The Time of the Elder

In this NOWTIME of transformation with an unstable world, an influx of evolutionary energies (which is making everyone feel weird and wonder what is happening) the birth of special children, a time when confusion is a given and change a constant, we need to call forth a somewhat hidden resource – our Elders. Let me define what I mean by this term.

When I speak of Elder, I am referring to those individuals who by study, life experience and whatever have reached the point where they no longer need to prove anything, no longer need to validate their power or existence by doing. They have reached a level of comfort in being that leaves little or no room for personal ego. Because they don’t need to shine or lead or be the center of focus, they are great facilitators.

Elder is not equated with age, education or psychic abilities although these may be present. The central or essential characteristic is that of maturity of spirit that facilitates an environment of freedom and exploration without judgment. These individuals, Elders, are truly a transformational force. They are not limited by the old paradigms, whether they be the religious model, the medical model, the wellness model, the myriad of psychological models or any models period.

We are at a time of Never Before. As a close friend and multidimensional healer of many years recently said to me, ” I can’t even remember how I thought this time was going to be.” We truly are at a point where “no one has journeyed before.”

In the past, mental health was defined by a solidity of ego, by how well one stayed within the confines of our societal norms. We were (are) strongly influenced by the psychoanalytical model of pathology. Differentiation was an important developmental task. Consciousness was reality based and reality was the concrete, here and now.

One prominent psychoanalyst wrote a paper entitled “Buddhist Training as Artificial Catatonia.” In short, psychologies were used to strengthen the ego and maturity was judged by how well one fit into the structures, the established norms. Even Western religions were restrictive; they used dogma as a means of superego control. Although the mystics clearly went beyond the rational, these mystics were set apart and as such were outside the “norm” of everyday spirituality.

The human potential movement of the 60’s pushed the ideas of Maslow and others to awaken our innate potential. This “experiential” movement was in stark contrast to the psychoanalytical model of ego strength and pathology. Ram Dass almost 40 years later urged his audience to tell the truth about the role that psychoactive drugs have played in “opening a door into our hearts that led to an opening into the universe.” Some form of expanded consciousness was played with, experimented with, experienced and acknowledged.

However, as wonderful or transformative as the experience was, the person still had to deal with how to integrate this “high” into a dysfunctional society which, true to form, judged anything different as threatening and thus categorized it as dysfunctional behavior.

Most individuals were left with compartmentalizing their expansive experience, many burying these “mind trips” in the closed closet of their minds so that they could function in society. The movie “Beautiful Mind” poignantly brought to awareness the trauma of John Nash and his extended awareness and the medical modality of denial, restriction or rigid compartmentalization.

In this NOWTIME many are experiencing this awakening to fuller consciousness. This movement is no longer a fringe subculture and one doesn’t need to wear a counter culture uniform. The nudges, pushes and impetus to move beyond our local consciousness are widespread. The siren call is being heard across cultures, ages, sex, education and religions. Although this expansiveness of consciousness is still not mainstream it definitely has a wide base across societal lines and is not reactionary but evolutionary, it is the heart felt desire for more or simply “to get on with it.”

Most forms of counseling, life coaching, spiritual direction, shamanistic initiations etc. presuppose a model, a terminus ad quem, some movement going from here to there. But where is there? Or, is there a “there?” We are in a cosmic dance with quantum inter connections and synergistic explosions beyond our wildest IMAGination. This is not a time of controls: be they psychological or metaphysical. We are on the ADVENTure of many lifetimes.

Words fail us as we try to capture this plasticity of consciousness, this non-local consciousness, this ONENESS. We are left with the language of the mystic or the poet. We don’t want to conceptualize but to fly on the wings of the spirit.

Fear is the great controller. In the past most of us at this stage have merely rebooted the old program and gone back to the drama trauma of polarity consciousness. Now however, we are in the end times of prophecy. We are in the time of Armageddon whether it be internal or external. We have reached the stage where we feel impelled to stretch our self, to experience other selves, to move from one to many to ONENESS.

I call for Elders to come forth. Besides the information and guidance coming from channels, psychics, healers and mystics, we have the role of the Elder. At this crucial time we haven’t been left alone. In this Time of Oneness, Elders can support and enable others of the “family” to take their first steps, or run or fly or soar within… without.

Since the Elder has no agenda, other than the belief that this is the NOWTIME of Oneness and multidimensional possibilities, he or she does not get in the way of the other, does not limit or direct or control but truly allows and encourages this epiphany of movement. Ambiguity in the past has often led to conformity. Now the Elder sees this appendage of doubt and lends his or her support for continuation, and trust – attentive to the guidance of the individual.

What if one of the messages of this new surge of energies, validated by the Star Children, is that the transpersonal, the transcendence of ONENESS is “normal,” is the expression of our birthright, is who we are? Walsh and Vaughn in their book Paths Beyond Ego suggest that the lack of transcendent experience may underlie much of the depression, angst, meaninglessness of many today. Andrew Weil in Natural Mind states that the desire to alter consciousness is an innate desire. Even Maslow in explaining self-actualization speaks of the need of peak experiences. He goes so far as to state “without the transcendental and transpersonal we get sick, violent and nihilistic…”

The transformational Elder, then, provides the role, the function, of bridge, of support, of sanction for this transcendental journey into the Light of Oneness. The Elder becomes a Doorkeeper, a sacred position of trust and empowerment. This is not a new form of therapy, of doing. This is the Sacred Presence of Allowing. This not a new health model, of controlling. This is a Beingness, which is supportive, allowing, and open to all possibilities. It is an affirmation of the NOW TIME. It is embracing the Oneness of transformational energy. God is Well. We are One. Let’s enjoy beyond our dreams.

Are you an Elder? Can you enable another to go beyond your wildest dreams? Can you Be without trying to impress and hence become impressed? Can you allow with Joy? Are you comfortable with Becoming More by doing less, by letting go of you and entering Oneness? The old adage “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” takes on a new twist. You proclaim what is, at this time! Are you an Elder?


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.