Mushen And The Matrix

There is a state of being where all barriers dissolve where grounded-centered concentration flows from your being as easily as our bodies move through the air. This place is called Mu-Shen, a Chinese word meaning mind-no mind. It is complete poise, balanced perfectly between the physical world and the blank slate of spirit. It is where your mind creates your body’s movements before conscious thought can be acknowledged. Here, liberated from the chains of mental/emotional processes, the body joins in the flow of energy of all that exists. Suspended above the known world, vision is clear, the mind sharp, the body moves with grace and decision.

Mushen is brother to the Tao; one cannot adequately explain it with mere words. The Tao that can be told is not the true Tao. Tao is the path, way, method to enlightenment, and is different for us all. Like the Tao, to get to Mushen, you must let go of all preconceived notions and heavy baggage that ties us to this earth plane. Mushen is a sister to Karma. It is a force of the Universe, a law unto itself, bordered by the mind and buffered by the spirit.

The key to the portal of Mushen is different for each of us. It could be physical activity, a sport, yoga, tai chi, kung fu, martial arts, washing the dishes, that leads us into the deep connection. Meditation is a gift that deepens the relationship between all our levels of existence- and Mushen. Absorption into a ritual will alter a person’s consciousness enough to enter Mushen.

By entering into Mushen, you expand and achieve Mushen, even for the briefest of time, it is understood completely. It is the doorway to all that is opened by effortless effort.

In this time, knowledge is coming to us at an astounding rate. Questions that we ask have answers before we can form the questions in our minds. Knowledge of the things we never knew we needed to know is in our faces daily. Master Jesus declared, “The answer to your prayer is on the way even before you speak.”

The printed word, music, television, movies, the internet, overheard conversations- are all synchronistic events designed to draw you closer to Mushen.

One such movie is “The Matrix”. It is about a man, Neo, who becomes the embodiment of Mushen to save human existence. He becomes the doorway, the first like Usui in reiki, so that all may experience Mushen. For those who have never seen the movie, I highly recommend it. I will try to give a brief explanation – no explanation, however, will give you fully the knowing you can receive by watching the film yourself. It is just one of those things where you don’t know that you don’t know until you know.

Like each one of us when we begin to awaken to the reality that there is something much more than just a physical existence going on here, Neo develops an itch that cannot be scratched by conventional methods. He rebels against the society that he lives in by being a black-market seller of bootlegged cyber material. The itch, temporarily eased by his defiance, increases instead of decreases.

He knows, yet he doesn’t know how he knows, that this itch is the crux of the entire world’s problems. There is something wrong with the world. The powers in charge are behind it, and as he gets revenge on the powers that be by selling forbidden information, he feels slightly, briefly better. How many of us have used outside stimulation to dull our senses so that we cannot hear our inner voices speaking or feel our spiritual itch?

Neo’s itch is “What is the Matrix?” Our itch is “Who am I?” “What is my purpose?” It is the same question. Through a series of synchronistic choreographed events, Neo comes into the acquaintance of the one person who he feels has the anti-itch balm, Morpheus. Morpheus knows about the itch because he was once infected with it also. He holds all the answers that Neo has been asking. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. We are at one time all Neo, standing on the brink of discovering a new level of existence, not yet having full comprehension that other planes of knowledge have been available to us all along.

Neo is offered two pills, one that will put him to sleep so that Morpheus and crew can put him back in his own bed, believing it was all a dream, to live out his life in a state of flux. The other pill is one that imprints his cells so that the crew can find his physical body when it awakens from its slumber in the “real world.” We have the same decision. Free will is ours, a gift from spirit, yet before we know we are free, we feel bound because that is what society has conditioned us to feel. Know that it is not a good thing or a bad thing; it is just a thing, a tool for our learning. We are fully responsible for our blindness and can open our eyes in degrees or fully anytime we choose.

Once Neo’s body is revived, there is a period of adjustment that is a necessity. It takes time to establish equilibrium between the faster-moving spiritual energy that is enlivened by raising our vibrational rate in our energetic levels first, and then in our bodies. Integrating new knowledge is like upgrading a computer, it doesn’t just happen. The old system has to be reconfigured to make it compatible with the new technology. Master Jesus said, “You can’t pour new wine into old wineskins; the skins will burst. First, get new wineskins.” Well, we can’t exactly run out and purchase new bodies. As higher energy (knowledge) is being poured into us, our bodies need to become stronger, lighter, and cleaner to accommodate the incoming energy. Resting is a part of Mushen.

It is in the stillness, the cessation of activity, that spirit can be heard. Mushen is a dichotomy. Motion in stillness, movement without thought, mind no mind. In stillness we see how deep the pond goes that is fed only by love. Vast oceans of wisdom are ours for the asking.

Mushen is an art form and as such a discipline. There are neural pathways in our brains that run like roads. They connect to every cell in our bodies, delivering our thoughts. With every command, the neural pathways deepen, like ruts in a dirt road, forming habits. Garbage in garbage out. Therefore, the more time spent in Mushen, the easier it will become for us to enter into this state when needed.

It was vitally important for Neo to know with no doubt that he could achieve Mushen. He was goaded into discovering this ability while sparring in a training session in a simulation of the fake world of the Matrix. Morpheus asked him, “Do you believe that is the air that you are breathing?”. Do you believe the illusion or reality? He let go of his ego which bound him to the illusion, and all that would bind him to the physical reality, for he knew the training area was not where the real Neo could possibly be; it was not the real world. Neo was able to step into the quantum space of Mushen by letting go and simply being.

All things, even air, are made of atoms, which at the quantum level are 99% space. If a hockey puck in downtown Detroit was a nucleus, then a house in Toronto Canada would be an electron, and another house in Dublin Ireland would be a proton, held together in the Ozone layer, which represents the containing field. The space between the solids (which are really just energy patterns themselves) inside the atom is where Mushen resides.

This is where time collapses. Have you ever concentrated so hard on a task that an hour feels like minutes? This is where reality shifts, where altering our energetic thought pattern creates a differing reality. Quantum energy can move like a wave or a stream, and it changes when observed. By the simple act of passive watching, at the quantum level, we change the way the energy moves. Here immediate, simultaneous results occur. It may take time in the physical to show, being denser, slower-moving energy, but eventually, it will show.

There is no time, there is no spoon, do you think that is the air that you are breathing?
We, like Neo, must rid ourselves of all unconscious doubts and fears before Mushen becomes the power that it can be in our lives. Neo finally free his mind completely by dying, not on the ship where his body is, but in the arena of the mind, the Matrix. The body has no choice but to follow, for the body and the mind cannot be separated. It is when Trinity, a fellow freedom fighter, confesses her love to him, giving up her fear in response to the love, that he drops the illusion of death in the mind. His body revives in the Matrix, and he becomes a powerful weapon, fighting the captors who have trapped humanity in a deep coma for their purposes.

We, like Neo, can be a powerful force on this planet. With the conscious use of Mushen, we can morph hate into love, violence into compassion, disease into health, poverty into prosperity. By training our minds to not only accept the silence but to embrace it, we can access the vast supply of information that lies waiting for our use.

Reality is perception. This world is a holographic image formed from the collective unconscious (thoughts) of the participants in the drama. The arena of the earth is a tool to be used for our learning. Until we develop a healed collective unconscious, where the stronger energy pull is one of love, not one that needs to see war for the mirror it provides for people’s inner-selves, we will have conflicts.

When the collective unconscious of the participants in poverty-stricken areas raise to the degree that they must see the poverty within their souls, the healing will commence. When disease ravages a community, and whole Nations fall prey to its destruction; the collective unconscious of the Nation must hear what the disease is saying. It is there for a reason, it will not disappear until it is heard and it will only grow when ignored. All diseases/issues have a lesson and a voice.

By entering into Mushen, we not only are honoring what we brought to ourselves for the purpose of higher learning, but we can hear the answer to the questions “why are you here?”, “what must we do to heal?”, “how do we alter our perceptions in order to learn the lesson you provide?”

One person entering the collective unconscious via Mushen will set off a wave of change that affects the entire ocean of reality for us all. If the energy is positive or if it is negative, it will only reflect back to us in the physical what we have chosen. Let us join in Mushen, in the place where all can be changed, in love. Once we have chosen the greater path, the higher thoughts, we can then heal our own selves. By living in compassion space, we will choose love in Mushen, which will reflect back to us what we live on the inside- peace, joy, love, prosperity, unity, oneness. It is our choice, it is our power, and it is our greatest lesson.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.