Parenting In The New Energy

There are many differing opinions on the various kinds of new children who have been arriving here in the past 50 years, and who will continue to arrive into the 21st century. Many agree that the new children belong to a new race, the 7th root race of humanity, more specifically the Blue Ray, which is said to be that of the Will. I have never been one to spend much time trying to understand the root races, rays, and other forms of descriptive groupings, so I shall leave it up to you to do your own research if you are interested. What I am going to do in the next few weeks is to offer some common-sense ideas for parenting these new children as well as attempting to find the common ground for all.

What do we agree on? Well, most agree that there have been many forerunners in recent decades, forerunners who have cleared the way for the arrival of the new children. Most agree that the children require and will help to create new paradigms in parenting, education, business, spirituality, technology, you name it. It appears that there are many different areas of focus for these children, from pure technology to that of being the peacemakers. The one thing that virtually everyone agrees upon is that these children comprise the next evolutionary step of humanity, that they are the bridge in many ways, and that they are very sensitive to their environment, not only physically, but also psychically and emotionally. As such, it is very easy for them to become imbalanced in a world such as ours. How do we help our children maintain balance or to regain it once it is lost? The new children are not like children were in the past… they can be easily overwhelmed in a toxic environment – and toxic can mean noise, chemicals, energy fields, even people. It is important early on in the lives of our children that we pay attention to what works for them, what overwhelms them, and not force them into situations where they cannot cope.

Following are some common-sense ideas that can be of benefit to all children:

  • All children are special and have the right to be loved, to be listened to, to be respected, and to be guided with all basic needs met
  • All children require, will welcome, and will benefit from age-appropriate boundaries and limit setting. Many of the new children have never been on Earth before and, as such, need a lot of explanations and guidance about how things work here
  • All children, including small babies, will benefit from time spent in nature every day, away from power lines, EMFs, exhaust fumes, and crowds. The plant kingdom does a wonderful job of clearing and balancing energy fields. When it is not possible to spend time in nature, create a lovely bath time. Water will also clear their energy fields allowing a return to balance and harmony after a hectic day
  • All people need abundant amounts of pure drinking water. I make a habit of keeping a lead crystal pitcher of blessed water available on the table at all times. I place my hands around the pitcher, verbalizing a prayer to create a consciousness in the water that is perfect for those who are drinking it. I also keep a bowl of attractive, fresh fruit on the table at all times. Because the first thing the children see is fresh water and fruit in an attractive presentation, that is what they choose most often
  • Each child will have different dietary requirements. Some are natural vegetarians, some are not. Always have a variety of healthful foods available; foods that are as free of hormones, chemicals, etc. as possible. Again, keep in mind again that these children are sensitive and can easily become imbalanced from things that do not bother others. There are many good books available to help parents come up with a diet that works in harmony with each child’s needs. It does seem in many cases that diet is a major contributor to the imbalance
  • Learn to do some simple energy work such as Reiki or Peggy Dubro’s EMF Balancing Technique mini session. Peggy has an inexpensive audiotape called The Phoenix Factor, which you can find at her website, which can be of great benefit
  • Obviously, all children need a lot of playtimes. Some of the more aggressive ones may require a martial arts forum to learn to channel their energy appropriately, as well as to help them achieve inner balance.
  • Encourage creative expression in all sorts of areas. The more avenues a child has to express herself, the more balanced she will be, whether it be in the area of art, dance, writing, building, etc. I am not saying that children need to be running off every day to different lessons or sports activities. On the contrary, I think many educated, middle-class parents have their children in too many activities, which only contributes further to their being overwhelmed. However, do have available in the home tools and supplies for various kinds of creative expression. When my children were young, I would cover the dining room table with newsprint, tape the paper to the table underneath and have felt-tipped pens and other art supplies close at hand at all times. When the paper was filled, I would throw it away and add a new piece. I also made it very clear that this was the only place for this kind of creativity… in other words, not the walls, etc.,
  • I don’t think enough can be said about encouraging passion, finding one’s unique talents and gifts, making choices, taking risks, making mistakes. Each of us is a unique piece of God, and there is no greater gift for you to give your child than helping him find his own uniqueness
  • Include children in as many family decisions as possible. Constantly look for ways to create a choice when a choice is truly available. At first, it can be a little time consuming, but very quickly it will simply be the way you do things on a regular basis
  • Call upon your own guidance as well as that of your child to assist you in finding answers to or solutions for difficult problems. Along with this, I suggest that you encourage your children to have a daily quiet time by doing so yourself or as a family
  • There is no need to overwhelm children with toys either. I personally feel that most of our children have far too many toys, which actually stifles creativity. All children should have balls, blocks, water, and sand as well as art supplies and some source of music. Keep it simple, process-oriented, and creative.

So far, I have discussed what I think are some rather simple, common-sense suggestions for making life easier for parents as well as children. Nothing very earth-shattering, but then I believe for the most part that things don’t have to be very difficult. What we are shooting for here are balance and harmony. In the next issue, I will discuss, among other things, how parents need to look within themselves for answers to what is happening with their children. Are you caretaking your inner child? Are you expressing your feelings? Again, much of this is really very simple, but not always very easy.




My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.