Omni-dimensionality, Alchemical Creation & Collective ConscioUSness

In order to tell the story of consciousness and how it has evolved over the past decade, you have to be willing to step fully into the present moment and let go of all preconceptions of how you think consciousness is or was. You have to be willing to surrender your view of things in order to discover the delightful exploration of what can be and what is becoming more and more every moment!

Some might say collective consciousness is as old as the hills, but over the past decade, it’s evolved so radically that it’s hardly recognizable anymore. We have done this consciously and together, all around the world. Whether we knew each other or not, we’ve been collaborating on the most delicious shift. Here’s how ‘ourstory’ (as opposed to history) began:

During the second world war, the first atom bomb was dropped on the Earth. That was a catastrophic occurrence. But if you view it from a slightly bigger place, you discover that this was the beginning of the opening up of the Earth’s closed energy system. Whew, tough way to gain access to our awakening, but effective in terms of the ability to open up a new future for us all.

Years on, in 1987, the first Harmonic Convergence brought together people of consciousness all over the world to bring light and consciousness to the planet in a concerted global fashion. The awakening had fully begun. A great big thank you to all those who took the movement of our awakening out of trauma (needing atom bombs to make it happen) and into grace (using conscious people to make it happen).

In 1996, new energies flooded the Earth. People began to make the designated shifts, from believing themselves to be small human beings trapped in a system of karma or sin, to the understanding of themselves as greater beings with enhanced abilities and incredible visions of a new future. The old Earth spirit, tired as she was, departed the Earth and a brand new spirit and soul entered the vibrational frequency of this wonderful world. The Earth and humanity were seeded with new Life … and the fundamental stirrings of a new beginning.

In 1997 the human energy system took a leap with the opening of the human heart, as evidenced by the death of Princess Diana. Spirit, in the form of the greater self, began to infiltrate physicality. But it struggled to land in living reality because the deeper, inner self (soul) wasn’t ready for it yet. We were still holding that precious, vulnerable, amazing part of ourselves inside, tucked safely away from the big bad world.

Around about the year 2000, brave souls all over the world began the flip of the soul into a living reality. With our souls flipped out, spirit / greater self had a place to land and the ‘wholistic’ (whole holograming) integration of our full selves moved into its next phase.

From this wholistic, connected space, we discovered easy access to knowledge and wisdom beyond ourselves, and more importantly, we began to play, from a fluidly open and wholistic energy system, with the nature of collective consciousness.

In July 2001, the high heart (breastplate area) of the human energy system opened up, allowing the energy of passion, potential and vibrant power to flow on through. This was the powerful energy from deep within that would fuel our new creations and give spirit / greater self a place to land.

At the same time, a new kind of energy began to pulse through the air, as if we’d reached into the zero point field and pulled ‘free energy’ on through. This signalled the move from three-dimensional reality to Omni-dimensional reality. We didn’t just move from the third to the fourth or fifth dimension.

Instead, we blasted it all wide open and now have access to all levels of consciousness and vibrational frequency, allowing us to move from polarity (black/white, good/evil, right/wrong) to paradox (where all truths are true). Living in paradoxical reality is liberating us from the reactive and singular-minded approach of the third dimensional world. Here, we could hear what others were saying and see beyond the traumas of the moment to understand the greater unfolding occurring.

Next came September 11th, 2001 … the twin towers collapsing as an iconic symbol for the powerful emergence of the NEW to really begin. At the time I wrote:

“There is in this moment another golden opportunity. With those clouds of smoke and dust emerge the priceless potential for nations to truly know each other at last, regardless of colour, creed, faith, country, beliefs. From the rubble can arise the new human race, linked heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit to spirit as we finally recognise that this is our time to come forth and be the new — the Phoenix from the ashes, humanity at its finest.”

It was as if those towers were a reminder to us to say ‘This is the time, this is the work you’re all destined to do.’ The collective consciousness we were building at that time collapsed right along with the towers … and that was perfect too. Because we had been building collective consciousness on the fabric of one to one to one connectedness … holographic yes, with each one being a cell of the whole. But what came next radically reformed that design as we began to build a collective consciousness on the whologram … where everyone is THE WHOLE, uniquely, passionately, and zestfully.

No longer attuned to the concept of ‘oneness’, where we merge ourselves within the whole, we began to play with ‘uniqueness’ as the centre point of our design. Here, the more each person became uniquely and passionately who s/he was, the more the whole could thrive and grow. A brand new collective conscioUSness was born through our conscious creation. We were making this creation with our eyes open and walking around in the world.

We didn’t attribute it to masters beyond us (although they were helping out I’m sure). We didn’t wait for someone to come save us from the mess we created. We stood up together and created in a way that we’d never done before. We co-created a brand new collective conscioUSness for an incredible future for humanity, our world, and our cosmos.

This holographically designed collective conscioUSness was the embryo, the cocoon for new LIFE to spring forth. From within every one of us and within the Earth itself, the seed began to germinate and grow. A new beingness has been emerging from within every cell. The spaces of the air are permeated with it and the cells of our bodies vibrate with it. LIFE has come ALIVE and a brand new, thriving, pulsing, living conscioUSness has been born that allows each and every one of us to be more than we ever dreamed we could be.

Within this conscioUSness, a new kind of alchemy has also been born. No longer, wizards of personal desire, we become alchemists for Life, exploring, unfolding, and creating like never before. New alchemy lives inherently within our new conscioUSness. To access it, you simply move into an ultra-connected relationship with living intelligence and the newly evolving cosmic soul. Then let the symphony of our collective creation begin.

Over the past decade, we’ve been calling ourselves fully present, from the deep inner and the vast beyond, and completing ourselves as we have never done before. We’ve surrendered ourselves as all we’ve ever been or known into the great becoming of a new generation, a new era, a new reality.

We’ve created a geniUS pool, placing within it all the wisdoms and knowledge of all of our lifetimes in every place and time. And we’ve connected this geniUS pool to the creation and to the ultimate Source to allow it to grow into possibilities unknown. Today, we are the ‘imagos’ (the final and perfect stage after all metamorphoses), entering the final stages of our becoming.

Today, children are born into and from this new conscioUSness. They’re naturally ultra-connected to one another. They have extraordinary abilities. Every single child born today has a unique capacity for creation and evolution.

Our parenting and our educational systems are going to have to adjust from the ‘norm’ oriented disciplines of the past to create the celebration of unique potential in each and every one. For this is the key to our new conscioUSness. Every person is wholistically unique … and the more we celebrate, encourage, and empower that uniqueness, the more the whole thrives and evolves.

But it’s not just the new children who are benefiting from this living conscioUSness. Adults all over the world are discovering their connection to living intelligence, making the move from the ‘mind/head’ oriented approach to thinking to a wholistic approach to being and creating. We’re discovering the joys of living ultra-connected with one another. We’re in touch with and write from and for the music of the cosmoses. The evolving cosmos speaks from our mouths and pours through our fingers into an orchestrated symphony of delight.

Even the Christmas 2004 tsunami demonstrated more than anything else the wave of interconnectedness that is beginning to thrive on this planet…people leading the way for donations so that their governments had to follow and…animals in tune with the wave and moving out of its destructive wake, demonstrating to humans everywhere that it is not only possible but imperative that we get in tune with the living intelligence and begin to live in a new and delightful way, attuned to LIFE.

Today, more and more people are falling in love with LIFE, passionately following their dreams and leaving the old, stagnant reality behind. Throughout past years, we’ve not only evolved into a much greater sense of ourselves individually, but we’ve also collaboratively co-created the evolution of our race into a species of vastly intelligent, highly creative, super-connected beings who can and will steward in a new future for our world and for the cosmos in which we live.

Our collective conscioUSness is now an amazing zenith point for a new matrix of vibrant reality. Creation flourishes in the air around us and living consciousness floods every cell of our being. We are integrating the vast intelligence and enhanced abilities that have always been our birthright.

We are radiating vibrancy into Life around us and we are partnering with one another, with Life, and with the conscioUSness of our newly evolving cosmos to bring a completely new reality into being. We are cosmic creatives and we are emerging from our cocoons to be the voices for vibrant living and passionate understanding.

Today  humanity has arrived and is finding its voice amidst the flurry of change, transformation, and evolution that surrounds us. The new is already thriving and the old is clearly dying. The evolving cosmos slides delightfully into play. Don’t worry about the old world that you see on the news and in the political arenas.

Yes, there are traumas and dramas continuing to play out as the old seeks its final demise. But we don’t have to play along anymore. Grace, vibrancy, creativity, and connection are the buzz words of the NEW. Use your vast intelligence and our new creative geniUS to discover inventive ‘soulutions’ beyond anything we’ve ever thought of before. We’re a brand new race in a brand new space and conscioUSness … and the future is ours to inspire!


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.