Spider Symbolism- Spiders as Totem & Spirit Animals and SCARY Omens

Everyone is afraid of spiders – they’re disgustingly crawly, and often have dangerous bites. But what if you found out that spiders are also the totems of storytellers and weavers of magic? Sure, there’s something to be said about the power arachnids can assume over an individual when they feel threatened. But while we may not want a spider in our home, it turns out that these eight-legged creatures are more important than most realize.

Spider is the symbol of strength, intelligence, and creativity. It has the power to create eight unique lines in her web from one point and use it for binding prey and other purposes. This powerful eight-legged creature always uses its best efforts to outwit its enemies so that she can survive in any condition. It is also associated with Mercury, making it a symbol of quick wit and resourcefulness.

The spider manifests an instinctive knowledge about how to weave her web for catching prey and escape from predators. In ancient times, spider symbolized the creative power of spirit and was believed to be one of the guardians of magical powers. The spider holds a place in many folk tales, most notably that of Arachne who defied Athena and was consequently turned into a spider herself.

Today’s interpretation is quite different as spiders are often said to represent creativity, patience, or busyness when amplified by their webs. Despite how poisonous some species may be, it has also been said that they carry messages from ancestors’ spirits or other realms with their webs which appease the departed souls. The spider is also a symbol of artistry – the ability to spin webs out of thin air and weave them into intricate patterns.

More recently, it has come to represent death as a signifying force that consumes everything by weaving its thread of destiny which binds man to live.

What Is the Spider Symbolism for Native Americans?

In the folklore of many Native Americans, spiders are seen as spiritual leaders. They are said to have wisdom and mystical powers and will lead humans to the underworld. It is thought that when you see a spider – especially out of its web – then you will have good luck.

The spider symbolizes transformation for some tribes, such as the Navajo, who believe it symbolizes strength and patience. For other tribes, the spider is a servant of great power or a deity who creates webs that might represent potential destinies or journeys.

To Native Americans, the spider’s web is recognized as an important ancestor – one who risked her life over and over again to create a beautiful world for future generations.

Native American culture is rich with symbols that provide insight into the culture’s values, beliefs, and world views. Spider symbolism is found in many Native American cultures throughout North America.

The Navajo see spiders as a symbol of the balance between order and chaos, seeing it as a necessary force to keep the world in balance. They believe that spiders weave their webs on every side, not just the top and bottom, thus creating balance even with its imperfections.

Other Native Americans see the spider as a symbol of interconnectedness – how all things are linked together and one’s actions affect all others around them.

The Native Americans believed that spiders occupied many different positions in the natural order of things; they were considered to possess great spiritual power as well as physical strength which enabled them to hold up their web for use by other creatures more powerful than themselves, such as small birds, bugs, and insects.

What Is the Spider Symbolism in Eastern Culture?

Powerfully woven into the traditional weaving of Eastern culture, the spider symbol has a rich history that spans back thousands of years. In China and Japan, it was believed that spiders were messengers from the gods, spinning their webs to catch and hold evil spirits. The spider is also a sign of power in Korea, often found in royal garments. It’s also used as decoration on pottery and architecture throughout Asia.

Still, spider symbolism in Eastern culture is a complex topic, as it has many meanings and interpretations. For some cultures, spiders are seen as the embodiment of creativity, harmony between man and nature, and wealth. In other cultures, they’re considered evil.

There are traditions throughout history that have used spider symbols to represent pestilence or economic hardships before the harvest. The spider symbolism again varies depending on the culture – in China, it represents filial piety while in Africa it symbolizes fertility or dependence on others for survival.

We are often taught that the spider symbolizes the evils of creation because having a different approach to life than other animals and looking scary. But in Eastern cultures, it has a different symbolic meaning and has been used as a metaphor for ideas like adaptability, creativity, patience, persistence, foresight, and strength. The spider is also made mention in Buddhism texts for its courageousness, which we can all learn from.

What Does the Spider Symbolize in China?

In China, the spider is a symbol of wealth, happiness, and good fortune. It is also considered being a symbol of intelligence and creativity.

Although some people may find spiders creepy, the Chinese see them as auspicious creatures that bring luck wherever they go. It’s not uncommon to spot the occasional spider hanging outside a shop in China!

In China, spiders have long been associated with creativity and victory. They are seen as symbols of abundance, especially with food—a direct contrast to Western cultures where they are seen as pests that need to be eradicated. Furthermore, their web has long been regarded as a hexagonal shape signifying stability and harmony.

The spider usually symbolizes long life, happiness, and wealth in Chinese culture. The spider web is often used as a door guard to keep out potential evil spirits. When an envelope is sealed by hand, a drawing of a spider at the bottom right corner serves as a seal of authenticity to stop tampering with the mail.

If you’re considering giving something valuable like jewelry or silverware to someone as a gift in China, then it’s wise to have this object decorated with the likeness of a golden silk orb-weaver and red fangs.

What Does the Spider Symbolize in Japan?

The spider is a powerful symbol in Japanese culture with several meanings. In the traditional arts of Japan, the spider is seen as representing wisdom and patience, which are both valued traits in exploring life’s uncertainties and coming to terms with the unknown. The eight legs of the spider represent nobility and prosperity; while spiders prey on other creatures, they also produce silk like nets which are considered magical.

The spider symbolizes several values in Japan, depending on the specific context. For example, the spider was considered a symbol of wisdom and patience in the Edo Period. Additionally, it stands for good luck and happiness during the Obon festival. When a spider spins its web at night it is said to be predicting rain for that day, so many people will purposely leave them to spin their web without disturbing them.

Japan believes that spiders have great supernatural powers that can be used against humans even to make people disappear without evidence.

In Japan, some believe that the spider symbolizes a manual laborer and is a lucky creature.

Others may say that it symbolizes an industrious person and is also thought to be lucky. In either case, it can represent someone hardworking, diligent, ambitious.

What Does the Spider Symbolize in European Cultures?

In Europe, the spider has most often been viewed as a symbol of rebirth or resurrection. The idea behind this belief is that a spider spins its web to catch food but if it doesn’t catch any prey, then it will spin an even bigger web the next night – depicting nature constantly trying to improve itself over time and never giving up.

One of the more common symbols that you’re likely to come across in European culture is that of a spider. This creature, with its eight legs and long, spindly body, can be seen depicted on various things throughout Europe and beyond, from flags to architecture.

Well, in many European cultures, such as Ireland and Portugal, the spider is seen as a creature that brings medicine. In other countries like Bulgaria and Turkey, it’s seen as a symbol of violence.

How Were Spiders Depicted in the Celtic Culture?

The spider symbolizes foresight in Celtic culture. It also stands for the ability to see the unseen or those things that are usually hidden from view. The spider is a moving image of wisdom in balance; the web of life-transforming thoughts into reality.

The Celts, from Ireland, Scotland, and Wales saw spiders also as symbols of knowledge. They would have seen spiders as being patient enough to wait for their prey and able to capture it with their venomous bite. The Celts also thought that the spider’s web was an analogy for the stars in the sky because it could catch dew droplets much like the webs could catch dew droplets at night. They used this analogy because they believed that if you caught yourself in a spider web then you were cursed by your ancestors!

In Celtic culture, black widow spiders are symbols of death and rebirth.

The Celtic spider symbol has in fact several meanings, depending on which group of Celtic cultures you’re looking at. In the Gallic tradition, the spider symbolises the journey of life, a sacred and religious rite considered to be dangerous and full of uncertainty.

The Celts also used the spider as a symbol of resurrection because it would weave its web and then leave it for some time until it was ready to catch prey again. The Celts also saw this as an analogy for their own afterlife. They believed that when they died, that they would rest in afterlife before becoming reincarnated.

What Do Spiders Symbolize in Christianity?

For most people, a spider evokes a palpable sense of fear. Spiders are undeniably creepy and, for many cultures, they symbolize something deeply negative. In Christianity, many people associate spiders with Satan or evil, but some Christian groups see it differently.

Spider is seen as a symbol of wisdom because it has an intricate design that humans could never recreate back in the day. The spider is also a symbol of immortality because some were believed to live for a long time.

Many Christians believe that the design of a spider’s web represents the interconnectedness of all things, a symbol of God’s creation. The spider itself is said to represent patience and wisdom, with some people viewing its webs as symbols for Mary’s constant intercession and prayer on behalf of her son. It can also represent sin and death because a spider eats its prey—and anything else it can find—to survive.

What Does Spider Symbolize in Dreams?

A spider in your dream can symbolize the fear of being caught up in a sticky web or the challenges and difficulties that come with being an outcast. It also indicates that you are feeling trapped by your circumstances.

You may be feeling lonely and afraid of losing control of another person or circumstance in your life. As for other interpretations, including black widow spiders or tarantulas, they are typically symbols of sexual frustration or lust.

The spider in your dream may be a sign that you have some old parts of yourself that you need to get rid of. It is also a symbol of creativity and resourcefulness, and the destructive tendencies we all possess.

If you see a spider in your dreams, the interpretation of this dream symbol is also reliant on what type of spider it was.

  • If a black widow is seen, this symbolizes that there are some sneakiness and wickedness around you. This also indicates that the person might be very deceitful, greedy or jealous.
  • A tarantula typically indicates vengeance from those who have been slighted or betrayed by you. This dream symbol may also be connected to some hidden danger or illness.
  • A brown recluse spider usually indicates that someone is criticizing you over something that they don’t even know about.
  • If a spider of an unknown type is seen in your dream, this symbolizes possible anxiety about not knowing what will happen next. It also points to the fact that you feel like you are being haunted by something.

The presence of spiders in dreams indicates your fears and insecurities. It may be that you are afraid of being judged or found fault with, or you fear what may lurk just beneath the surface.

It’s also possible that the spider represents a powerful feminine influence in your life — a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, girlfriend, etc. You might also find spiders entering your dreams if you have been trying to control situations too tightly recently. Perhaps there is no need to take things so seriously!

Spider webs are considered rather unlucky symbols; they signify deceit and betrayal at best because they supposedly entrap prey for later consumption.

What Does it Mean When You See a Spider?

What does it mean when you see a spider? It could be a sign that you have been hanging around too much with negative people, or that you have been letting fear run your life. Another explanation is that the spider can represent wisdom or creativity, which are major themes in all cultures.

  • If a spider is appearing where you are living or at work, it means that you need to move forward with patience and faith and know that everything will be alright in the end. You are not alone!
  • If someone has just given birth to their first child then seeing a spider can mean they will have many children in the future.
  • If you are about to give a speech or have an interview and see a spider, it means you will get the job.
  • If you are thinking about getting a job and then see one of these critters, it means that you won’t get the position but something better is just around the corner. Also, you’re looking to make big money and see a spider then it means that luck is on your side.
  • If you see a spider in your home, in your car, at work, or anywhere else that you spend time, it means that you need to treat all people with respect and dignity no matter how they look or what they are wearing.

Is A Spider A Spirit Animal?

What do spiders symbolize? The spider is industrious and well-respected for its diligence. The spider’s web is a perfect model of interwoven relationships and interconnectedness. The spider is a creature that never gives up—always spinning in the pursuit of its prey, never yielding to obstacles, always finding the path forward (even if it’s through hazardous terrain).

This tenacity can be quite inspirational for those who feel they are fighting battles with no end in sight. The spider is a creative soul, constantly honing its craft to capture its prey. If you feel like you are weaving your way through life but don’t quite know how to move forward, the spider can be your spirit animal guide.

Spiders are also some of the most intuitive creatures on earth, capable of sensing danger from different directions. This means they can be valuable allies in any environment where there are multiple dangers.

Spider is a power animal that represents patience, organization, and intuition. Spider teaches us to be gentle with ourselves and others.

Spider is the keeper of the web of life connecting all living things, just like the cobwebs in our mind linking our thoughts and feelings. Spiders show us we too can create our paths towards enlightenment if we care about maintaining a clear space within ourselves.

Here is a list of characteristics that people who have the Spider as their spirit animal have:

  • Spiritually In Tune : This person is very spiritually in tune with nature and respects everything around them. They visit healing centers as often as they can and sometimes even create their own healing center of positive energy somewhere on earth.  They are also very spiritually in tune with their own lives. They’re aware of everything around them and know where the energy and other positive energies are flowing, so they’re able to shape the flow of positive energy around them in order to generate better lives.
  • Inwardly Curious : This person enjoys spending time alone with their self. They enjoy learning more about themselves and what’s going on around them. It’s important for them to find out why things happen as they do, not only here on earth but also in other dimensions around the world.
  • Understanding : This person understands that there are many different ways to do things and various ways to try to find answers as well. It’s important for them to be open-minded and use a variety of different ways that all lead them to the same goal. They don’t believe that there are only two ways to live or think, they instead understand that there are many different options at their disposal.
  • Hard Working : People who have spider as a spirit animal have the tendency to work hard, because it gives them a sense of purpose and meaning in life. They’re always working on something new and different in order to constantly improve themselves.
  • Modest : They’re very humble about everything they do, whether it’s in person or online. They don’t feel like they have to do anything flashy to get the message across. They believe that simple is often better and flashy things are more for show.  They’re wise beyond their years in many cases because they understand that the less they say, the more people think about everything else that is being said. They also think that actions speak louder than words.
  • Calm : They’re able to find a place of peace within themselves at any given time, and remain calm even in times of danger. This helps them be prepared for any situation that comes their way, whether it’s a physical or mental situation.

What Does A Spider Tattoo Signify?

Many people get a spider tattoo to represent their love for spiders and the artistry that’s behind them. Many people have this same tattoo to remind themselves to overcome their fear of spiders due to the traumatic experience they had with one in childhood or adulthood when they were bitten or when one crawled across them.

Spider tattoo can depend on the size and placement, but generally, it can represent things like resilience or persistence in the face of adversity. The spider tattoo has a long and complicated history. For some the spider is seen as a benevolent creature, spinning its web to capture prey, providing food for humans by controlling pests. The spider is also seen as a force against evil–a guardian against the dark forces which plague mankind.

Now you don’t need to see the spider as just that creepy and scary little creature, but you can also see them as a creature with some important symbolism.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.