The Golden Child Of Light

Within each of us lies a beautiful Golden Child of Light. We were each born to be this Child and some of us have worked for years with our inner child to restore it to this pristine place of power and love.

The Inner Child of Light is our actual connection point with our Soul and Spirit Self. Since the soul is our record keeper of all our experiences and attachments to feelings, we often have much sadness and trauma stored within it. Whatever feelings we have had during the course of this lifetime and others are stored as memory within soul.

When we endeavor to journey our path of Love and Light we discover that we must have attunement so that we can see, feel and commune with Spirit. Since Spirit is Love, we must connect with Spirit through our own Inner Love, which I call the Golden Child of Light.

To connect with this part of self is easy and simply takes a few minutes of uninterrupted time. First you must set the space to invite your Golden Child to show itself to you. Calling to the Universal, Cosmic and Divine energies of Love and Light that surround and work with this planet and its species daily can do this. You may simply invoke these energies by stating:

I call forth the Power of Light that I am.

I call to my Soul and Spirit Self.

I call to my Sacred Spirit Teachers, Angels and Guides.

I call to the Energies of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

I call to all those that Assist, Guide, Guard and Protect and ask that they surround me with their love and assist me in my process today.

Now lying down and clearing your mind you will journey to a place in nature that you love and feel at peace within. There will be trees, water, grasses and living animals. You will find a spot to lie down and close your eyes while sensing the breeze and scents of nature around you. It is as if you and the Earth become one.

In this state of peace you will ask the Golden Child of Light to please come here and show itself to you. As you lie there waiting you will hear the noises of children running and playing. When you open your eyes you will see them. As you approach them you will realize that one of them is familiar. You will feel a strong connection of love and need to approach the child.

The child will immediately recognize you and run to hug you. As the two of you embrace you see the Golden Light emanating from the child as you notice that the two of you are vibrating.

You and this child have much to share with one another. Take all the time you need to get re-acquainted and visit the child often. Soon this child will become your first inner guide showing you the inner workings of your soul. Soon you will be able to see Angels and other Teachers of Light as well.

Much has transpired in each of our lives to take us away from the very core of our being and our true intentions of love. This beautiful innocence and love can bring us back to center. Here in center we can eliminate what is not real and reconnect with what is.

Our soul and spirit essence is eternal just as our love should be. By reconnecting with the Golden Child we are able to restore that love and light within us that we have been searching for.

Once we remember the freedom this love brings we can once again heal the inner wounds of the past. The Child restores our faith, strength and energy to do so, while also bringing in the support of the Universal Love we all need so much to heal.

By changing and healing ourselves into the memory of love we also begin to heal our life and life around us. This gives us the opportunity to be at peace and harmony within. Life was meant to be lived as a free spirit and each and everyone was born with the birthright to be just that.

The Golden Child of Light is waiting for you to return to him or her.

What are you waiting for?


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.