Easing Into The New Vibrations

With the Earth undergoing large vibrational shifts at this time, many of us are beginning to experience unprecedented shifts in our personal lives. These shifts are enabling us to bring into our lives people, places, and events that we may have never believed existed before.

As the planet is saturated with energy to facilitate these shifts, many of us are experiencing the rise of old emotions and issues that we may have already dealt with. If you soak a dish caked with debris in the water, you will find that at first, only small pieces of the debris begin to dislodge.

With time, however, larger and larger pieces break off until all of them have been removed from the plate. The healing or transmuting of old energy patterns is a very similar process. Yes, we have dealt with these issues and yes, we have changed our thoughts and behaviors and no longer attract experiences based on these patterns. But here is again, that last sticky piece that just needed to be soaked for a little longer.

These areas that are ready to shift vibrationally may initially need to get our attention by manifesting in physical discomfort. Over the past several years I have worked with many people who have found themselves afflicted with migraines, sinus pain, broken bones, throat troubles, and other physical symptoms.

Each time they have an occurrence of such symptoms, we have found that it is the body’s way of focusing attention on a particular issue. There is usually a contract between the person and the cells of the body to facilitate a vibrational shift when the time is right. An external energy source is also usually present to help execute the contract.

The only mission of the external energy source is to ensure that the contract is fulfilled. The energy source is like a personal bodyguard carefully protecting the person from experiencing the trauma or lesson involved in the contract. Since the energy source is external to the body it is not linked to the consciousness of a person and therefore usually unaware of changes that result in the body no longer requiring its presence.

An example of such a relationship is when the host may have experienced abuse as a child. As a result of the abuse, the child decides that it can no longer trust people. To facilitate this decision an energy source may be invited by the child’s Higher self to help create physical symptoms. As the child grows older and works through the abuse issues it learns to trust others and opens to loving contact with them. However, because the energy source is following its original mission, it continues to protect the person by creating physical symptoms that may limit him or her from getting close to other human beings.

To help release this energy and facilitate freedom from pain, it is necessary to communicate directly with the energy source. Once we have understood why it is there, we examine if its presence continues to be required. At times, the energy source may feel unsafe or threatened as its original mission is no longer valid and it may cease to exist as a result. After assuring it that it is safe and is being freed to return home, the energy usually becomes more cooperative.

If the person is still having trouble connecting with the energy, a person’s Guides may be brought in to help facilitate the release. Sometimes the process requires only one session and sometimes it is an ongoing process for several sessions. In some cases, a person may need more time to address the original issues. Some of the issues can be very deep, spanning several lifetimes or there may be a strong bond between the host and the energy source. Even in such cases, the physical symptoms usually lessen after doing this type of work.

To help you experience a release session I have created a meditation to walk you through the steps described above. The meditation can be done alone or with the help of a partner. Initially, you may want to do it with a partner you are comfortable with as it allows you to focus more deeply. Doing this meditation may evoke some strong emotional responses so you will want to make sure you are in a safe and comfortable environment before beginning.


  1. Begin by sitting in a comfortable position or lying down so that you are relaxed.
  2. Take a deep cleansing breath and release. Take another deep breath allowing the air to fully enter your lungs and move into your belly.
  3. Take a third deep breath, inhaling to the count of 3 and exhaling to the count of 5.
  4. Take a moment to focus on the area of your body that needs attention. Take another deep breath into that area of your body.
  5. Now with your mind’s eye, visualize the area that needs attention. Look for the color, shape, and size of the energy in this area. What is its consistency? Is it pulsating or changing shape? Is it changing shape?
  6. State in a gentle way to this energy that it is safe and you are not here to harm it. Now gently ask the energy why it is here?
  7. Based on its response, ask it what it is protecting you from? If you are having difficulty getting an answer, proceed to assure the energy that it is safe and will not be forced to leave unless it is ready to do so.
  8. Based on its response to your previous question, ask yourself if you continue to need protection in the area is described.
  9. If you are sure that you no longer need this energy’s support and protection in that area of your life, it is time to release the energy to go home.
  10. Take a look at the shape, size, and color of the energy again. You will notice a significant change in its features.
  11. If you are not ready to release the energy or have not been able to communicate with it as you desire, you will now begin receiving Guidance from your spiritual guides to help you with the process.
  12. In your mind’s eye, find a place that is safe, peaceful, and loving.
  13. Where are you?
  14. What are the sounds that you hear?
  15. What feelings are you experiencing?
  16. In the distance you see a form or forms approaching you. Do you see them?
  17. As they approach, you notice they feel familiar. What do they look like? It’s okay if their features are not completely clear.
  18. Each one of the groups has a gift for you. It can be a message, a color, the answer to a question, an object, or a sound.
  19. Allow each person in the group to step forward and present their gift to you. As you receive each gift, allow its special quality to fill up your being and wash over you. What is the significance of this gift for you?
  20. Take a few moments before receiving your next gift.
  21. Continue to receive each gift until each of your visitors is done. When you are done thank them for their help and slowly return to the room.
  22. Visualize again the energy that you were focused on before the journey began. How has it changed since the beginning? Does it have any new information for you?
  23. When you are ready to release the energy to return home, thank it and allow it to leave.
  24. How do you feel?

Make sure at the end of this meditation to drink a glass of water for grounding. This is a very powerful meditation and allows you to shift and transmute energy blocks within you quickly.

However, once the energy shifts, your biology needs to catch up to the new vibration. This process can take several days to several weeks. You may find yourself in either vulnerable or shifting emotional states immediately after the meditation. It is important to rest and nurture yourself when facilitating a large vibrational shift.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.