The Children Of The Crystal Vibration

Many questions arise regarding “The Children of the Crystal Vibration,” but there is very little information available on the subject at this time. Before I share with you what little information we do have, I think it’s important to stress that we should all be careful about getting caught up in labels, categories, and “specialness.” The fact is, all children are special, indeed, all Beings are special. While we use the terms “Indigo Children” and “Crystal Children” to help us as reference points for the accelerated evolution of humanity, there are no absolute rules, or tests to run to determine in which category a given child falls. The best advice I can offer is to say trust your own intuition about whether you or your child is an Indigo or a Crystal.

The first inkling I had about “The Children of the Crystal Vibration” came on November 3, 1998. A close friend, Claudia Smith, called to ask me to meditate upon a special child, a new soul, which wanted to be born, but there seemed to be some hesitation around its birth. Following is the information I wrote at that time:

“This is not just one soul, but a group of souls who are to remember the One. The hesitation is because of the timing. The Mother, Divine Feminine, has been awaiting the moment when many of us have awakened to our Divine heritage. This awakening is to the “we,” the attracting and the allowing. These cosmic beings, who are very different, must be welcomed. There is to be a ceremony to invite these Ones into the energy of Peace, Harmony, and the “we” of the Cosmic Family. They are to come to carefully chosen families who will nurture them in this “we.” They are not to experience personal pain and suffering as their natures are simply not prepared for it. Rather, their role is to usher in the new paradigm of problem-solving. More will come, but for now, we are to have a ceremony to invite and welcome them in with our assurances that a place is being prepared for them in which they can mature in harmony with all life on this planet. Their mission is to share their message, which is evident in the type of Beings they are.”

Within days – on 11/11/98 to be precise – I read about the Group’s channeling in Sudbury, Ontario, in which the new “Children of the Crystal Vibration” were mentioned, and was quite certain these were the very same children I had written about. Following is some of what the Group has said about these children:

“We will begin to see the results of all our hard work in the reflections of our children. We have now made it safe for the children of the Crystal Vibration to follow, and they will soon begin to come in earnest. As we choose our own ascension process, many of us will be forming our own crystalline structures within our biology.

“There will be much information to follow about the crystalline structure and the children of Crystal Vibration, for they carry the new vibration of the planet. They also carry the next important step to what we have termed the lightbody, which is a return to the same ethereal bodies that we came in with originally…”

Clearly, these children of the Crystal Vibration must have a very safe place in which to bring the seeds that carry this energy. The Group asks us brave warriors of the light to protect these children, to covet them, to hold them dear, and to make the planet safe for them. This is what we have contracted to do, and it is by doing so that we will begin to change our own biology to the crystalline structure and connect to the grid that will connect us to all.

These children of Crystal Vibration are much more settled energy (than the Indigos). They are not here to create new paradigms or to shake off old paradigms, and they have no need to rearrange the structures around them. Rather, what they are bringing in has to do with seeds of biology and the beginnings of these shifts.

A few weeks later, on December 18, 1998, the following message came to me:

“The birthing of the crystal Ones will occur after the activation of the crystalline grid on 12/20/98. This word “crystal” is synonymous with the Christ consciousness, but not in reference to any specific religion, but rather a new way of Being~Oneness. They are part of the new paradigm of each child being wanted, welcomed, and celebrated for who they are. Conception and birth are to be with choice and full consciousness. They are a new energy, the new paradigm, they cannot exist in the old energy of competition, patriarchy, and separation. Parents will be those who are willing to parent (steward) a special child and support and nurture them in their differentness. The Divine Feminine on Planet Earth is as if midwifing these souls by assisting with the bringing in of information and by being in the right place at the right time to impart that information to the blessed parent or parents. The wisdom gained by those who have parented others, including the Indigos, will assist in the parenting of those who are of a different vibration. Grandparents will be acting as elders with much love, wisdom, and assistance. There will often be unique circumstances around conception, gestation, and birth. They are not “oops” babies, however. We repeat that fully conscious choice will be apparent by all those involved. In keeping with the theme of the “we,” information will continue to be forthcoming from several sources. And so it is…”

Between that time and the following April, I heard very little new regarding these children. Then I spent several days with a new friend who brought up in conversation the subject of the “avatar” babies, as she called them. I stopped her and asked her to explain what she meant, even as I was beginning to get excited.

This woman is a “grid worker,” and part of what she does is to help bring in new frequencies and anchor them in the planetary grid. She then proceeded to tell me that on December 20, 1998, she “brought through” some new babies that she calls the avatars. According to her, there were to have been 12, but only 11 came because the body of one of the mothers was not ready. She told me that she had actually conducted a ceremony, so to speak, to bring them in, and that their energies were around her for a couple of weeks. She also stated that they went to the utero around March 21, 1999, which means that they will be birthed around the new millennium. She further said that the parents (or parent) had made fully conscious choices about these births and that fathers were not “necessary,” although they were a part of the decision-making if they were present.

I believe that these Ones she refers to as ‘the Avatars’ are what the Group calls scouts, or forerunners, of larger numbers of children who ultimately will be born with full Christ consciousness ( the crystal vibration). Note that the anchoring of these children’s energies was 12/20/98. This corresponds to what the Group calls the Second Wave. It is my belief that the Second Wave is merely another expression for the Second Coming, which I also happen to believe corresponds to the Return of Merlia (the Feminine Principle).

Both the children and the Divine Feminine were on hold until the timing was safe and until we called them forth. It is interesting to note that these children were conceived on March 21, since this corresponds to the Group’s channel on the Return of Merlia, which they said had been long prophesied and was a time of planting seeds for the future. If you are familiar with this particular meditation, you will recall that Merlia offered each of us a crystal (the Christedness). So you see, these children are a direct reflection of what is happening inside each of us, “As within, so without!” This just about sums up everything that I know to date about these new kids on the block!

In the meantime, watch this space… for I have no doubt whatsoever that further information will soon be forthcoming.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.