Morning Magic
We will all be revealing the beautiful light we all are when we connect in a beautiful guided attunement called Morning Magic. This guided attunement will assist you in starting each day with new vision, insight and freedom. The start of each day is a vital part of our lives. As we create our day we are creating our life! Music and transformational language have the ability to shift environments in an instant. We can create this shift every day and as we shift, watch your life transform!
Begin by giving yourself a big breath in and just release any sound you feel your body is holding. Good. Take one more breath in and release a sound… “ahhhhh.” This attunement will be all about creating morning magic, creating your day. One thing we all have in common in starting our day is we all wake up breathing. So today, we are going to bring our cognizance to this breath. We are going to bring in the essence of gratitude for each breath, that we are breathing this morning. The second thing we all have in common is that our hearts are beating. These two things connect us to the rhythm of the universe in which all things are possible. Let’s begin with this as a starting point. Bring a breath in and release it. Give yourself a breath as a gift to yourself… “ahhhhh.” Just focus on the word “thank you.” As you bring your breath in, bring in the essence of gratitude.
If you are having a hard time connecting with the gratitude of just that single breath, let’s combine that now with connecting to your heart. So put your hands on your heart, both hands on your chest. Now give yourself another breath in and again say “thank you.” Another breath in, and “thank you.” Give yourself a minute or two to just feel your breath coming in and out. Feel the rhythm of your heartbeat and connect with your life force. This breath, this heartbeat connects you to the essence of the all, the creative energy that makes anything possible. Great! As we connect with our breath and the universal heartbeat, all things are possible in this day.
Have you ever heard yourself answering someone when they ask, “How are you doing?” “Well, same ole, same ole.” Or, “how was your day today?” “Oh, it was just another day, you know.” Well, today is not the same ole. Today is not just another day. Today is a day filled with magnificence and light, a day that you are here to create. So let’s take a big, deep breath in and let’s just release that belief system that “it’s just another day.” Just let that go. Bring another breath in and let’s release the energy of the “same ole, same ole.” This belief system no longer serves you. What if you could create the most magnificent day in your life today? Or better yet, instead of asking what if, if we move into the space of saying, “I am creating the most magnificent day of my life.”
When we moving into the feeling of what that would be, we create the space that attracts it to us. So let’s begin by creating our environment on your most magnificent day. Where are you? It could be on a mountain or a beautiful beach, a forest. It could be the city for you. But, begin to create that. Begin to bring the images in, and not only seeing them but feeling them, smelling them. Bring in all the senses in. Feel. The food you’ll be eating there for breakfast. I’ll give you a couple of minutes to create your own multi-sensory experience.
Great. And now that you know where you would be in your most magnificent day, you’ve created the environment and what it feels like with all of your senses, now bring in your team that you want around you. Who would you like to be around you in your most magnificent day? Your favorite people, people who support you, people who teach you, people who inspire you, people who motivate you, people who you love and love Just begin to bring them in one by one. Allow them to surround you and support you. Let them just tell you, “I’m here for you on your most magnificent day.” I’ll give you a few minutes to bring in your spiritual team on your most magnificent day.
Wonderful. So how does that feel to be in your most ideal environment with this wonderful spiritual team around you? Does it feel like you can create anything? I know it does, and I know you can.
So right now, I would like you to envision creating your schedule as you normally do on a piece of paper as you visualize it in your head. You know, 7 to 8 a.m., 9 to 10, and you can see the boxes there. But instead of scheduling things that you have to do today, in your mind’s eye, I want you to fill in things that bring you joy that you would like to do. It could be painting, it could be playing an instrument, it could be being with a loved one. Begin to just fill in those scheduled blocks with things that bring you joy or things that you always wanted to do, dreams that you have, long-term things that you would like to accomplish, things that touch your heart and your soul. Don’t do it on paper yet. Just see yourself creating that. Just allow yourself to smile as you see yourself filling in your day with joy. Have fun! I’ll give you a couple minutes. Oh, and one last thing. Somewhere in your day, I want you to leave the space totally blank. It’s important to leave room for magic.
Great! So just take a look at your day, all those wonderful things you put down. Just feel what that feels like. Feel what it feels like. There might be a little voice in your head going “yeah, right.” This exercise is all about creating the energy of bringing the essences of what brings you joy into your life. The first way this happens is connecting to the feeling of it, knowing they are possible. Will they all manifest at once? Maybe. Maybe not. It’s really up to you. But for now, which one thing really stands out in that schedule, something you really are ready to create in your life? And notice I did not use the word “try.” Trying takes a lot of work. When we move into the essence of create, we tap into the creator energy. This is the energy what we are connected with in our Morning Magic. So bring cognizance to that one thing that you want to bring in to create in your day today. As you bring this vibration of joy into your day, you begin to attract more things of joy into your life. Again, when you are hearing that little voice saying, “there’s no room in my day for it,” see yourself telling this voice you are ready to bring it in, and see yourself stopping yourself, almost as if you are walking down a street and you are blocking yourself from walking forward.
Ultimately, it is our selves that make the choice of what we bring into our day. Are you going to take responsibility for that? And not just responsibility in the way we look it, but responsibility in the derivative of the ability to respond. In this day, I choose to respond by bringing in this joy into my day, even if it is for five minutes. This is my joy! So now visualize yourself stepping out of your own way. As you step out of your own way, your higher soul can bring in the essence of who you truly are. So step out of your way… and into your light… see yourself walking into your light… your magnificence… your soul’s purpose, and just connect with this energy. For the next couple of minutes, allow yourself to receive any messages and guidance.
Great! So as you can see, these are not traditional approaches to scheduling your day. We really were working on releasing blocks and belief systems and creating the environment and energy for miracles and magic to happen. We are working beyond the physical level here. We’re connecting with our soul body, our spiritual essence to bring patterns of how we feel and move with what we are to become, the essence of why we are here. For the vibration you seek is the vibration you need to become.
So what are you seeking to incorporate into your life. Do you want more kindness? Do you want more compassion? Do you want more abundance? Do you want more love? Create the intention of what you are looking to bring in and then become that vibration. Become the compassion you seek first to yourself and then to others. Become the kindness you seek. Give the gift of kindness to yourself first and allow it to ripple out. Give the gift of love to yourself and watch your spiritual team move effortlessly into alignment to assist you in creating one of the most magnificent days of your life! And just bring that in. Create the intention of bringing in what you seek and then feel your self becoming it. Our lives are so much more than “to do” lists. Our lives are much more about to be lists. I’ll give you a few minutes to become the essence you seek.
Wow! Doesn’t that feel wonderful the energy of becoming what you seek. Watch it transform your life. What would happen if you actually combined your normal to do lists with your to be lists that you have created today? So I want you to think about that, and transfer something over even if it is the smallest thing. Bring it into your day. And leave an hour in there somewhere for magic, for new energy to come in. Miracles do happen! You are living, breathing examples.