Drugs & Spiritual Consciousness

Drugs are, in most cases, a way to try and stimulate the same effects as a spiritual consciousness can do in a natural way.  Different drugs, have different effects and were designed to actually block higher spiritual experiences and yet to initially anyway, falsely stimulate the same effects.  The main point to remember here is that it is an artificial way to try and experience what is the natural flow of evolution – an attempt to short cut the natural higher passage that all will travel at their chosen time.  Artificial means just that. It will not last.

 The danger of taking drugs for this simulated experience though, is that by the time you are at that point of spiritual development where you can experience this energy naturally and in a lasting way, the physical body can be so severely damaged that this cannot be achieved. – delaying your progression and in some cases damaging your higher energy expression.

Drugs have always been, in my view, an evil means. It is however also a fact that it has been used as a tool of the darker forces to suppress higher consciousness and block the progression of evolution.  Still today though, there are those who use drugs, for various reasons.  They use them to avoid going through the process of death and to avoid self-realisation.

The warning signs are there if you are aware of them at all though in order to ensure that the effects of drugs do not lead you into situations where your physical body is damaged beyond repair; this can be avoided with a little knowledge and care.

The danger here arises from being seduced by false euphoria during the early stages of use.

For instance the drug ecstasy – was designed to damage the heart energy point (situated in the middle of the chest).  Initially it gives a feeling of expansion but in fact what it does is blow up the energy centre causing a heightened experience as the heart centre is exploded into a non-working system. After a minimal time frame of use, the expression and higher feelings of love cannot be experienced.  This is a very dangerous drug indeed for the spiritual initiate or seeker. The use of drugs is a double edged sword that can suspend, or even completely shut down your spiritual process for good.

In some cases though, the use of drugs to try and avoid pain and death will lead to a worse alternative in life – not only in this lifetime but then into future lifetimes too. I have seen this myself when working in intensive care on the very young who have taken drugs and found themselves with multi-organ failure as well as severe brain damage from overdoses.

Marijuana is often referred to as a harmless drug.  Spiritually that is not so.  Its effect is on the area of intuition and spiritual visual centers in the head.  It is a mind altering drug which is deemed as not a problem in current society.  It is seen as an escape from reality.  Its true effects is to dull the ability to intuit and to prevent the ability to in fact open what is referred to as the spiritual eye, the third eye in the centre of the forehead.  This centre is a vital one for the next stage of humanity were intuition will be highly prized and for those that have the desire the ability to see into other dimensions (naturally).

It is clear though that the use of marijuana and other mind altering substances on the rise.  There is no doubt in my mind that this will lead to problems for many when it comes to reaching higher consciousness naturally in this lifetime.

Depression can also occur with marijuana use through its effect on higher spiritual centers such as those involved with creativity and inspiration.

If you consider the effects of different drugs, for there are too many here to consider, you will begin to discover that they have a false ability to artificially stimulate different areas that are in fact naturally done through true spiritual development and in that it is the danger because these effects only come about through the damaging of the particular spiritual centers and expressions. It is the overall damage caused to ones self, not one specific drug, that effects the progression of development.  In my experience I have seen that when there are several different and high intensity drugs being used at once, then it can cause a much more damaging effect on the physical body.

The natural high that comes from spiritual development is one that can not be done artificially without great danger.  It is your natural birth right to experience these energies in the correct time, with the development of your individual gifts and expressions.

Spiritual high that can be achieved by using drugs will not last and will in fact come with a cost.  It is one I have found to be very dangerous.  Self-realisation and the ability to live in love are not possible while under the effects of drugs. Essentially, the use of drugs is counter-productive to spiritual development and will retard it rather then encourage it.

The drugs used today are designed to bypass, or in some cases, stop the natural processes of spiritual awareness.

The long term effects of some drugs, marijuana for instance, have been found to damage the cells in the human brain.  So it is not just the immediate high that you experience that causes a problem but also the longer term effects and even physical damage that can occur, which will stop you from ever developing your true gifts and abilities.

It is so important as we enter into the new age and begin to move into deeper realms of consciousness.  To begin to realise who you really are as a spiritual being, with all your gifts intact, is what will be needed now more than ever before.

 On Alcohol

Alcohol also falls into the category of drugs.  I am not saying here, that a little alcohol is not a good thing.  Alcohol in moderation is used as a wonderful way to celebrate.  That is how I look at it.  But to put it in a higher context, alcohol can not be considered as a substance that you need to reach a higher spiritual state.

Celebration is a natural and wonderful expression of humanity,  – but when there is excess and regular use of alcohol it is damaging, not only to the physical body but also to the ability to progress to higher levels of  consciousness.  Again different forms of alcohol have different effects but more than two standard glasses of an average drink will cause a lowering of vibration and more than that will begin to effect the spiritual vibration for a period of two days.

There are times, within the natural cycle, where a celebration is occurring that you may wish to have more than this amount.  Within the correct flow, up to 4 glasses (and this is very occasional) can be consumed.  It is up to the individual to know what is enough for them.

Now remember, I am dealing with the spiritual effects of alcohol and not the legal aspects of your society.  This physical reality and the legalities of your society are for you to understand and decide upon – knowing that there are physical repercussions for breaking the current laws.  I also say to you there are spiritual repercussions for stepping over the line of safety.

 On smoking

Again I am discussing the spiritual effects of smoking and not the physical or legal repercussions.   Smoking was originally an art and was something done as a ritual of celebration.  Pipe smoking I am referring to here.  It was a way of relaxing and was a shared community expression.  This is not the same as cigarette smoking or addictive smoking and I felt it was important for you to see the original energy of this social habit.  It has gone from there into an addictive way of dulling the senses, usually of trying to blot out aggression and frustration.  This is a lower form of communication and thought form, and not recommended.

Again there is no short cut for what is happening in your energy fields will still be there and at some time will need to be addressed.  To add having to address the addiction energy that comes with cigarettes will only in the long term, make this harder.





My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.