjoy your life while you can!

The dragonfly is a symbol of new beginnings, transformation, and change in both Eastern and Native American cultures. It’s also a sign that what seems impossible is possible. With its six wings, the dragonfly can transform itself to fly higher or lower when necessary.

Native American tribes called the Red dragonfly “Sun Insects” because its red coloration and long body are much like the sun’s rays. The red coloration also signals strength, goodness, life force, and purification as it has for centuries in both Chinese and Native American culture.

There are other interpretations as well; for example, some Native American tribes see the dragonfly as an educational symbol because of its ability to hover in flight like it’s studying what it sees below before continuing on its way. The origin of this perception comes from the way dragonflies capture their prey, which is to hover over water to spot fish or insects, then dart down to snatch whatever they saw.

Regardless of these varying meanings, Native Americans revere this insect for its power and beauty, viewing it as both a reflection of nature’s violence and spiritual wisdom.

What Does Dragonfly Represent in the Asian Culture?

In East Asian cultures, the dragonfly has been seen as a symbol of life and death. It’s often shown with a skull or skeleton because it can be both. The dragonfly is a beautiful insect that transforms from an aquatic larva to an airborne adult which indicates the cycle of life and death. They are also considered symbols of power, wisdom, good fortune, and fame.

In some cultures, in East Asia and Southeast Asia, they are appreciated because they eat mosquitoes and other insects that disturb people in their houses. They are believed to protect us from negative energy. Dragonflies are symbols of power, strength, and beauty in many Asian cultures. You can often see them adorning rice paddies and ponds as they are thought to bring luck and wealth to any who cross their paths.

In some cultures, dragonflies are also believed to be the souls of ancestors flying back from the afterlife. They’re seen as a sign that death is near — be it your own or someone close to you. In this way, dragonflies may also signal future misfortune or bad luck.

What Does Dragonfly Represent in China?

A dragonfly in a traditional Chinese-Japanese yin yang tattoo is representative of the quality of life and death, yin and yang. Yin is feminine, representing femininity, and is represented by dark colors (e.g., black), whereas yang is masculine and represents masculinity (e.g., blue). Yin represents rest and harmony; while yang represents action and movement.

The dragonfly has a symbol attached to it because it comes in both male (males) and female (females) varieties; from the larva (caterpillar) to the pupa (chrysalis or cocoon), through metamorphosis into a flying adult specimen.

The dragonfly can be seen as a symbol of transformation. In China, the dragonfly would symbolize someone who is about to change. This change could be for the better, such as becoming a student or marrying into a family, or for the worse.

Although dragonflies may hold various meanings in different Asian cultures, it is the Chinese who associate dragonflies with a “prosperity” symbol. To the Chinese, dragonflies are seen as symbols of good luck and wealth. They can bring prosperity to people in any field — be it business or schoolwork — and should be treated as such.

What Does Dragonfly Represent in the Japanese Culture?

This small, flying insect has been traditionally used to represent many things in Japan: beauty, elegance, good luck, and happiness. The dragonfly’s quick movement symbolizes beauty and style. It’s also a symbol of summer, as the insect is most popular during this season.

The Japanese also honor the tradition of having dragonflies painted on the ceiling during summer. The insects were often considered to be good luck, as they killed mosquitoes- which bring lots of diseases.

You’ll often see them painted on wood or paper goods, and they are also common in paintings.

In addition to symbols of beauty and health, dragonflies have been used for hundreds of years in Japan as representations of protection from evil spirits. They are in paintings in temples and homes all over Japan. If you ever see a painting of a dragonfly, it symbolizes protection from evil spirits that may be near.

What Does the Dragonfly Symbolize in European Cultures?

A dragonfly is a colorful creature of the air. In Western culture, this insect’s appearance is often associated with change, interest, and adventure; many people also believe a dragonfly will bring good luck.

Dragonflies have a rich cultural history in Europe, with many meanings in folklore and mythology. They are symbols of transformation, metamorphosis, and enlightenment. Ancient Europeans believed the dragonfly was a guardian or protector of something precious.

For the Greeks, it symbolized divine love because they believed that when they laid their eggs on plants, this was what watered them to make them fertile. Medieval Europeans saw dragonflies as bringers of good fortune because they believed they were messengers from heaven that carried prayers to God.

In Lithuania, it is thought to bring happiness and protection against evil spirits. Similarly, the Slovenian people believe dragonflies have powers to restore lost energy and make wishes come true.

The common belief in Poland is that if you see one dragonfly, your wish will come true; if you see two at once, someone close to you loves you or your wish will come true soon, and if three appear together, then it means you will soon receive an important message from far away.

In the Czech Republic, a dragonfly is the symbol of femininity, and in Switzerland, it is thought to be a good luck sign.

In Germany’s folklore, the dragonfly protects against evil spirits and brings luck to homes. There is also a myth that says if you turn off all the lights and look toward a window, you will see a glow in the darkness: this is a reflection of light off dragonfly wings.

In France, there is a legend that says dragonflies bring good fortune if captured on St. John’s Eve. The French also believe dragonflies will help guard houses from fire and bad weather if kept in your home or garden.

The Romanian people think dragonflies are magical creatures that bring luck to anybody who wears an image of one as jewelry or carries an amulet with one engraved upon it.

Some cultures believe dragonflies have supernatural powers, like being able to foresee the future and protect people from evil spirits. Like so many other animals in European folklore, they represent change at a time of uncertainty when it feels like anything can happen.

What Does Dragonfly Represent in African Cultures?

Dragonflies are a highly symbolic creature found in African folklore across the continent. It has been an important aspect of many African traditional religions and is often used to symbolize change, transformation, and renewal.

Dragonflies are believed to be messengers of good fortune in many African cultures. They are a symbol of courage and strength because they can tackle the biggest problems with ease and without hesitation.

In some Central African tribes, dragonflies are a sign that someone is about to come into wealth soon, as they’re often seen near water sources where the most important thing- liquid gold of water is found.

The Zulu people believe dragonflies were created by their god to protect people from mosquitos, which carry deadly diseases.

In various Nigerian folklores, the dragonfly is associated with wisdom and knowledge. It also signifies auspiciousness and hope, as it is often seen during times of droughts and famine. In instances when harvest time has arrived, a dragonfly will fly in the direction that one should go to find food if there is any left in the area.

In the Yoruba tradition, dragonflies represent a prophecy about someone’s life: when seen flying high, it foretells a long healthy life; but if seen walking on the ground or with its wings broken off, it’s thought that this person will suffer from disease or death.

In the Igbo tradition, dragonflies are thought to be messengers of the gods. It is believed that the most significant day in a person’s life can be predicted by what a dragonfly is doing on that day. If the creature is seen flying high and does not dive or hover low, it’s a sign that this individual will reach old age and have a long life.

The Igbo people also believe that if on a person’s birthday or during another important day in their life, they see or capture four dragonflies, they will always have good luck and their enemies will always fail at whatever they do.

What Is Dragonfly Meaning in Christianity?

In Christianity, dragonflies symbolize transformation because of their metamorphosis process from a nymph to an adult form: this means they go through life-changing changes at different stages of their life cycle.

Dragonflies are, in the Christian faith, a symbol of victory over sin. Victory is achieved when one has successfully overcome one selfishness and defeated any otherworldly temptations.

Because a dragonfly is an insect, it’s a symbol of humility. A humble person never boasts about himself or anything he does, but keeps his endeavours and ideas secret.

Metamorphosis is a process in the life of a certain creature or being whereby the physical form changes drastically. The term metamorphosis literally means “change in form”. Metamorphosis, as a subject, has fascinated people for centuries and is an important concept with regard to Christianity.

What Is Dragonfly Symbolism in Celtic Tradition?

The dragonfly has a long folkloric tradition in Europe and the Celtic, where it is symbolic of the soul. It is often used in tattoos to symbolize transformation and change or to show a wish for rebirth.

The Celtic dragonfly has historically been seen as a symbol of light and hope. Dragonflies were associated with the Celtic sun god, Belenos, and this symbolism was shared by the Greeks’ Apollo. It was believed that dragonflies would suck up disease-causing worms just like leeches did. This belief led to their use in medicine to arrest an infection or cure a fever.

The dragonfly’s wings were thought to resemble sails from old ships as well as angels’ wings, so it was thought that they could carry prayers up to heaven. Thus, Irish found dragonflies particularly sacred because they often spotted them on their pilgrimages and this sighting was said to be a sign that their journey would be successful.

What Does Dragonfly Symbolize in Dreams?

In a dream, dragonflies usually represent happiness and bliss. They may also be a sign that you should pursue some idea or issue that has been vexing you in waking life. Dreaming about dragonflies can also symbolize the need to “fly” away from your current situation and find something better for yourself, more fulfilling.

Perhaps you want something but fear that you can’t have it, or maybe you are waiting for your wish to come true. The dragonfly might also represent a transformation in your mind, such as changing how you think about life and love, or the revelation of concealed information.

The type of dragonflies seen in the dream will often determine the meaning. If they are viewed as big and scary, it may be a warning against fear; if they are small and pretty, this could signify small worries or annoyances; if they are large and friendly, this likely means there is something major you should worry about or pay attention to; etc.

The appearance of dragonflies in your dreams indicates that you are feeling pulled between two opposites. You may feel at odds with yourself because one part of you wants to do something while another part does not agree with it. This could show that you are feeling completely torn about a certain choice, relationship or situation.

Dragonflies also represent change. Depending on the other details of the dream, this could mean positive or negative change; however, it is generally considered good-natured change.

Is Dragonfly a Totem Animal?

As with any worthwhile pursuit, different people have different takes on the spirit animal. Some say that it’s something you possess innately, others insist instead that it can represent qualities that you wish to develop.

The spirit animal is also thought by some to be a totem, or a guide. Guide to what? Well, to the essence of who we are. It is our core being in the ever-evolving game of life. It is the part of us that was born from the time before all things were created and from beyond time itself.

If you’re feeling down on your luck or stagnant in life – maybe even paralyzed by fear or stuck in some sort of rut – then a dragonfly may be showing up as a spirit animal for you. If you want to begin anew or start over, the dragonfly shows you that nothing is truly lost – it’s there ahead of you, just waiting to be discovered.

Is Dragonfly a Power Animal?

A power animal is a totem that is found in different cultures and has symbolized strength, capability, or guidance.

The word “power animal” can be applied to many different kinds of animals but it generally refers to a large predator that has strong intuitive and spiritual connections. Still it can also be something small and agile, like a dragonfly.

Dragonfly is a powerful totem, as they represent transmutation. They can help us to be strong and flexible in our lives, moving through adversity with a grace that is born from deep wisdom.

They also represent movement and freedom. The dragonfly is often thought to be a spiritual messenger charged with delivering souls into the afterlife or coming back from it.

They also tend to congregate near clean waterways which might make them a power animal for those who want balance in their life or would need healing from toxins or pollutants in natural ways.

Do Dragonflies Symbolize Death?

Many people experience a dragonfly sighting as a sign of impending bad luck, especially if it was seen flying over their head. The sight alone has been known to make some people feel uneasy or anxious for days on end.

Dragonflies symbolize change and rebirth, not death. That is an old superstition that has no basis in fact. It’s not uncommon for this unfounded belief to lead to fear and misunderstanding among those who are unaware of its true meaning.

Many cultures see the dragonfly as a symbol of rebirth and renewal because they appear just before swarms of mosquitoes that hasten the end of summer. For others, they are symbols pf power and change because their incredible metamorphosis from helpless larva to aerial hunter is unlike any other in nature.

What Does it Mean to See Dragonfly in the House?

A dragonfly in the house seems to be such a common occurrence that it often goes unnoticed in many households. But what does it mean when you see a dragonfly in the house?

The answer is no. In fact, seeing a dragonfly in the house could mean many different things depending on where it lands and what its behavior is like. The general belief is that if you see a dragonfly inside your home, then it is a sign of incoming good fortune and prosperity. Most people claim to have seen a dragonfly in the house or yard right before they made some sort of financial gain such as a pay raise or bonus check.

So what does this mean? The belief is that the dragonfly is a bringer of luck and good fortune. So when you see one in your house, it simply means that great things are going to happen for you any day now.

Typically, a dragonfly in the house means that someone in your family will soon be going on a trip. It could signify a new journey or one that you’ve been dreaming of for quite some time. If you’re going on a trip, you might be taking the first step towards achieving your dreams. For example, if you’re an artist who’s been dreaming of making it big as a professional artist, a dragonfly in the house might be a sign that your dreams will soon come true.

But, dragonflies are also known for bringing good luck and prosperity with them, so even if you don’t take the trip yourself don’t worry too much! The next time you see a dragonfly in your home, take comfort in the fact that it only means good things are coming your way!

What Does it Mean When a Dragonfly Lands on You?

It’s a frequent sight in the summertime, a dragonfly landing on someone. But what does this mean? What could it signify?

Some people believe that a dragonfly landing on you means prosperity is coming your way. Others say it may signify the start of a new relationship or the beginning of an important decision. But this isn’t a definitive rule; there are as many interpretations as there are people.

When you are out walking and you encounter a dragonfly, especially if it lingers for more than just a second on your arm or head, it means that you have been chosen to be an emissary of new ideas and to carry these messages with you wherever life may take you. As such, it is hinted by this sign that your next steps will prove to be catalysts of change for all those who cross your path.

If the dragonfly lands on you and hovers for a long period of time, it is a good omen indeed and means that all of your thoughts and actions have been manifesting faster than you had anticipated.

What Does a Dragonfly Tattoo Stand For?

A dragonfly tattoo is symbolic of new beginnings and fresh starts, often depicted in places where its meaning can be easily seen. It can symbolize a change for the better and signify the start of your transformation as they transform from nymphs to winged creatures in their adult stage. The design has both beauty and symbolism to it: the body of the dragonfly resembles a crescent moon, while the wings reflect sunlight.

The visual simplicity of this tattoo was also central to its appeal: it is one of the most recognizable tattoos because few people know what it means with their understanding being limited to its appearance. It’s this very ambiguity that adds to its significance: it can be interpreted in many ways because there are so few associations connected with a single symbol.

Some people choose to get dragonfly tattoos because they want to remember somebody important to them, showing respect with a memorial tattoo design. Others choose this tattoo destination because they love how beautiful and unique these winged insects look in their delicate, fierce glory.

What Do Butterfly and Dragonfly Tattoos Signify Together?

A butterfly and a dragonfly together make an admirable tattoo design. The beauty and delicacy of the butterfly are complemented by the powerful dragonfly, which is both living examples of metamorphosis. Butterflies are generally symbol of change and transformation, while dragonflies symbolize new beginnings.

The butterfly and dragonfly tattoos are both common symbols of transformation, individuality, and freedom. Both have long been associated with delicate femininity, beauty, and playfulness.

While many people see these tattoos as separate entities, at first glance some choose to intertwine the dragonfly wings with the delicate wings of a butterfly to emphasize their connections.

We hope this article has done justice and expanded the scope of your knowledge about dragonflies!


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.