Money Consciousness

I’ve heard it all before, as it has come from my vocal chords, and out of my lips. “I can’t afford it”, “maybe, when I get extra money”, “That’s too expensive, can I have a discount?”. People at this stage in their growth all believe in the scarcity of resources.

When I was a single mother, I, too, believed there was only a limited amount of money I could have to provide all that we needed to survive. And, that is what we did during those times- survived. Paycheck to paycheck, I held fast to the belief that I had to work at the place I did, eat the low cost (and quality) food I bought with coupons, and give all that I had for the children with nothing left for myself. Monthly, I planned the budget, praying for whoever was in charge up there to rain down some manna. Never did I think I was in charge of my financial situation. I wafted along in the sea of drudgery waiting to be rescued.

Until one summer, when I was forced to take an unexpected leave of absence from my job. Seems all the stress I had put myself in by maintaining the survival issue fried my circuits. For one whole month, I had to rely on the graces of the Universe to provide. I had let go of control. I was given the rare opportunity to reexamine my life and reevaluate my core beliefs. This is called a Healing Crisis, getting to the bottom so one can remember that up is the other way.

The knowledge I have now taken years to get through my fear shields. Some enlightenment is gained in a flash, others in increments, depending on the lesson.

Money is energy, and as such follows predictable patterns and laws. What you put out will return to you three fold. What you focus on grows. The bottom line is the one that leads the way. Fear is contracting, love is expanding. The habits you own towards anything own you. Look to these principles to see the truths of your money consciousness.

Being the master of your own life sounds great, but what are you willing to invest in for it? Time, money? Time is money, our time is the most valuable commodity we own. Most of it gets wasted by doing the inconsequential. There are literally thousands of resources available for the seeker to re-establish a connection to their divine self. Most of them take time and money to learn. What investment are you willing to make on your own behalf? It wasn’t until I cared enough for my wellness to actually spend my energy on my own behalf, without resentment or fear, that the bread from heaven flowed.

What if the same high or low you get from medicines or recreational substances could be had simply from the air you breathe? What would a good meditation, reiki, martial arts, or yoga class that will give you benefits that will impact every aspect of your life be worth to you? Would you work eight hours on your job a month for something that would change your life? I know people who will spend their paychecks trying to capture the same peace that can be gained in a more productive and healthy way. Yet, they are broke when it comes to higher learning.

Who makes your money decisions for you? Do you give away your power? Are you falling into the “more is better” philosophy? Do you spend on instant gratification, or do your purchases have value beyond the immediate? By not blindly handing your assets over to another, money will know it is safe with you.

Giving is one of the essential power principles of money. Write down where every penny of your money goes for one week. Does it fit into your core beliefs, do you know what your core beliefs are? Are you spending out of fear, which produces lack, or are you spending with empowerment which produces more?

How’s your financial integrity? Raising on the backs of others means that you will fall when they stand. The Golden Rule is still active and valid. Creating prosperity for yourself means creating it for those around you, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

Money is a consciousness. Take the fear out of the equation, and all you have left is love. See who really has control over your money, and then, take back control. You can give it what it needs to grow, or let it die many slow tiny deaths. The choice is, and always has been, yours.



My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.