Leading From Spirit

You are spiritual being. Spiritual identification has you detaching from the roles you play and allowing the Presence to express through you. When you come to this powerful place you lead well. You don’t have to worry about what to say or what to do. You are an instrument.

The Presence in you has no opinions, no judgments, and it does not defend or attack any position. It simply is. When you lead from spirit you sense what needs to happen and you respond to what is happening in this now moment. You lead intuitively with appreciation for the group and respect for its process.

In my work, I facilitate group process. The process may be strategic planning, conflict resolution, or helping the group shift its mindset to a more helpful way of thinking. My effectiveness as a leader is dependent on my ability to let go of my need to control, to receive approval, or make certain outcomes happen. I have a plan, yet I am open to whatever needs to happen for the highest benefit of the group. By letting go of my needs and by turning over my work to my Higher Self I become sensitive to the process of the group. The process feels under control, and best outcomes are achieved without me “trying” to make it happen.

To lead from spirit is to be aware of the process happening within your own mind. A spiritually intelligent leader is of two minds. In one mind he is paying attention, responding to all people and all behaviors with love. In the other mind he is sometimes fearful, sometimes angry, sometimes needy. This other mind, the ego mind, is kept in check. It is kept in check by paying attention to the leader’s own needs and fears, and not allowing them to take charge.

It is a human tendency to project our own fears and unresolved issues on others. Each time we blame another person, we are projecting our own issues on them. When we project, we disown beliefs we have about ourselves. Disowning beliefs about ourselves keeps them hidden, yet still operating in our minds. If my tendency is to become irritated with people who don’t try hard enough, it may be my own tendencies to give up to which I am reacting. By being aware and honest, I can say:” Oh, there I go again, projecting on someone else.” By bringing issues like these into the light of my spiritual mind I can resolve them.

As long as we are in this earth life there will be the potential for projection. This awareness helps us to be ready for whenever it shows up. The work is to shift from having our issues define the person or the situation before us, to allowing the Presence to help us appreciate and understand the person or situation before us. This is the difference between resistance and responsiveness.

In spirit, we are able to discern the process of a group or an individual, where they are now, and what needs to happen next, with a deep sense of respect, appreciation, and understanding. We have a knowing of what people need and of what they feel is important. We are responsive to the needs of others and we are present in this moment.

When we project, we lose sight of others and become immersed in our own dramas. Others become objects to us, representations or symbols of what we least like about ourselves. Our energy is focused on justifying and reinforcing our own self images. Others are merely barriers to our success, or tools for our success. We become resistant to their reality and to their needs.

An example would be driving in traffic. Do you see yourself as part of a larger process, thousands of people sharing the roads, all desiring to arrive at their important destination? Or, do you see people and vehicles as barriers that are slowing you down, preventing you from getting somewhere on time? In this latter state we get angry at aggressive and selfish drivers, unable to see our own selfishness. I have trouble with this one, too!

In organizations, do we see people in process, or do we see people who need to be fixed? As spiritual beings our intent is to mirror love and acceptance to others. We mirror back to others what they can be, and indeed, already are. Almost all of us have experienced a teacher, coach, or parent, who saw something great in us, that we could not see in ourselves. This person accepted us unconditionally and they inspired us to rise to the possibility they envisioned for us. When we see the light in another we encourage that person to be the light.

As spiritually intelligent leaders we choose spirit over ego by transcending our projections and choosing to see that which is highest and best in both ourselves and others. We are like Michelangelo, who saw David in a piece of granite, and then removed the excess rock. He didn’t create David. He chipped away at the excess rock and David emerged. As leaders we see what can be in each person and in each group. We chip away at our own prejudices. We help others to chip away at their judgments and limitations. The result is that powerful beings begin to emerge.

In my work I also coach leaders. Often, I am asked to fix them, to make them effective. I don’t know how to do that. When I have tried, the results have ranged from limited success to complete failure. I am not a coach. That is just the role I play. My work is to first remove my judgments. If left in place, they will serve as limiting factors for the client. In many ways, the client becomes my unconscious coach, showing me thoughts I need to release. Next, I help my client to remove his own limitations. My role is to see for my client, until he can see his own greatness.

To see as a spiritual leader is to see without prejudice. Leaders can attain this ability through prayer and meditation. Quieting the mind helps us to identify with our spirituality. In prayer we offer up our opinions and judgments, and ask to see more clearly. Prayer and meditation build a bridge to our Higher Selves. Once connected we are in the flow. Insights and inspiration flow easily through us. Fear, anger, and neediness cause destruction to the bridge. These thoughts cut off the flow of insight and inspiration. We are constantly destroying and rebuilding. In addition to prayer and meditation, forgiveness rebuilds the bridge. Love and appreciation rebuild it. One effective way to connect and see clearly is to ask yourself: “How would my Higher Self see this person or situation?” In prayer or meditation ask this question and listen.

Leading from spirit is knowing what you are and what you are not. You are not your body. You are not your title. You are not your past. You are not the opinions others have formed of you. There is no earthly form or experience that can contain you or define you. You are a spiritual being. You are an instrument for the highest good for all concerned. When you make your intention to lead from this place you become a spiritually intelligent leader and you lead well.


1. Think of a situation where you are blaming and feeling powerless, or where the process just doesn’t seem to be moving.

2. Ask: Is there any part of myself I am projecting on this person or situation. Is there something about myself I am not willing to see? What is it?

3. Listen. Return as often as needed to this question over several days if necessary until you feel you have a response.

4. How would my Higher Self see this person or situation?

5. If this involves another person, ask their Higher Self what you can do to be helpful.

6. Release all judgment of self or others, and send love and appreciation to this person or situation.

7. Offer gratitude for what this situation is teaching you.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.