How To Be Present

Why is it hard to be present? No, I’m not talking about just being there. I’m talking about being aware of your existence and the experience of it. I try to savor moments and take time to relish in happiness and contentment. I can hear my father’s jovial voice exclaim, “It is great to be alive.” Yes, indeed and I believe it is important to reflect, so you can live your life more deeply.

However, I find myself barreling full steam ahead and rushing to the next appointment, writing deadline or family event. It is always on to the next thing and making preparations for tomorrow. It is so easy to get caught up with the clock and calendar.

Go Back to Bed

Being a mother of three children, I find the best place to be present is in my bed. Yes, I said it. Our bed is so comfortable and calm, for it has lots of soft pillows, blue flannel sheets and a big squishy down comforter to hide under. Yes, be one with your bed. That sounds kind of funny, but it is so wonderful to say. Be one with your bed. Has a nice mantra sound to it, doesn’t it? It really is the perfect place to still your mind. For those of you out there who find it difficult to be present, take a moment and just go back to bed! And please, don’t for one moment feel guilty about it! Truly try to experience your bed and just “be present.” Clear your mind and just focus on this moment. Ahhhh. Your entire body, mind and soul will love you for it.

So what if you fall asleep? Who cares? We’re talking deep meditation, here!

Get Outside and Experience the Day

Getting outside is another wonderful way to experience the present. A brief walk, a simple errand or just sitting on my front porch makes me feel like I was a part of the day. Something about feeling the breeze on my face, examining a perfect leaf or flower and witnessing how different this day is from other days is a great way to be present, for this is when I realize I am a small part of something spectacular.

You are a part of this day. Better yet, this is your day! Allow yourself this empowerment and ownership of the day.

Enjoy a Simple Ritual

One challenge is to find meaning in routine daily events. Really, can you be present while you are folding your laundry? Absolutely, but when you figure this out please give me a call because I have several loads to do on a daily basis. Sock sorting can be quite hypnotic. Yes, all of it can be overwhelming. However, there is something about the process of making a cup of tea that makes me think about the ritual of it. I can’t think of a better way to be present than to make and enjoy a cup of tea. For hundreds of years people have made tea for solitary enjoyment and social occasions. My afternoon or nightly cup of tea is my way to take a moment for myself and reflect on the day or some part of my life.

Other daily jobs I perform such as cooking, taking care of my children (and even myself) are ways for me to be present. Try to consider such work as meaningful rituals in your life. It is easy to get lost in the work. Yet, no one else does this exactly the way you do it. There is a certain satisfaction one can find with this awareness.

Choose One Moment

Taking one moment to capture what is special about your day is an act of being present. Keeping a journal or just taking a moment to talk about it can bring meaning. Taking time during the day or at the end of the day to make note of something you experience can help you be present.

Whatever it is you do, you are not alone. Somewhere, someone is making a grocery list, washing a dirty cup, rushing to an event, sitting at a computer or staring at a never ending traffic light worrying if they will ever be enough or get enough done. Now stop and be a part of this moment! Take in this moment; smile; breathe.

You are alive. Savor it like a great glass of wine! You have a choice in this very moment for whatever you wish to do. Somehow, it all continues along its merry path. Sometimes we miss it, but we can find something in even the briefest moments. It is during these moments we can find presence – awareness of our existence and how we are all a part of each other.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.