Journeying the Labyrinth: A Perspective and Meditation

Life on earth today is marked by events in the material world of physical, emotional and social reality that all experience; and the light world of portals, channeled messages, and rapid awakening that Lightworkers are experiencing. Increasingly more people are awakening to light.

This is the labyrinth of the world. Many events are heating up around us. This can cause turmoil to the highly sensitive, empathic energies of Lightworkers, whether they are experiencing them in the material or the energy realm, personally or through the energies of others. The rapidity of change can raise issues of distress, suppressed depression, moments of doubt or fear.

These issues require equally complex models presented in a simple, healing way.

One such model is the labyrinth, which has been referred to in allegory (linked to the chakra system), myth (Theseus and the minotaur), and religion (labyrinths in churches). It has also been used for meditation as a means of handling and enhancing awakening Lightworker capabilities.

Focus and Perspective

Journeying the labyrinth allows us to have an empowering perspective of the tumult within and without. That is: it is possible to find one route that takes us through these events to the source of our creation, which is peace and light. The route may be circuitous, but it is without peril. Every wrong turn is blocked off, and each turn brings us closer to the center. When we want, we can come out again, ready to accomplish our purpose in any of the aspects of life – physical, emotional, social, spiritual. We each have a luminescent cord that illuminates and guides us on our journey to the center and out again, staying focused on the center that we are journeying towards.

Many letters of the alphabet are involved in the turbulence of the world today: bomb blasts, category 3 hurricane, deaths, earthquakes, financial woes, fires, flooding, Katrina, illnesses, mudflows, terrorism, volcanoes, Wilma… The turbulence of these events make up the walls of the labyrinth.

What composes the walls of your labyrinth?
What blocks some paths?

We don’t really need to go through the entire alphabet. Somewhere within this, there are other words coming through: ascension, global meditations, hope, light, love… These are the concepts that form the cord of light, and the pathway that is right for you.
What concepts make up your path of light?

What is your perspective of the world and your life today? What do you focus on?

Einstein’s words were never more apt than they are now: “The most fundamental question we can ever ask ourselves is whether or not the universe we live in is friendly or hostile.”

Is your universe one of light or one of lament?
One of mostly light or mostly lament?
Do you choose to focus on the dictionary of light or the dictionary of laments?

This is the time of decision, and the decisions of each person influence those of humanity and earth, just as they are influenced in turn.

Thoughts of light

Let me see what I can do

Sending healing to what disturbs me

Sending light to those who need it

Staying focused on the most powerful light energy when I am fearful

Visualize the happiest reality I can have

How can I find the lesson or challenge or light in what hurts me

How can I transmute or let go that which disturbs me

Thoughts of lament

I have the right to feel bad about things… and to keep feeling bad

I don’t want to live in denial – things are bad, and getting worse

How much better my life would be if…

Why did this happen / not happen?

If only…

Isn’t this awful…

Which thought empowers you? That thought is positive.
Which thought weakens you? That thought is negative.
Once you decide this, you have known your soul.

When thoughts can flow in and out, they can help empower.
When thoughts stay in for too long, they can weaken.

What thought do you choose to have?
What do you do with the thoughts that do not serve you?


After a cleansing breath, let us take three slow light breaths, breathing out as long as you can. Say to yourself as you breathe in and out:

I breathe in light from the soul of the universe, breathe out hate and anger
I breathe in light from the heart of the universe, breathe out fear and anxiety
I breathe in light from the core of the universe, breathe out light

Let healing light enter from your crown and nurturing light from the chakras below the feet and root chakra. Visualize the two bands of light meeting at your heart chakra and gently gushing out through the heart to envelop your entire physical, emotional, and light bodies. Feeling safe, secure and nurtured in your bubble, allow yourself to expand as much as you like. You become aware of the silver cord from your navel that connects you to the source of creation. The silver cord stays with you to light your path and keep you secure, able to journey and also to come back as you will.

Call your guides and guardians to be with you as you journey.

You enter the labyrinth and find that it unravels into a spiral. This is a spiral of time and timelessness; of here and there; past present and future, all that you are, were, and can be. This is the spiral of choice.

The spiral is defined by your energy bodies – and you see your chakras extending above and below. How many do you see? Do you see colors, patterns, shapes?

If you feel that you are in a maelstrom that causes you fear, you can choose to rise or settle to another space of the spiral. Neither up nor down are better than the other; choose whatever you are guided to do. To deal with an emotional storm (sacral chakra), you can nurture yourself physically (root chakra). To deal with a terrifying physical reality, you can access the connection through the heart and crown. In the midst of a crisis of faith (crown /third eye chakra), you can access the connections to the world, earth, people or animals around us (heart and sacral chakras).

The spiral is the way in and out of many realities that are always around us. Traveling it can provide the light that helps us to help our laments to dissolve. It provides perspective into our life, within which we can choose a focus that empowers.

Spend as much time in the spiral as feels comfortable. If you feel uncomfortable, get back in your channel of light, knowing that your guardians are with you. At the center point of the spiraling labyrinth, is that space of bliss and peace. Spend some time here, just being: fully aware and yet still.

Ask your guides for a message. It may come from one of your senses, or in words.

When you have found your space of empowerment, and got your message, place your focus on your silver cord of light, and following it, float gently down as the spiral flattens into a labyrinth. You find yourself in a large cavern, safe and secure.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.