Humility and Forgiveness

Humility. n. Lack of pride; modesty. [Latin humus, ground, soil.]

Remember that humility evolved from the Latin root that means “ground, soil”. What of the soil that is so hard or dry that it can’t readily absorb a drop? Likewise, how can you learn if you think you already know? How can you discover if you think you’ve already found? How can you progress if you remain as you are? When you confine yourself to what you know, you restrict yourself to continuing as you are. What gain does confinement make? What of freedom?

We are spirit. Our bodies mere particles of the One-Life, temporarily anchored to
this planet now. Governed by the Law of Polarity, we are constantly influenced along a spectrum, from one extreme to the other. These extremes of negative and positive are merely frequency differences. We have been so limited by the low frequency of the dominant negative polarity that we adjudge negative as bad and wrong, and positive as good and right.

In truth, as the Law of Polarity elucidates, like and unlike are identical in nature, but different in degree; a bit of one exists in its opposite. This means there is positive value in all negative states, just as there is negative value in all positive states. Discernment, honesty and humility reveal the difference.

Hence in order to feel safe and secure, we must know, or at least behave as though we do. Some people are driven even to great extremes with this in order to quell their anxiety and fear of being seen as wrong or bad or right and good. This means that motivation is not from truth, connection or love, but rather from fear. And fear is not an empowered state.

To assume you know or that you must know “the answer” or what even a mere moment will bring, confines you to anxiety and expectation. This includes asserting endless opinions – one pet way we have of imagining ourselves as important. The drive to always be the one holds you where you are, and that is the opposite of freedom.

God do you really exist?
Why don’t I know you without question?
Does the amoeba know of your existence?

Humility is the counterpart of truthfulness. Certainly, without honesty, how can you be humble? When you are honest and clear with yourself to discern the private truth of your intention, you are supported to achieve what you intend; it helps you to live virtuously.

Always needing to know, means you are ever watchful for what you expect. As you watch for what you expect, your mind is focused on your intended outcome, and is not open to the ever-present subtle innuendoes that ignite discovery and brilliance.

If you want freedom, drop all superficiality and contrivances, and accept that you might not always know. Someone might “catch” you not knowing, or may demonstrate that they know more. So be it! You are human… you do have the right to err. Besides, you will never know everything. Realistically, how could you, anyway? Accepting this relieves a lot of pressure. And adds a hammock to those trees at that rest stop.


Forgiveness. n. The act of excusing for a fault or offense; to pardon. [Latin perdonare, to pardon.]

Much has been written about forgiveness. Certainly, it is an essential step in the process of transmuting judgment, separation and pain to wisdom and the positive states of joy and freedom. However, before you can enjoy these, you must free yourself of all grievances.

Unfulfilled needs become grievances, which are actual or supposed circumstances that you regard with protest; or the indignation and resentment that stem from the feeling of being wronged. These grievances may be reasonable and fair. But by holding them, and fueling them with more negative energy, you keep them burning. In the process, they aversely effect you.

From childhood, everyone who has ever lived is controlled, pushed, stifled and hurt in some way. Some experience this more than others. This is a inherent within a reality governed by the Law of Polarity. Is this wrong, bad or stupid? No. It simply is what it is… yet with undesirable consequences you happen not to want.

The Law of Polarity is a vital part of this cohesive universe. When you understand that polarity is necessary to “hold together” this 3rd dimensional world of material form that gives you this planet, your body and a nervous system so you feel, your mind is free of low frequency, disabling judgment. Instead, it is supported by higher frequency states that support you to determine how to experience freedom within the confines of this world.

You and everyone perceive, think, decide and behave in accordance with the way repetitive circumstances have conditioned you. When you have repetitively seen something or an experience, you perceive it as real. Yet without that repetitive experience, others will not see it as real. Without undergoing their experience, you will not perceive the validity of their experience, if it contrasts with yours. Yet, which is real? Which is true? In a world governed by polarity, anything and everything is possible and true. Hence, the issue should not be validity, but the consequences.

Positive consequences have been regarded as right and good, and are supported, while negative consequences are wrong, bad or evil, and are resisted, opposed, penalized or attacked, which furthers polarity’s endless conflict of extremes. This conflict causes more grievances and negative reactions that disrupt, usurp and destroy the quality of life. The better choice is to determine which basic need the negative action is devised to satisfy, and seek to satisfy it. (See Needs and Desires.)

A grievance or attack on anyone is an attack on yourself… the negative energy you generate and feel can consume you. Grievances impose a painful state that robs you of peace of mind and the freedom to choose wisely. They can undermine or destroy your relationships, jobs, businesses, careers and creativity; the wear and tear on your body’s vital processes will usurp your quality of life, and ultimately take your life, without your ever having truly enjoyed it. The less you warm your heart to others, the colder your heart becomes… until it shivers once more, before icing up forever.

Lastly, grievances generate negative energy that calls on the Law of Attraction to respond in kind. Hence, transmute all grievances, love yourself in all you do, and live in accordance with the Law of Attraction. All your needs are met as you open, forgive yourself for all your pain, and experience trust in all you do.

Clearly, the choice to free yourself of all grievances is a choice borne of wisdom, and brings positive consequences. The first of which is the ability to develop the eighth virtue, compassion, taking you one step closer to freedom.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.