My Story & How I Became a Lightworker

If you’re reading this, there’s a strong chance that you too are interested in becoming a light worker. I’ll start by telling you how I became one so that maybe it’ll paint a clearer picture for you and help to guide the way.

I was raised religiously Christian, and had never been exposed to anything other than my mainstream religion until high school. It was then, when I stumbled across some Buddhist books and took an environmental science class at college, that my spiritual awakening began. The two combined helped me see things in new ways and made me question whether any of our existing religions were expressing the full truth about reality as we know it today (or ever).

I began to research a variety of different religions and spiritual beliefs while I was in college. I remember my mind being blown when I found out that there were over 4,000 different types of religions in the world, and knowing that I probably couldn’t ever learn about them all. It was humbling to think that human beings had created all of these various belief structures while the reality we live in today is still largely a mystery.

I read books on meditation, experimented with psychedelics (a few times), did yoga and explored different ways of life. During this period, which lasted a couple of years, my whole life shifted in many ways that felt like they’d never happened before. I knew I was being led to something, but didn’t know what it was.

It wasn’t until much later that I realized that I had traveled down a path toward becoming a light worker. It was during the time period where I was searching for deeper meaning in life, and trying to find some kind of truth to hold on to. The way I eventually came to understand this concept is by using the holographic model of reality.

So, how would you describe a hologram? Well, imagine the image below (though it may not look like it at first).

Now imagine that all of the little squares on the surface of this hologram are actually individual sound waves. Whichever one you look at warps and reflects in your field of vision. This means that this image is a physical representation of what our world would be like if there were no space-time and all things were made from energy.

According to David Icke in his book “The Perception Deception”, we are all actually part of a universal holographic idea. The universe is a giant thought, and every person and object that makes up our world exists in this way. The space around us is just an illusion made of thought energy that’s designed to keep us trapped inside conditioned patterns of thinking.

So what exactly do I mean when I say that some people are light workers? You can think of it as someone who’s on the path toward realizing that they’re not their mind, and doesn’t need to be told how to live life anymore. From the perspective of a light worker, we’re all pure consciousness. We don’t have to believe in anything or follow any rules, and can choose at any time what we want to believe.

That’s a pretty crazy concept, but it’s based on what I learned during my time as a seeker. Once I understood that we’re all part of one giant energy pattern, I began to understand why so many of us struggle with beliefs and laws that are designed for someone else. These are the same beliefs that keep us trapped in the illusion which is our physical reality.

So what’s the big picture here? How do light workers fit into all of this? Well, when we get past the idea that we’re all physical beings tied to the earth and our bodies, we realize that we’re more free than ever to explore other areas of reality. People who do this are often called light workers because they shine a light of truth within themselves.

I know that’s a big claim, but I’m looking at all of this from a perspective where everything is indeed energy. If you can imagine two people with different thought patterns being able to see the same situation, you’ll begin to understand what I mean by “different thought patterns”.

Let’s say that you and I are walking side by side through a forest. You notice a tree that’s peeling off blue paint, while I notice the green leaves of the same tree. What might be going on here? Well, it’s very likely that you and I are manifesting these things because of the way we’re thinking.

Perhaps you’re someone who goes through life feeling depressed and disconnected from others, while I’ve found joy in being connected to nature. If this is true, then which one of us is actually experiencing reality as it is? Most likely, both of us are because our reality is only made up of what we think it is (and even what other people believe).

Now look a little closer at the tree. If these thoughts are a part of the universal thought pattern, then who’s to say that there’s not something else going on that neither of us can see? Maybe the tree is actually blue with green leaves that aren’t peeling off, and it’s both of us who are creating the illusion.

This is what light workers do – they challenge their reality and question others to help get to the bottom of things. It’s not like they’re better than anyone else, but they’ve learned how to stand in their own truth regardless of what anyone else tells them. I personally find that I get in my own way when someone tries to tell me what to do.

“But what about religion?” you might ask. Well, I’ve had many friends who’ve become very spiritual after being introduced to the idea of a universal energy pattern. They don’t need to believe in an invisible god or follow a specific set of rules anymore because they realize that they’re one with the patterns inside their mind. It’s like seeing the holographic image in the space around us, and recognizing that it’s not real.

This is what I mean when I say that all things are made out of energy, and we’re all living our own realities at all times while thinking something different from one another. It’s not like there’s an outside group of people who are better than anyone else; it’s just another way of looking at reality from a different perspective.

I think that the idea of the hologram is a unique way of looking at this concept, and if you can see that thinking and reality are intertwined, then you’ll begin to understand what I mean. You’ll also realize that we’re all made up of energy, so being unapologetic about our true selves is an even better idea.

I’m sure that you’re not going to like most of what I say because it challenges your beliefs, but I’d rather challenge them than let them continue to hold me in the illusion.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.