The New World Paradigm

SO MUCH HAS been written about the ‘new world order,’ the shifting paradigm, and even the impending doom of 2012, the ‘end of days’ that many believe that the world is simply going to end. Many people fear that this may take the form of a nuclear holocaust, a massive climactic change that creates a new ice age, or an attack from extra terrestrials. And Hollywood has produced a number of movies recently detailing cataclysmic changes that will decimate humanity and render the Earth uninhabitable. Scientists warn us of the dangers of global warming, overpopulation, and steadily declining natural resources. How much of this is true? Will humanity destroy itself or can we be saved? Do we have to worry about everything or nothing at all?

We hear from many channels that we have been engaged in a massive Shift in Consciousness, a process of the awakening of humanity to its spiritual Source, that the light will dispel the darkness and all will be well in the end. The Shift has been occurring since 1987 and progress has been steady, although world political and economic events may lead us to believe otherwise. For many years, though, we have been fed a steady diet of fear and it is what we must avoid if we are to handle and even the predicted changes. And there will be some difficult times between now and 2012 but how difficult they actually depend on whether we have faith in our ability to create our own reality, both on an individual and on a global level. And that is what the Shift in Consciousness is about, self and spiritual empowerment, which includes the end of karma, respect for the Earth and all of its inhabitants, a re-awakening of our own ‘godhood’ and reconnection to the Source, becoming spiritual human beings.

If we focus solely on the earth changes that have been predicted to occur between now and 2012 we will lose sight of the true purpose of the Shift, an opportunity for us to step into our individual and collective power. What appears to be inevitable is merely a potential reality, one of many that are available to us. Will we be able to avert the crises and change humanity’s fear paradigm? For many generations, we have been victims, of nature, of our social, religious, and political systems, and of our own belief systems. This victimhood has been our state of being for so long that we do not know anything else. For many, the Shift experience has brought this state of victimhood to the forefront, helping each of us to create a reality that brought each fear and limiting belief and perception into sharp focus. Our choice was to either surrender to our fears or to overcome and heal them. Would we continue to be victims of our own reality or to find the inner resources to change it? And this is what will occur as the new paradigm gathers force, for it is not coming, it is here, now. And it is up to us to give it power, to spread the light, and to help all of humanity overcome its victimhood and become empowered victors.

What the new world paradigm will look like is entirely up to us because along with the Shift’s empowering healing is the re-establishment of our co-creative ability. That means that we have, and have always had, the power to create our own reality. It has only been our fear and our lack of trust that has stood in our way of realizing our own power and using it on our behalf. And, of course, there is also the pressure of conforming to the existing social order that has made many lightworkers hesitant to reveal their true nature.

That will all change. Not only will the new paradigm be accepting of spiritual teaching and information, but many people will also seek it out on their own. The fear paradigm has outlived its usefulness and will no longer work on a massive scale, as it has in the past. The growth of interest in all things spiritual has been slow, but steady. The year 2005 and beyond will see an exponential increase in that growth for several reasons: people are afraid of what is to come, they are afraid of what might happen if they do not acknowledge their spirituality, they receive fewer assurances from and have less confidence in the world’s political, social and religious systems and they are tired of the status quo.

The new world paradigm will be different for everyone, according to their belief in their ability to create their reality. What will be evident, for those who have done their spiritual work, is a new feeling of empowerment that is accompanied by a feeling of peace beyond what we have ever known before. This peace comes from knowing that we have a connection to a power far greater than any here on Earth, and although we cannot see it, we will have evidence of it every day in every part of our lives. The new paradigm will usher in the opportunity to see miracles in action, to live a life free of drama and fear, the end of karma, and the beginning of heaven on earth. But only for those who actually believe that this can happen and who refuse to accept the fear paradigm as the basis of their reality.

For those that cannot do this, the new paradigm will be a scary place as their existing sources of support and comfort will be eliminated and they will have to begin the process of learning to find their spiritual source. We will see changes in the financial markets, world climate and growing political unrest as the gap between the ’haves’ and the ‘have nots’ widens, within countries and in the global social structure. There will be a noticeable polarization between those whose reality exists in partnership with their spiritual Source and those whose reality exists in the third dimension.

Those who have embraced the Shift in Consciousness learned its lessons, and shifted their energy to the higher dimensions of spiritual consciousness will feel a sense of peace during these turbulent times. For them, the new paradigm will be ‘heaven on earth,’ where they will be protected from and relatively uninvolved in the changes that others are experiencing. But they will not feel entitled or ‘special’ because they will be happy to share their knowledge with those around them. The new paradigm will no longer include an ‘us versus them’ component. Rather, all of awakened humanity will embrace their Source connection and will be fully aware that we are all one. This is the purpose of the Shift and the reason that we have been coming here, for millennia, to learn this lesson. It is one that all of humanity will hopefully one day share.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.