The Indigo Children – Children Of The New Earth

Each and everyone is gifted with free will when we agree to assume a physical body on the material plane of polarity and duality. We all have agreed to live our lives to balance all past karmic imbalances and to be an example to others by radiating our light in all circumstances. Every experience in life, whether it be illness or misfortune, luck or happiness, can be used to grow and to make our light more radiant. The Indigo children have agreed to surrender themselves to their highest good and purpose, which means to the highest good of the whole world and of humanity. The difference between them and others is that they remember they agreed to this. Even when very young they know they want to bring forth a new vision and a new togetherness for all humanity. They know they want peace and integrity. They know that feeling is the prayer that can change the world. They see new structures and rules for all of us. They are system-busters and will force us to think profoundly about how we live our lives; how we treat other people, ourselves, and our kids.

The Indigo Children started manifesting themselves in the last decades before the new millennium; in a period of enormous transformation that humanity created through its commitment and intent. Some years ago no one was writing or speaking about this wave of new children. Now, people all over the world are starting to get interested and this is very much in sync with the millennium time quality. Living mainly in Germany and Spain I can see that, though there are many Indigo children in the northern parts of Europe, people first had to be ready to accept new ideas about these children. This is now happening everywhere. The year 1999 that brought forth a strong Saturn and Uranus constellation, symbolized the old world fighting the new, and the leaving behind of the old. It is a perfect time to connect with these new children coming in to assist us in leaving the past behind and jumping into the new unknown. The time is right. Let’s jump together with open hearts and open hands!

Over the last nine months, I have dedicated my time to researching and writing about these new children. My first book, The Indigo Child – the deficit-syndrome child seen from another perspective, was a great adventure to write. I learned that, although these children come mainly to parents that are ready for a major transformation process, most of these parents prefer not to change their lives and behavior. For instance, in the German-speaking countries of Europe, I encountered strong resistance even to thinking about a possible wave of new children. People are terribly afraid their kids could be seen as “not-normal” – as different from their group or their other children. In their consciousness and unconsciousness, the pain and guilt from World War II are still quite vivid and many people do not want to dig up these old patterns and work them through. The old élitism also still has a strong influence on the behavior of teachers, government, and parents. They don’t want to recognize and admit that something is going on and that these new children could be different. It seems easier to them to diagnose these children as having attention deficit syndromes and to treat their behavior problems with drugs or other therapies.

In Germany, the overall tendency is to say that these children are difficult, hyperactive, stubborn, brats and that they do not pay attention. But, in fact, if we are honest, exactly the opposite happens. It is our generation that doesn’t pay attention to the obvious and subtle behavior of these children. We still want to force them into our old-fashioned structures, to quieten them down (with or without psychiatric drugs), and to overlook their gifts and needs.

These Indigo children are very, very sensitive. They sense situations and feel what should be done. They know when a person is truthful and honest; they can see it immediately. They demand integrity and mental clarity, honesty, tolerance, and unconditional love from people. Being a new human, coming to earth with the attributes of the New Age, they see themselves as normal and they want to feel so. They are born very balanced and only become unbalanced when life, their parents and the world surrounding them unbalances them. Then the problem is that they often become very unbalanced, which can be hard for both the child and the parents. Life gets difficult for them too, when people (parents, kindergarten teachers, school teachers, etc.,) start treating them as different and “not-normal”. Since these children want to please us, they start to behave like other kids but usually fail in the end. This can have various consequences for the child, like, losing their conscious contact with spirit; hyperactivity; depression (even wanting to die), withdrawal or social isolation; and other behavioral disorders.

Indigo children demand open communication with and from their parents. They want to be treated as equal souls, but at the same time, they require very strong and clear family structures and behavioral rules, to be able to experience what they need for growing up. We should not treat them as adults, although sometimes we forget, as they often behave like adults. They definitely want to be children, they want to be treated as normal children and live their childhood as intensively as they can.

A major problem we face is that they seem to be inattentive, but when something attracts the Indigo children they can become intensely focused on what they are doing. They are here to follow the path of their desire and passion. We have to learn to live our truths, but how can we start trusting our thoughts, our feelings, our seeing? The key to this is our physical body, which shows us perfectly what is true and what is not true. The main mistake we make in bringing up these children is that we often don’t try to teach them (allow them) to go within to “hear the truth for themselves”. We never learned, nor were we allowed to do this ourselves. By giving them the freedom to follow their passion, we too could re-learn or remember to follow our own passion.

We have to learn to discern the truth for ourselves through direct connection with our own body consciousness and the spiritual realms. It is time we prepared ourselves to take responsibility for all that we experience, realizing that we can experience many levels of ourselves through what we create. Many realities are possible and are waiting for us in the future. We only have to choose which way we want to go. We are very narrow-minded about what perception of reality we do allow and are afraid of changes. In fact, our reality changes constantly, but if we don’t want to see this, that is our own choice. We finally have to accept the power we hold within our own energy systems. Though the Indigo children are of great help, we still need help from our beloved Angels and Masters, but in the end, each person should find what is true in his own heart and go with the flow of what these inner answers bring.

We will find all the answers by looking within our own cell memories and will discover that the answers were there all along. It is the lost knowledge that lies hidden, deep inside our tissues. We are still afraid of what our neighbors and other people say about us and our kids, but as members of the human race we are affected at the core of our DNA by the new energies coming to the earth, and our known and accepted identity is changing. Those who have a high degree of understanding energy patterns, will accept and flow naturally with the changes. They will understand these new children and will accept the importance of guiding them in unconditional love and not educating them to become materialistic consuming beings. (They actually do not need education, they need structured guidance). Those who do not will tend to look for an external explanation and could easily be pushed over their edge.

The Indigo children are being born to join hands; to find better ways of governing and living for all of humanity. They will be the leaders of tomorrow as we move toward the next dimension. It seems to me that our present choices, especially our conduct with the Indigos, as well as with all the new children, will guide the direction that humanity will take in the next generations. There is potential for much growth in both the spiritual and the physical realms, but we have to put our intent in it. Will we choose to do so?

The Indigo Children have an important cleansing and change-bringing role; they will help to clear the emotional toxicity that is one of the problems we face, as negative emotions are the opposite of life energy and symbolize disharmony. They are on the planet to help us bring our physical being into harmony with Spirit. They will send their light upon us, forcing us to be responsible for ourselves, and they will love us, love us, love us…until we allow the Christ Self and our I AM Presence to shine through and become, finally, the radiant beings we always wanted to be!


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.