The Purpose Of Life

What is the purpose of life? This is the question people have asked since the beginning of recorded history and before recorded history.

Some people have searched to find the meaning of life. Other people have accepted the idea that a physical lifetime is only for the purpose of sensory experience. Others believe the purpose of life is to accumulate physical possessions.

Some individuals have discovered that there is more to life than meets the eye or any of the five senses. There is more to life than what a person sees, smells, hears, tastes and touches. These individuals have awakened to a higher truth and a greater reality.

What is this greater reality that gives one the purpose and meaning of life? The way to a greater purpose in life will be presented in this book. The way to know the purpose of one’s own life will also be explained.

It is one thing to receive the truth from this book. It is another thing to incorporate and integrate that truth fully into one’s life, one’s mind, one’s thinking, one’s awareness and one’s consciousness.

Behind every truth exists a greater truth.
Beyond each learning lies a greater learning.

There is no end to learning. This is what the great learned thinkers throughout history have shown us.

There comes a time in many people’s lives when they think or say, “Is this all there is to life?” or “There has to be more to life than what I am experiencing.”

This type of questioning that comes from an inner urge to know the truth leads one to begin the journey toward Self mastery.

This highest truth is Universal Truth. Universal Truths apply to anyone, anywhere, and at anytime. Universal Truths exist universally. They explain creation and the functioning of the universe. Universal Truths explain the keys we need to come to know the Real Self.

There exists the self we experience through the five senses and the brain. There exists a Higher or High Self or Real Self we can only experience and come to know through the mind.

Mind is the vehicle Self uses or can use to come to know the Self. In other words, mind is the vehicle you can use to know who you are and the purpose of life. This being the case, since everyone has a mind, why doesn’t everyone know the purpose of life? The answer is most people do not know how to discipline the mind and thereby bring it under the control of Self.

It has been said that a disciplined mind is your best friend. Yet very few people know this best friend because few people have a disciplined mind.

How does one gain a disciplined mind? The first and basic step is to practice a concentration exercise. Then as you begin to develop a more disciplined mind over a period of weeks or months, you may progress to meditation. Meditation is that special form of concentration used to listen to the inner Self by developing a still mind.

A still mind is absolutely essential
to know the Self and to discover the purpose of life.

The reason a still mind is so very important is because thoughts get in the way of perceiving the true reality. Think about it. If your mind is busy thinking your old memory thoughts while another is speaking, you will not be able to fully receive what another is saying to you.

Undivided attention is necessary to receive the full benefit from any learning opportunity. Undivided attention means one’s whole attention is on the person, place or thing.

Will power is an important factor in any success, yet without purpose a great understanding of will is often of little use.

The Universal purpose of life is to grow in awareness and understanding.
Ultimately this growing awareness matures into wisdom and enlightenment.

Why do people fail to know the purpose of life? It is because they seek the temporary and miss the permanent and lasting.

The nature of physical life is change.
The nature of our physical world is change.
The nature of the physical universe is change.
The nature of the physical body is temporary.
The nature of the conscious mind is temporary.
The nature of sensory experience is temporary.
The nature of the five senses is temporary.
The nature of love is permanent and lasting.
The nature of truth is permanent and lasting.
The nature of Universal Laws are lasting.
The nature of Universal Principles are lasting.
The nature of the soul or subconscious mind is permanent.
The nature of the superconscious mind is lasting.
The nature of I AM is permanent and lasting.
The nature of understanding or understandings of Self is lasting.
The nature of understanding or understandings of creation is permanent.
The nature of understanding or understandings of Mind is permanent,
lasting and eternal.

Two people can have the same experience at the same time and yet have totally different perceptions about that experience.

Why have some people become enlightened one, two, three or more thousand years ago and yet most people are still not enlightened in the present time period? In order to become enlightened one must find and learn the purpose of life. Then one must apply the Self to mastering this purpose. One must apply the Self and the mind until one’s purpose unfolds and the Real Self achieves the full meaning of life.

How did these incredible beings become enlightened so far ahead of the rest of humanity?

The answer is,
They made different choices.

What are these different choices?

They are choices that enhance one’s ability
to know and understand what is lasting and real.

The reason the way to enlightenment seems so difficult to learn and understand is because we can’t see it with the physical eyes, we can’t smell it with the physical nose, we can’t hear it with the physical ears, we can’t taste it with the physical tongue and we can’t touch it with the physical skin.

For many people the belief or assumption is, if I can’t see it, taste it, hear it, smell it or touch it, then it doesn’t exist. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Molecules aren’t seen with the physical eyes yet they exist. Air isn’t seen with the physical eyes yet every breath you take proves air exists. Atoms are not seen yet they exist.

In order to come to know the truth, purpose and meaning to life there must be the acceptance within the Self that there is a life and experience that is much more lasting, permanent and eternal than our temporary physical experiences.

The purpose of life has to be more than temporary, and it is. The purpose of life is lasting, permanent and eternal. Otherwise, what we do is a waste.

The five physical senses never give us the experience of what is permanent and lasting. They give us the experience of the temporary. The five senses give us the experience of the changes in weather, of the changes in our heartbeat, of the changes in scenery, of the changes in food, of the changes of the odors in the air, and of the changes in the sounds around us.

In short, in order to fulfill one’s purpose there must be the realization that there is more to life than meets the eye.

People achieve greatness because they have great purposes. The conscious mind must be disciplined in order to be utilized fully and most efficiently.

Purpose is personal benefit.

Purpose begins with Self and includes Self. In order to know yourself you must do things for yourself. This is the admittance of one’s Self value.

As you cause yourself to be a better person by practicing purpose in all you do you become much more capable of helping and aiding many more people.

By constantly practicing the discipline of having or creating purpose regularly, day by day you become a better and more fulfilled person. Day by day you discover more of the purpose of life and week by week you become aware of your purpose.

You can be very idealistic yet until there is purpose that idealism may not accomplish much. This is because until there is purpose you will lack the motivation required to succeed. People often fail to complete those goals and ideals that challenge them to change and go beyond limitation. This is because they lack the continual motivation that comes from purpose.

Ideals and activity are connected by purpose. Goals and action are connected by purpose. Dreams and effort are connected by purpose.

Stable, productive thoughts lead to stable, productive emotions. So purpose helps one build more stable and productive emotions. Many people would like to become more stable emotionally and purpose helps accomplish this.

In order to live a purposeful life one must practice and cause purpose in the thoughts, in the emotions, in the actions and in the life everyday.

A disciplined mind leads to a still mind and a still mind is necessary to know one’s purpose in life.

Through the still mind is the Real Self known.
Through the still mind is one’s purpose known.

Throughout my life I have disciplined my mind and through this have developed a greater and greater stillness in my mind. As this greater stillness has developed I have received greater and greater awareness of my purpose in life.

Few people discipline their minds to achieve one-pointed concentration.

Fewer still use the disciplined, concentrated mind to visualize or image what they desire to occur in their lives.

Fewer still imagine what they want to become.

Fewer still apply the disciplined, concentrated mind to become enlightened.

Each person needs to integrate concentration into their consciousness.

Each person needs to integrate stilling the mind into their consciousness.

Meditation enables one to use the developed, concentrated mind to create a still mind within the Self.

If you have ever learned to ride a bicycle you know that it takes some practice to learn to balance yourself. Yet, with diligent practice, after a while you can learn to ride a bicycle very well.

So it is with a disciplined mind. A good way to begin to develop a disciplined mind is to practice concentration on the object of your choice for 10 minutes each day. Gradually or quickly your concentration ability will improve.

Remember, discipline of the mind is the ability to hold the attention where one has chosen for as long as one wants.

Progression in the discipline of the mind entails choosing to give more and more of one’s attention to what is permanent and lasting.

As one ages, the tendency for the undisciplined mind is for more and more of the attention to go to sensory engrossment and memory images.

In order to master your mind the physical body must also be brought under one’s control. Therefore, choose what you eat rather than eating habitually.

We have the ability to choose. There are always choices in life. Therefore, a big factor in learning about one’s purpose in life is to learn to make better and better choices. Choices come from thoughts. So in order to make better choices, you must learn to be aware of all your thoughts. Often what people think are choices are merely unconscious re-actions to external stimuli or habitual memory thoughts.

In addition, learn from every experience in order to be a more productive individual.

Learn to receive the essence of the Universal Learning in each and every experience. Then be diligent in integrating through practice and application this learning into one’s consciousness.

This is why concentration and mental discipline are so very vital to a quickening of one’s enlightenment and understanding of the purpose of life.

Even if someone walked up to you on the street and told you the purpose of life it would not necessarily advance your consciousness. This rapid advancement only comes when one creates ways to apply and practice the universal truth one has received.

It is necessary to know the Universal Laws and Universal Truths.

One of the Universal Laws and Universal Truths will now be described.

The Universal Law of Cause and Effect.
All the physical forms and shapes around us began as a thought. A car, a chair, a house, a ring and clothes all began as a thought.

Universal Truth = Thought is cause.
Your thoughts are the cause of your life. It is through your thoughts that you create your life to be the way it is. You make decisions that affect your life based on your thoughts.

Your destiny is not physical.
The place to achieve your destiny is.

Each person has a physical life. Yet physical life is not the end all and meaning to life. Physical life is meant to be used to build greater awareness and understanding of one’s self, one’s mind and one’s connectedness to all of the created universe.

So the key then is to:
Learn how to learn the learning that lasts forever and is eternal.

What is this learning?
This is the learning of Self and creation.

What is meant by the word learning? To receive the higher truth into one’s Self and being.

How does one learn how to learn of Self and creation?

First and foremost you must learn to harness the power of the mind. This is accomplished through mental discipline.

The primary exercise or practice to learn to use, direct and wield the mind is concentration.

The objects of concentration are many and varied. What they have in common is that they do not entertain the senses or the brain. For example, one might concentrate on the tip of one’s index finger or a dot on the wall or an orange. The important point is the object should be still in order that the mind and the thought of the mind may be trained to be still.

Until one has learned to concentrate or focus the mind there will be little progress in controlling and directing the thoughts.

Until one learns to direct the thoughts there will be little progress in stilling the mind.

Until one learns to still the mind there will be little progress in aligning the conscious and subconscious minds in order to attune them to superconscious mind.

Until one has aligned conscious and subconscious minds there will be little ability to draw upon one’s subconscious mind.

In order to know one’s purpose in life one must draw upon knowledge and wisdom from one’s soul or individual subconscious mind which resides in the great Universal Subconscious Mind.

It is your soul or individual subconscious mind existing in the great Universal Subconscious Mind between lifetimes and prior to each lifetime that calculates your need for learning and growth and thereby chooses your purpose for a lifetime.

In other words, you as a soul existing in Subconscious Mind choose your individual purpose for this lifetime before your birth in this incarnation. Yet you, existing in the brain and to some degree in the conscious mind have forgotten or lack awareness of the choice you made while in subconscious mind. This is because until the conscious mind is disciplined most people do not have controlled access to the knowledge and wisdom stored in their own subconscious mind.

The conscious mind of the individual must be trained and disciplined in order to be prepared to receive the knowledge, wisdom, purpose and assignment from one’s subconscious mind.

To know your destiny you must have a disciplined conscious mind.

Not only must the conscious mind be disciplined it must also be open to learning. In other words, to know your purpose you must have an open mind.

Thought to remember:
You have a purpose in life.

What to do:
Discover and fulfill your purpose.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.