The Evolution of Our World …A New Future Now

Consciousnees used to be a ‘way out there’ kind of thing, primarily for those who had time to sit and meditate, pondering the how’s and why’s of the universe. But today, consciousness is a living, breathing, pulsing Life force that fills the air around us with vibrant possibility. What’s changed? How have we come to this new place? And how is this impacting the evolution of humanity and the future of our world?

The Evolution of Our World…A New Future Now

We stand at the cusp of a brand new future. Where once the future was predictable and didn’t necessarily look too bright, today the future is fully open and creational, giving us the opportunity to create Life as we’d like it to be.

Today we live in an open energy system, able to connect with and integrate all aspects of self, consciousness, wisdom, and creation.

Two decades ago we were unable to communicate. The tower of babble was well said. What one would say, the other could not hear. But today, we’re able to operate at all levels of communication (attentive listening, telepathic listening, and alchemical, co-creative listening). We are finding ways to discover the true sense of what another is saying and a growing number of people are now able to move beyond conflict to meet in a true place of possibility.

Two decades ago, there was right or wrong, good or bad, black or white. Polarity predominated everything we did or said. Today, we live in a paradoxical reality where all truths are true, where we are able to seek a variety of interpretations for any situation and choose the one that best empowers all involved. We are becoming attuned to and appreciative of how others see and hear things and in this, we are able to move ourselves beyond conflict into a space of co-creation.

We’ve brought consciousness present, connected ourselves with ALL that is, danced in and with potential, and discovered an amazing new relationship with creation. It’s time. We’re here and ready. The future is ours to create anew. We do not have to play in old scenarios of how things can be. We can reach into the ALLchemical pot and pull out endless possibilities for the future we want to see.

What is this future we’re co-creating and how can we bring it more and more into full living reality? Here’s my take on these questions:

In this future we’re co-creating:

  • Learning is based on our innate knowing and is a delightful journey of exploration into the next newest new. Every person’s uniqueness is celebrated and their innate brilliance recognised. Children are celebrated and empowered to discover the joy of their learning pathways. The human geniUS pool is on offer for us all.
  • Work becomes passionate, co-creational play. People love coming to work every day and organisations are places for local, national, and global contributions.
  • Global, as a word, means more to us than just sharing the same planet. We are global citizens and stewards for an evolving future. We seek to understand other cultures and to honour diversity in all its forms. We care about and take care of the Earth as partners for Life.
  • Leadership becomes a sought after way of being that lights up Life and calls others into their collaborative leaderfulness. Great, new leaders empower the future and inspire others to play their parts in this marvellous co-creation.
  • Communication moves to levels previously unknown. We live ultra-connected, truly able to speak and listen beyond words into the depth of potential of every moment.
  • Relationships are fluid, allowing us to find the right partners at various stages through our lives. No longer trapped in lifelong marriage agreements, we can choose our partnerships in the knowing that if and when we’re complete we can do that with grace and ease, celebrating the accomplishments and learning and moving on to the next levels in friendship and gratitude.
  • Emotion is danced with responsibly, allowing for the expression of potential to rise on through. Anger is seen as the tip of passion, fear the tip of leadership and frustration the next step in our development moving on through. Rather than react, we create a dance of possibility with the energy of our emotions.
  • Cosmically, we expand to new horizons. We’re not only open to Life in all its forms, but we step up to become cosmic stewards for an unprecedented future in which we discover a bigger picture than we are currently able to see.

How Can We Bring Our Collective Visions More And More Into Living Reality?

  1. We can stand up and be true about the things we care about … being true means speaking for what we know to be the best at the moment. It doesn’t mean we have to protest or shout about it. It’s simply about finding that true place inside that aligns with what we’re about to do or say next and then acting or speak from there.
  2. We can follow our passions and do the things we’re called to do. If we do that which has the most energy, the most excitement for us in every moment, we discover a life that’s rich with movement and possibility.
  3. We can really listen to what others are saying. If we listen beyond the words, we discover inside every person a creative difference wanting to be made.
  4. We can learn to be responsible for our emotions in a new and celebratory way. If we take a deep breath before exploding and work with the potential rather than the pain, we discover movement in the grace that takes us to new places with ease and grace.
  5. We can learn to collaborate in new ways. We’re unfolding ever newer collective consciousness and ways of living ultra-connected. From here, working together occurs remarkably different and co-creation takes on a fabric of new delights.
  6. We can discover the joys of visioning and not be afraid of stepping out there to create something new.
  7. We can honour our children and receive the gifts they’ve come to give us, as well as pass along the evolving wisdom we have to offer.

The future today is wide open. Whatever we choose to create is what will be. It’s time for us to stand tall and true, calling the very best of us all forth in everything that we do. This is the time we’ve been waiting for and we’re here to see that we get it done brilliantly this time around.

Take a breath and dive into that new future now. Let its wonderment sing all around you and discover within yourself your part in its co-creation. Once you’re in touch with it, let is sing through you to everything and everyone you touch. We are the creators of a brand new future and it’s an honour to play in this evolving cosmic symphony together.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.