Know Thyself & To Thine Own Self Be True

As we live our lives, navigating our way through the various wavelengths available to us as playgrounds on which to create our realities and have our being, let us never forget that we are bound by our humanity—the blessed experience that we are partaking in that allows us to come to know Who We Are.
At a time in Earth’s history that is calling forth new leaders—those who have, first and foremost, cultivated undeniable Love and integrity within themselves—that is calling all of us to peel back the layers of the onion and walk with our authenticity, with our innate gifts, with the uniquely identifiable pattern of Light and energy that is ours to hold down and Be on the planet, let us never forget, as we make our way through this journey called life, that we are One.

In these times, many of our sensitivities are increasing, our abilities growing, our awareness’ expanding. When finely tuned, little evades such sensitivities. It is at this time that we find ourselves on our respective healing paths, on the road back home to our Selves, and we meet many others who are on their way back Home, as well…but we notice so many things that are not quite right with them…that are “unenlightened,” that are unattractive, aggravating, annoying, abrasive…perhaps what some would even call “evil,” given who these persons profess themselves to be, given who we thought they were. So we turn away. We are repelled. Someone has turned on the black light, and we are able to see all of the stains, all of the marks…on the couch, on the carpet, on the walls of other people’s beings.

Yes, this life is all about choice. And you need not choose to interact with those who you deem of “lesser vibration” on your path. But I urge you to remember Who You Are in these times. Now is not the time to turn away from other Lightworkers simply because you are able to see their deeply embedded human foibles. This is where we must be strong. This is how we will serve as leaders. This is where we must steel ourselves and stay in the ring with others, even when their “stuff” makes us want to turn on our heel and walk away. We will only heal the world when we have healed ourselves. And as we do, how can we expect to assist anyone else if we do not have the fortitude to stick around and assist the very people who are here to be the leaders, the way-showers, the Truth-bringers with us?

If you choose to stay in the ring…to be Who You Are in the face of whomever or whatever crosses your path, you need not this protection of which some people speak…unless you believe that you do. You are Love. Let that Truth be your shield and your sword. Be that Truth. Be that Love. When you know yourself to be Love, compassion, understanding, peace, you need not anything else…only that awareness…only that Truth. There is nothing greater.

And if you choose to walk away, then do so with Love. It is one thing to say, “Ugh!” and run away. It is another to say, “Whatever. You’ve got issues!” and walk away. It is another to say, “There’s something not quite right about this person” and walk away shaking one’s head. It is another thing to see another through eyes of Love, speaking your Truth or Being your Truth in the moment, as honestly and authentically as you possibly can, and then walking away if you feel that doing so is in both person’s Highest Good. If you choose to walk away, then do so without fear. Do so with a great deal of Love—for yourself and for the other. Focus not on the stains and the marks of their being. Focus on the Power and the Beauty and the Love that you know that they are, just as you are…for you are both on your path, just trying to do what you deem best…navigating your way through the wavelengths to get back Home to your Selves.

It does not serve us to take such things personally, for it simply is what it is. Learn to use your symbolic sight in all matters. And always remember this…there is nothing to take personally. Things simply are what they are. The question is, “Who will you be in relationship to it?” Choose to be Love. Do not abandon one another in fear. We are all in this together.

Knowing one’s Self is a process. First you think you are your body. Then, perhaps, you are your mind. Then you identify with the smile on your face…then the warmth behind the smile…then the heart that gave it life. Then you realize that you are the depths of that heart…a heart that feels deeply…that churns and grinds its teeth…that flutters and palpitates…that bursts with joy…that hangs heavy with sorrow…and it is quite all right…all of it. Every single sentiment is quite all right. Then you are the observer that quietly watches all of it. You are the stream that flows constantly, if you let it. That stream is made of Love. Let it flow. Do not stop it or block it or shut it off. To do so is to hurt yourself, more than anyone else. Open all channels, and let the essence of life flow through your veins. Let every cell of your body gleam with the Love that you are.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.