There’s A New Human Being Walking The World Today

Would you have ever dreamed that in our lifetime we would see a new human being walking the world? Could we ever have imagined being the conscious evolvers of our own evolution – and not over a million years or even a thousand years, but over the short span of a single decade?

Do you see it and sense it within you and in others around you? It is happening for everyone. The human blueprint has completely evolved. How would you know if this is happening for you? Well, there are lots of transition stages to becoming a new human being, including occasionally feeling quite disconnected and without energy. But that’s just the transition taking you to new levels. Those who are experiencing the step from old human being to new are experiencing it something like this:

…Our energy flows naturally and easily through us. Passion, vision, and creation are everyday energies that we dance within.

…We know and live wholeness, both within ourselves and in our relationships with others. Authenticity and integrity are naturally a part of who we are.

…We relate to others not as small beings with problems to solve, but as vast beings with contributions to make. We call forth greatness and potential in ourselves and others at every opportunity.

…We feel HUGE. Our consciousness expands easily and naturally to cover the cosmoses, all while being very present right here and now.

…We no longer feel alone in the world. We live super-connected to ourselves, to others, and to Life pretty much all of the time.

…We’ve made the shift from ‘me’ to ‘WE.’ We no longer look at ourselves as individuals, but see ourselves as a profound, world-changing, living consciousness collective in which each of us offers a unique contribution to the whole.

… We’ve stopped working on ourselves and started working, with great delight, on the evolution of life as we know it.

…We experience Life in the hyper-speed grace lanes. Life no longer happens chaotically to us. We reach to understand it on many levels and work with everything that happens as the potential offering itself out to us.

…We are the creators of the reality in which we live, locally, globally, and cosmically. We know that as we perceive it, so it is. The observer is the witness and the creator.

…We know that we are global and cosmic citizens and have already started living as such.

…We speak and write for something much greater than ourselves. The voice of the new people of the new Earth is rising. It sings across the Internet and around the world more and more, every single day.

A vibrant new reality is well and fully in existence, folks, and in it, the new human being is doing just fine! We do more than just get along. We love connecting with one another. We thrill to the next newest piece of work that we can create together. We settle conflicts with great ease. We’re ok with someone being angry because we know that’s the expression of their passion and underneath it is a profound commitment to something huge.

We smile at our fears and know that it is just the next call into our own leadership. We don’t judge ourselves. We simply do the very best we can in each and every moment, knowing that in the energy of our connections and our passions we will find what we need to bring our creations to Life. We communicate beyond words, using telepathy as our second language.

It’s not just our new children that are representatives of our new humanity. It’s us…you and you and me! We’re it. We’ve already made it. The shift has already happened! You’ve arrived in that new era that you’ve been waiting for, for so long. Your DNA has altered, your cells are super-charged and your energy system has evolved. The new human being is alive and well and walking the face of the Earth today!

What’s happened to make all this so? The human energy system, and the Earth’s, has moved from a closed system (closed hearts and minds, spirits disconnected from us and souls locked neatly away inside) to an open energy system (the integration of open hearts, minds, spirits, and soul into a new kind of wholeness). Prior to the mid 1990’s, wholeness was a dream, not an everyday reality. Today, wholeness is not only achievable but is now the starting point of a journey into becoming something completely brand new.

In this open energy system, we’re able to easily access the wisdom of the cosmos, the knowledge of the ages (past, present, and future), and the knowledge of the moment. We’ve moved from the mind (using logic, thought, and reason) to a living intelligence (using knowing, wisdom, and innate sensing) that surrounds us.

We’ve discovered just how interconnected we are and are dancing consciously in this new alchemical consciousness to co-create a new future for us all. We’re bringing more and more of ourselves consciously present into the now, discovering levels of ourselves that we didn’t even know existed. And more than just discovering them, we’re completing them and moving ourselves to newly created levels of our being.

We didn’t wait for someone to come and save us. We came from all places and all times, past, present, and future. We took a deep breath, trusted that we could do it, and began to create together a shift of enormous magnitude. From small human beings, locked in a closed energy system, trapped in polarity, living reactively and afraid of our own shadows … to bright and brilliant new beings able to alchemically create Life as it wants to be.

We surrendered everything we had ever been to the magical creation of something brand new. We gave all of our gifts, our abilities, and ourselves to the dream of a new human being, one that could steward Life for this wonderful planet and for an evolving cosmos. And we’ve done it…yes, you did it, too.

This is a collective game and whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, you have been a part of this vast and wondrous co-creation. You know this within the fibre of your being. Take a deep breath and breathe the vibrant, Omni-dimensional air that now surrounds you. Become the new being you came to create and to be. The new human being is walking the Earth today by the millions and billions.

As you step into this, so others step into it with you. Everyone goes. This isn’t about ascension, leaving the problems of physical behind us. This is about alchemical creation that weaves magical delight and a new becoming into physical reality. Welcome to a new self and to a new world! The coming months and years offer us amazing possibilities that we, as conscious creators, leap to with great delight.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.