The Principle of Focus

Focus is the principle that you will be able to understand and contemplate whether you have it in your personal pattern or not. It is such an integral part of the human garment that it runs as a deep thread through us all. I find it interesting with all the principles, but most especially with Focus, to ask whether it operates in my life as a spiritual principle, or as a commonplace factor. The spiritual principle of Focus (capital F) becomes a flow of energy through your life while the commonplace fact of focus (lowercase f) may block that flow.

In other words, whether you have Focus in your chart or not, you have the ability to set your mind on a certain task and concentrate on accomplishing it. That is a human trait. You also have the ability to contemplate, conceptualize, and imagine. Those are also human traits, all of which stem from the spiritual principle of Focus, but may simply be expressions of ordinary focus. Sometimes an irony or dilemma may result.

I know a brilliant man, a psychologist, who some would call genius. He is 95 years old, and has had so many amazing experiences in his life that to simply sit in his presence and listen to his stories is inspiring. He has made profound contributions to the study of psychology, yet he has never published a book. He has Focus in his chart, and yet his amazing grasp of the “big picture” prevents him from being able to sit down and write the sentences and paragraphs necessary to publish a book. Although I’ve begged him to get a ghost writer or a writing partner, he cannot organize enough to do it.

From The Invisible Garment:

Focus is the ability to place one’s perception intentionally in a specific frequency and thereby call forth certain responses. Focus is the natural state of the scientific mind. One uses focus to cut off all other data input in order to examine a specific idea or project.

Interestingly, Focus does allow us to examine specific data, but in recent years the quantum physicists have developed what they call the observed/observer effect. According to this theory, the observer can actually determine what to observe, or can (and does) at the very least influence what is being seen. So, on one level Focus allows us to see things very clearly. On the other end of the spectrum, focus (little f) gives us the power to decide what we WANT to see, and conjure it. In a sense, then, Focus can create blinders, giving us permission to see only what we “want” to see.

In my consultations with people about their invisible garment patterns I’ve noticed an interesting characteristic of people who have Focus as a thread, as opposed to people who have (little f) focus just because they are humans. People who “wear” Focus aren’t as blinded by it, and yet that makes them feel less able to accomplish specifics. In other words, people who have Focus in their charts often see a broader spectrum of possibilities than other people, because they are able to see situations and circumstances with less bias.

Why would this be true? Because Focus is concentrated in the person’s pineal gland, which allows for imagination and visualization. When the spiritual principle of Focus is evoked, the imagination opens. When little “f” focus is used, imagination closes down in order to hone in on minutia.

When I wrote the article on the principle of Memory (May, 2006) I mentioned that when I tell people they have the spiritual principle of Memory in their garments, they very often respond, “Impossible, I have a terrible memory.” The same is true with Focus. When I start talking about Focus as a spiritual principle, clients often exclaim, “I have A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder.) I can’t possibly have Focus in my chart.” Indeed, the spiritual definition and the mundane definitions often show up as opposite characteristics.

Furthermore, Focus is anchored in a mind-dimension that we call Planetary Consciousness. This means that if you have Focus in your garment, you are very aware of being a citizen of the earth, and that the earth herself is a living, evolving organism. That knowledge keeps your perspective open rather than closed. My psychologist friend mentioned above, for example, is so aware of Planetary Consciousness and his (and each person’s) involvement in and contribution to the Great Plan, that he simply cannot write down the details.

So, with imagination at work and Planetary Consciousness dominating your view-of-self, of course you have A.D.D. It’s not in your nature to actually eliminate incoming data. That’s the irony of Focus, because you do simultaneously have that scientist’s mind that is curious about the details.

Here is the question I have for you, whether you have Focus (big F) or focus (little f) at work in your world: How disciplined are you in allowing the principle to work through you?

If you are authentically engaged with Focus, then what may have been called “scatter-brained” by parents and teachers in your younger years has become the ability to be present to what IS as you’ve matured. Focus will attract your attention to the exact perspective you need in any given moment, if you have the spiritual maturity to trust the energy.

This is an imperfect example, but for the sake of conversation consider a scenario of yourself driving a car while visiting with a friend who is in the passenger seat. One part of your consciousness (probably the subconscious) is actually driving the car, while the other more immediate part of your consciousness is concentrating on the discussion. However, if someone cuts you off or your car hits an icy patch and you begin to slip and slide, the sub-conscious demands that your immediate conscious take over. Focus is the invisible energy at work determining which part of you is in the “driver’s seat” at any given moment. (As a side note, studies have shown that talking on a cell phone also demands a portion of your subconscious energy, which is why so many car accidents occur while people are on calls. They have spread their subconscious “autopilot” brain too thinly.)

The principle of Focus, if you have it in your contract, definitely determines how your subconscious works. You have stored habits, attitudes, opinions, and behaviors in your subconscious mind, based on what you have determined to be “true” in life. It’s very interesting to observe someone when they are driving, as a way of seeing what their subconscious life opinions are. Do they have spurts of anger? Do they handle tense traffic situations gracefully? Are they generous with other drivers? Do they have what my son calls “driver’s terets syndrome” (a condition of calling other drivers foul names because of their dangerous driving choices)?

How one has programmed his or her subconscious speaks volumes about his or her relationship with the principle of Focus. In a moment of true and authentic attention, those attitudes and opinions are crystallized as a part of the working mechanism of the body. You can tell what sort of thing a person has labeled as real and important by observing how they drive.

If you have Focus in your garment, and you have programmed your subconscious to behave with anger, self-entitlement, or aggression, then you may want to look at why that is the case. When you elected to have Focus in your contract (pre birth), it most likely wasn’t because you wanted to be guilty of road rage when you grew up. I suspect that if your subconscious operates in negative ways, you stored some false information in your personal software that needs to be deleted. Focus, if flowing properly through your life, will simply give you the ability to “be here now” – be available to what IS in any moment without judging it or cursing at it!

Wearing the principle of Focus is a holy responsibility. It allows us to recognize the fact that we are all one in consciousness. And it allows us to separate, if only in our imaginations, and study the uniqueness of each piece of that One-ness. If we indulge ourselves in too much expansion, we miss the awe of our gift. If we revel too much in the minutia, we miss the awe of our greatness. The irony of Focus is it’s inclusive ability to envision partnered with its exclusive ability to pinpoint.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.