Simply Aware

THE WORLD WE ARE BORN INTO AND LIVE IN IS THE COMPLETE opposite of our true nature. Why do so many of us feel as though we are aliens on our own planet, cut off from our family, friends, and the rest of humanity? Walking alone in this strange world confronted with the ups and downs as if thrown into a tormented sea, tossed up and down on the waves of life, just waiting to be thrown against the rocks along the shore. Why me? We ask ourselves, as we look at everyone else, seemingly gliding through life on a breeze unaffected by life’s hardships. Why does my Heart ACHE with longing, and what I am longing for, is it God, is it Peace, is it a better job, a better relationship? Why is it when I get all the things I want, I am still not experiencing Peace? Does no one else have this burning desire to be whole, complete, even for an instant? What about living a life in perpetual Bliss. Is that a myth?

In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says to Arjuna, “Out of a thousand people one will seek me, and out of a thousand of those ones will know me in principle.” In other words, he is saying that out of all humanity, I (God, Source, Universe, totality, enlightenment, whatever you call the Highest) will choose a “lucky” one who will seek me (God, Peace, etc.). Out of a thousand of those one will be enlightened, know absolute Peace and experience, God. Sounds great does it not, being chosen to experience Self-Aware Bliss? Here’s the cosmic joke:

You have heard of the expression, “ignorance is bliss” well unfortunately, that doesn’t apply to you! You can’t delude yourself anymore into thinking you experience peace with relative Happiness. You have been chosen by God to seek Eternal Peace; it is the biggest Cosmic joke, and it sucks because you won’t stop until you find it; your heart will long and long for fulfillment in this life and the next until you live in Total Reality. That is God’s gift to you; you will no longer be content with less than Eternal Peace until you rest in the awareness of your true nature! So – congratulations are in order here, and condolences for ego, for limitations, for conditionings but most of all for the past.

Condolences because there is nothing on earth so painful as being aware that you experience separation from Reality. You will wish you could go back and, like an ostrich, hide your head in the sand and pretend the world completes you, pretend, that you’re not aware of your heart’s desire. You don’t have a choice in your seeking anymore, if you don’t believe me, try to go back, it gets harder and harder to deny your highest desire, your Highest Bliss; this is your experience. The Beauty of this Gift is that you won’t suffer if you accept it full-on, find the stairs and walk through the door. We’ll talk more about getting to the door later, so hang on. But for heaven’s sake don’t delay your Peace by running back, the choice has been made, and ultimately it WAS your choice; that is another part of the Joke for how could you, being infinite, choose to remain limited? Ha! Simple isn’t it?

There is an overwhelming Ocean of Divine Presence, of Divine Bliss leading you. Follow it. You need do nothing. Let go and watch. Listen to the ever-silent stillness.

Simple Science, Simply thoughts

Neuroscience-neurons-neurotransmitters-thoughts, Quantum physics-Quantum thoughts, Psychology- Psyche-thoughts. The Ultimate Science is watching thoughts. The histories of all branches of science seeking to discover the Ultimate Reality will come to that same conclusion. “Thoughts create reality,” is actually a misnomer, thoughts distort reality.

Psychologists estimate the average person thinks 120,000 thoughts a day, that is a lot of thinking. Virtually all thoughts are in the past or future, go ahead, check it out; are you present if you are thinking? Are you here? Where are you as you read these words? Notice how your mind slows down when you are watching, witnessing, being aware. Try it, you’ll like it. All psychological stress and disorders are caused by experiences that have stuck in the nervous system in the form of thoughts and emotions. We can label that whatever we want: how about depression, or anxiety, which is caused by a series of repeated thoughts in the past that have stuck to the nervous system. We have, by habit, accepted our “distorted reality” based on our habitual thinking, believing, and conceptualizing. It’s not our fault; we have just been doing it.

This leads to neuroscience-neurotransmitters, and DNA. Every thought that you have ever had since you were born has an effect on the brain and nervous system. A positive thought fires the neurons’ neurotransmitters, which stimulate positive chemicals in the brain, like dopamine and endorphins. Negative thoughts create neurotoxins, which have a harsh effect on the nervous system. Which is better? Does that mean I need to go around thinking positive thoughts all day, pretending to be all happy and spiritual just so I can release great chemicals? You don’t have to change anything about your thoughts!

Actually, this does not describe the Ultimate function of the human nervous system. Both of these actually stress the nervous system. The upward high and the downward low take a toll on our body-mind’s functioning and mirror the trials and tribulations of regular waking state life. What we want is a state of peaceful awareness. The greatest chemicals come from Silence in the mind. That happens when the neurons cease firing incessantly due to chaotic thinking patterns, bringing havoc to the naturally pure state of the nervous system. This state of coherence has been measured by the electroencephalograph and is being measured by more advanced technologies today. How does this “peak experience” happen?

Drug chemists design drugs for pharmacies; some design drugs for mental illness and psychological disorders like manic depression. One of these chemists developed a system for calibrating different levels of consciousness that a drug could produce in the brain. A “Plus Four” experience is the highest state; he describes this experience as, “a rare and precious transcendental state, a blissful peak experience.”

The term peak experience was originally described by Abraham Maslow, as a State of Pure Joy, where all sense of separation dissolves and being fully present, there is no fear. This chemist was asked if he thought one day science would discover a practice, technology, or drug that could reliably produce a “plus-four” experience without any side effects. He said that he did one day foresee a time when science would create the magic pill. He said we would achieve the goal of humanity; we would be living in a state of perpetual peace. Guess what? The practice is already here! It’s called meditation! The Ishayas’ (A group of monks, Ishaya means for Christ or for a higher state of awareness) call it the Ishayas’ Ascension. The magic pill is already here, the Ishayas call it an Ascension Attitude. The “Plus Four” state is already here; it’s your natural state. Whatever technique you use, the experience is your natural state, it’s just a tool, a vehicle to reveal what is already there.

When we start to be aware and watch our thoughts, we start to master our minds. From the surface to the core of our being we start to see the judgments, beliefs, and limitations so we can let them go. Normally we don’t realize that we are being controlled by all these past conditionings. By being aware we dissolve the limitations because they are no longer hidden. In other words, we become more conscious and this allows our body-minds to become more rested, more blissful. Gradually the Silent space between thoughts becomes more and more clear and our presence of Peace greater. Simple isn’t it?

The interesting thing about DNA is that science has shown that our DNA is activated by our emotions. All our emotions, not just Love, even fear, are activating the DNA. What that means is that all our emotions are okay. There are no good and bad emotions, there is just energy in motion. So there is no problem, except that we all just can’t seem to get this. Sure I accept that I can watch my thoughts, sure, maybe I will even accept that they are just movements in awareness like waves on the ocean. But don’t tell me when I am angry, it’s not me that is angry, that you didn’t cause it, that I don’t have an issue with anger because I have a short temper, and I have been cheated my whole life. Don’t tell me to let go and not label my anxiety because I have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. We have a whole lot of thinking wrapped around our emotions especially the so-called negative ones.

Don’t label your emotions; treat them like thoughts and watch them. Listen to this, another one of God’s jokes, (probably forgot to tell you). Anxiety is actually Pure Radiant Bliss. Huh? No, I am totally serious, it’s a fact. What happens is that you label an emotion (which you shouldn’t even label as an emotion) because of habitual thinking, it’s like: Oh boy, here it comes, this is scary, and then the thoughts come flying because you make it so personal, I can’t handle it: story-story. You’re right you can’t handle it, so don’t. God sends you Unlimited Bliss, it hits your nervous system, and your past habits of thinking move, then you identify with them as “real.”

Next time don’t do that, just experience the Bliss, it is much simpler that way. You can’t think, identity, personalize thoughts, and experience peace. For God’s sake (your sake) be innocent with your experiences, treat everything as a thought, like a bird flying by. Who cares? It’s just a speck – you are the Aware SUN, the mind is the MAGNIFYING GLASS, the ANT is the thought. Like the Sun, you identify yourself with the magnifying glass and then you focus on the ant, then you scream “AAAAHHHHHH!! It’s going to get me.” Never mind that the ant is a tiny speck and you just blew it up, but move your mind towards the Sun and what happens… The magnifying glass fills with the light of awareness and burns the ant to a crispy critter; with all that focus of Light on it, it heats up and fries. What did you do? Nothing, you were just aware, you are the Eternal Blissful Sun. What you focus on grows. Focus on the Self, Eternal Bliss Consciousness, the fourth state. What moves is just an ant: be the Ascendant. Simple isn’t it?

Quantum Physics says it’s all one, a unified field of Awareness. The ant being just a thought comes from what the Ishayas’ call the Ascendant. A quantum physicist might call it Universal Energy. Everything comes from this universal energy and eventually moves back to it. Even though it never left. That’s the Divine joke. That which we are never changed; it’s a simple, natural, and effortless state – never beginning, never-ending, always present. Yet like a magic show, tricking its own nature into “THINKING,” it is not what IT IS. So the bottom line is… There sure are a lot of things NOT to think about!


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.