Help Your Children Design Their Lives

“What can I do that will most benefit the child in my life?” This is the question I am most often asked by parents, teachers, friends of children. With this writing, I shall revisit some of the most common advice I give, most of it gentle reminders of things you already know.

When I decided to become a parent, I was blessed with much loving guidance from Spirit as well as having had good parents and grandparents. In addition, I had been a public school teacher for a number of years in an inner-city school, so I had been able to observe children of all kinds. All of this experience led me to ask myself what I wanted for my children before they were even born. The conclusion that I came to was that I wished for them to be wonderful human beings, contributing to the planet in their own unique way. I felt that my job was to provide them with the tools they would need to walk in the world and lead fulfilling lives. As I thought about it, I realized the most important tool I could give them was self-esteem, so that when they encountered a challenge they would have the confidence to handle it. Think about what your goal is for the children, hold that intention, ask for guidance, and then go about co-creating it with them.

Everyone wants to be a good parent, teacher, or friend. No one intends to do a rotten job, so where do you start? With yourself! Do your very best, to be honest, and open about your feelings. If you have self-love issues, seek help to clear them up by creating a good relationship with your inner self. When conflict arises with a child, tell him how you feel, listen to how he feels and tell the child you want to find a solution that works for everyone. And then do it!

With the new children, it is very important to offer real choices that are age-appropriate. The more choices you allow, as well as honor, the more confident, powerful, and independent the child, will become. Find a way to see choices in all sorts of little things, and I promise you that you will not have so many large power struggles. Do you want to wear a red shirt or the blue shirt? Do you want an apple or an orange? You get the idea!

Create a safe environment in which a child of any age feels free to express himself not only verbally, but in every way, whether it be musically, artistically, physically. My personal opinion is that most American children have too many toys and screens which inhibit creativity rather than encourage it. We have created a country of children who expect to be entertained every waking moment, instead of being able to entertain themselves for periods of time. Children need to get outdoors in nature every day to just run, walk, play. They need balls of several sizes, blocks to build with, sand, and water to experiment with. Remember when we had great fun making mud pies? Some dress-up clothes, costumes, old jewelry, and scarves are good for fantasy play. A few simple instruments to make music, as well as art supplies like finger paints and large pieces of paper to draw on, are also good ideas. I have always felt that all of us need several avenues in which to express ourselves to the fullest. Sing with your children, dance with them, make a mess with them, or allow them to make one, walk outside with them talking about the world around you. When your child is small, get down at her level and look at the world through her eyes. It can change your whole perspective as you see things you haven’t really paid attention to for a long time.

Encourage a daily quiet time in the family. Most of us do not know how to be quiet with ourselves, do not allow ourselves even 15 uninterrupted minutes. In our busy world, it is thought to be a waste or a luxury, not the necessity that it truly is.

Many of the new children commune with Spirit, see things adults don’t see, and have a rich inner life if we support and encourage it. Listen to what they say that may lead to wonderful conversations about the unseen world. Years ago I was concentrating, trying to see the auric field around trees when my then 11-year-old twin daughters asked me what I was doing. Feeling a little silly, I explained about a book I had read about auras. “You mean the light and different colors that are around the trees and also around people?” they asked. I just stared at them and asked whether they could see all of that. Looking a little puzzled, they said that they could. When I asked them why they hadn’t mentioned it before, they said that they never thought about it, because they thought that everyone could see it. Wow! Pay attention and encourage your children to express their experience of the world, then validate it as best you can.

One of the greatest gifts my father gave to me was to trust my own inner knowing. He called it common sense, but it amounts to the same thing. When I would ask him a question, he would gently say, “You already know the answer to that. Use your common sense. It will never lead you wrong!” Thank you, Dad! If your child can’t find a misplaced toy, suggest that she ask herself where she put it. Believe me, she will find it and you will have fostered trust, confidence, and self-esteem.

Create a safe space for your child to be, to express who he is, and to design his life. Let him know he is unique in all the universe, that he is never alone, that he is dearly loved by Spirit and by you. Foster independence by allowing choice in the freedom of expression. Validate who she is, what she feels, sees, and knows. Tell her to ask the angels to wrap their wings around her at night as she sleeps. And when she goes out into the world, don’t tell her to be careful, tell her to “Just remember who you are!”

Before I conclude, I would like to introduce you to a new friend I recently met. Her name is Bea Wragee, and she creates custom flower essence remedies for individuals, including Indigo children, and animals too. I have heard raves from parents about these remedies. To quote Bea:

“I align my energy with others and determine the appropriate support needed in a situation. Then I choose the specific flower essences that allow the pendulum of imbalance to swing back to the middle ground where one is then able to deal with the situation and have appropriate responses rather than extremes. Always, always it is the experience of bringing love into any situation that allows for healing and advancement. ”

For a consultation or remedy contact Bea at (858) 484-3449 or email her. Tell her that Sharyl sent you.

Until next time, my blessings to all, Sharyl


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.