Tiger Eye Spiritual Meanings, Uses & Healing Properties

Tigers Eye is chalcedony quartz that is banded with stripes of lighter color. It’s not only a type of mineral but also happens to be one of the most important gemstones in several Aboriginal cultures. Tigers eye is a type of quartz with a distinctive brown, orange, and black striped pattern.

The name comes from the resemblance to the eye of a tiger, which can be seen in those colors when it’s polished. It’s often used as an ornamental stone, but it also has some interesting properties related to magic.

The basic properties of this stone make it useful in several situations, especially those involving clarity or insight. Working with this stone can help you clarify your mind and make sure that your perspective is clear and accurate.

Tigers Eye is also particularly good for use in divination, such as tarot readings. It can help you to more easily read the signs that are provided and thus gain insight into what the future may have in store for you.

Where Does Tiger Eye Come From?

The origins of Tigers Eye are unknown, but it was in use during ancient times by many civilizations around the world for jewelry and ornamentation purposes because it was considered to be protective and bring good luck.

Some of the earliest known references to Tigers Eye are of it being used as ornamentation in ancient Greece and Rome. The ancient Egyptians also used it for ornamentation and jewelry as well as to guard against evil spirits.

According to legend, the goddess Isis used it to protect herself from her enemies while the ancient Greeks believed that tigers used this crystal because it was thought that they had a connection with the sun.

The first recorded use of Tigers Eye dates back to the 16th Century when Tiger’s Eye stones were seen embedded in the throne of a Mughal emperor in India. As such, it is not surprising that many believe the gemstone has Indian origins. However, Tigers Eye has also been found in Palestine and South Africa as well as the United States and Western Europe.

Tigers Eye was believed by many civilizations to guard against evil spirits and also attract good ones. Many cultures believed that this crystal would bring protection from any evil intent and keep away bad spirits.

Cultural Significance in Native America

Tigers eye is a semi-precious stone that’s associated with ancient Native American beliefs. It’s used to keep evil spirits away and can also be used to heal the spirit. This gemstone is worn by people who want to focus on their progression or spirituality or use it as a grounding stone for psychic readings and other spiritual activities.

In Native American cultures, Tigers Eye was used to ward off evil spirits or bad energy coming at them by reflecting on where it came from. It also was thought to bring protection and success in hunting animals because they were thought to be the source of good luck and wealth. It was traditionally also used to detect liars.

Cultural Meaning in Africa

Tiger’s Eye was historically thought to provide divine powers such as protection from evil, disease, or wild animals as well as bring good luck when worn openly at the chest or around the neck. In many African cultures tiger’s eye symbolizes the light that pierces through the darkness like a torch and can see through even the toughest situations.

Some people interpret these bands as reflecting the life journey with the alternating dark and light periods representing triumphs and failures to be overcome respectively.

This explanation would seem to resonate with African philosophy in general, which emphasizes overcoming adversity through perseverance rather than escaping from it as some western cultures do.

In Africa, it is sometimes used as a protective stone against bad luck or accidents. While some South Africans believe it provides protection against negative energies and heals forehead wrinkles.

Tigers Eye Meaning in Asia

There are a lot of myths, lore, and superstitions associated with the stone. It is thought to protect from hexes and curses if carried around.

Tiger Eye is also thought to offer internal healing when worn or carried around on one’s person, and in some cultures, it is used with its sister gemstone, Alexandrite, as a cure for insomnia. Some people even believe that wearing the stone around the neck can prevent a child from straying off their path in life.

People in China believe that the tiger eye keeps evil spirits away, cures tooth decay, and brings good luck. In Japan, people wear it as a talisman against fire; in Arabia, protection against snakebites.

Tiger’s Eye Metaphysical Properties

Tiger’s Eye helps enhance psychic abilities, balancing the third-eye chakra. It relieves headaches and is used to stimulate the pituitary gland which regulates all hormonal secretions of the body. It has been used to alleviate digestive problems such as constipation. This is because the crystals emit energy that reflects the natural light of the sun. This helps your heart to slow down and regulates your blood pressure for a healthier circulation in the body enabling it to perform at its best!

Tiger’s Eye also helps relieve insomnia by encouraging REM sleep while having a calming effect on the mind. Specifically, it helps to unify the right and left hemispheres of the brain whilst also diminishing stress-related emotional responses. It is thus helpful for those who have trouble sleeping from stress or overactive minds.

If you’re struggling to stay focused and feel like you’re not doing enough, Tigers Eye is the stone to help. This crystal is said to be the perfect marriage of earth and fire, grounding your energy and providing a gentle boost for your motivation.

It helps one to stay analytical, objective, focused, and tolerant. It also helps with patience, courage, and perseverance as well as overcoming negative thoughts and feelings. Tiger’s Eye helps bring abundance and prosperity in career, business, and finances. Tiger’s Eye is a grounding stone that brings stability, strength, and endurance to those wearing it.

The most common physical benefits attributed to Tiger’s Eye are: curbing emotional insecurity; easing menstrual cramps, morning sickness, colic; balancing out nervous disorders such as anxiety, obsessive behaviors, and flashbacks from trauma; increasing physical mobility because it assists in easing spasms and joint stiffness often associated with arthritis or injury-related inflammation.

Physical Healing Powers of Tiger’s Eye

Its soothing properties make it ideal for those who are constantly stressed or have mood swings. Tiger’s eye can be used medicinally by placing it on one’s third-eye chakra—the point between the eyebrows—to restore balance within oneself, though this may not be effective for all individuals due to the varied uses of crystals in energy healing methods.

It also helps to relieve stress-related discomfort while stimulating mental clarity and creativity. With a grounding and protective energy that soothes the body and mind, the tiger’s eye is a powerful stone for people who have experienced trauma.

It is great for healing because it helps to speed up the recovery process by creating a positive energy field around the wound while opening and activating the meridians in the area. It will also reduce swelling, pain and can aid in recovering from broken bones or torn ligaments as it aids in tissue repair.

Tiger’s eye is great for healing eyes and throat issues as well as cataracts. It can help improve vision by strengthening the eyes and muscles around them while reducing eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, and dizziness. It also can reduce red eyes and allergies.

This  gemstone can be used to aid in weight loss by keeping your metabolism higher so you burn calories faster while increasing your energy levels so you are motivated to exercise. It can also help you feel more energized all day long. It is beneficial for the health of the skin as well because it helps to prevent wrinkles and aging.

Tigers eye is known to be an excellent stone for those who struggle with addictions such as alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes. It has a powerful grounding energy and is known to help those who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes because it helps to bring balance in the body and the mind. It also aids in breaking habits and addictions by focusing on the core of addiction such as the addiction itself.

Emotional Healing Properties of Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is one of the few stones whose healing properties are activated by heat, which makes it especially effective when combined with meditations and visualization techniques. When you place Tiger’s Eye near a candle or a heater, you will notice its remarkable ability to heal emotional wounds.

Tiger’s eye is known to help with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and stress disorders. Due to the grounding effect of the orange-gold tiger’s eye, it can help you to re-establish your center and be more present in your life. It helps start positive affirmations as well.

Tiger’s eye is known to help with stress and anxiety because it helps to clear the head of negative thoughts and brings a person back into the present moment. It can help lessen stress, increase self-confidence, concentration, and focus. It also helps with obsessive-compulsive behavior, panic attacks among other forms of anxiety.

Tiger’s eye helps to promote overall wellbeing through its calming effects, energy balancing properties, and the strong connection it has with the earth. This makes the tiger’s eye a perfect stone to use when healing and raising the vibration of one’s soul. It is also a great stone to use after grounding as it helps to restore your body to its natural state while providing psychic protection.

Tiger’s eye is known to help with balance, stability, and the development of self-confidence. It has a strong connection with the earth which makes it an excellent stone for those who are interested in connecting to their power source or creating balance within their lives.

Its emotional healing properties make it an especially good stone for those struggling with anger, resentment, and fear. Tiger’s Eye can free us from mental cages that prevent us from living freely and fully. It can also help us become more outgoing and braver.

Spiritual Healing Properties of Tiger’s Eye

This stone is known for its ability to provide hope and clarity during difficult moments in life while reminding you of all of the beauty around you.

Tiger’s eye is a stone that has been used for centuries by many cultures to help with the spiritual healing of the individual. The spiritual healing qualities are said to include courage, confidence, and strength. It is also said to be a stone of good luck and happiness that can bring abundance into your life.

The metaphysical properties of Tiger’s Eye can aid those who have difficulty in self-expression and channeling creativity. This stone can also be beneficial for those who have trouble forgetting their troubles or anything else that may be on their mind so they can concentrate on one thing at a time, bringing peace of mind and helping you reach mental clarity.

How Can You Use Tigers Eye Stones?

Tigers Eye Stones can be used for a variety of purposes, and there are many ways to use them. The most common is as a protection stone. It is believed that tigers eyes can protect from psychic attacks, bring prosperity, and promote courage. It is also said to be a grounding stone that promotes peace and happiness. People who are scared or panic-stricken find tigers eye has a calming effect that will transform their fear into a sense of safety. Here are some ways how you can use these gemstones-

To bring clarity of thought and a sense of self-awareness, keep tiger eye gems in your pocket or place them on your desk at work. The Tiger Eye Stone will help you focus on your tasks and keep you from drifting down to the earth.

Tiger’s Eye is also a good stone to use for protection, tapping into negative energy before it has a chance to affect you.

It’s suggested that you wear this stone if:

  • You’re feeling self-conscious about the way you look.
  • You’ve recently lost someone close to you.
  • You always feel as if you owe other people something.
  • You’re dealing with mental or physical illness (e.g., arthritis).
  • You’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed.
  • You’re dealing with a physically stressful situation (e.g., a fight with a loved one).
  • A recent change in life has left you feeling unsettled and unsure of where it’s going.
  • Your life is going well, but those around you have become negative and critical to the point where it’s making you unhappy.

Who Should Wear Tigers Eye Stones?

While the tiger’s eye can be used by a variety of people, it’s most widely recognized as a spiritual stone that brings luck and good fortune. Tiger’s eye is associated with the third-eye chakra; so, if you’re looking for a more spiritual experience in your life, this is the crystal for you! If on the other hand, you need to attract wealth and prosperity into your life, the tiger’s eye will help.

Tiger’s Eye is most often worn by people who are healers or healing professionals such as doctors, nurses, and those involved in counseling. Tiger’s Eye has to balance energy that can be used for health issues that may not have a specific focal point. The yellow spots in the tiger’s eye correspond to the solar plexus which is associated with thoughts, emotions, and willpower.

The basic properties of the tigers eye also make it an ideal stone for those working on spiritual growth and expanding their consciousness due to its ability to improve stability in times of change or crisis.

Tigers eyes can also be used to help bring clarity and truth to situations. Tigers eye is a stone of wisdom and brings the purchaser experiences, life lessons that teach us how to live our lives more effectively without fear or doubt. The person wearing tigers eyes is likely to have good judgment in both their career choices and personal life.

Who Should Not Wear Tiger Eyes?

Tiger’s eye is a fantastic stone for people who are struggling with fear and anxiety, but it doesn’t suit everyone. If you’re going through any kind of depression, you may want to reconsider wearing this stone. It can amplify negative emotions and make them feel more extreme.

Tiger’s eye is also not a good personal choice if anger management is an issue. This stone could apparently fuel the fire of anger and make it worse than before you wore it. Anyone with epileptic tendencies should keep their distance from tiger’s eye as it can heighten or trigger seizures.

Tiger’s eye is also not a good choice if you’re dealing with extreme or chronic headaches. This stone can actually lead to more intense and frequent headaches. It can also make migraines worse.

This stone is not recommended for people with high blood pressure either. It can also exasperate pre-existing blood pressure issues, so it’s best to stay away from this stone if you have an issue with that.

Tiger’s eye isn’t a great choice for pregnant women either since this stone has been known to induce labor prematurely or induce abortion during pregnancy. Both of which aren’t great for the mother or the baby.

What Does Tiger Eye Bracelet Mean?

The stone has been thought to bring good luck, provide protection, and have a variety of other beneficial qualities for thousands of years. It’s also been formed into rings as well as bracelets or amulets for centuries in both Eastern and Western cultures.

Tigers Eye bracelets have many different meanings . A common belief is that the stone can be worn to help one to see into the future. Another is that the stone can be a good luck charm for protection and the healing power of gemstone bracelets. It’s believed that Tiger Eye is a natural stress reliever.

It is said to be especially potent when worn next to the heart or in relationships. When worn in this manner it can help your partner be emotionally stronger- an aura of calmness surrounds them both! As well as avoiding giving too much power to one person in a relationship by focusing on both people’s energies coming together rather than isolating a single individual. The tiger eye stone offers strength, protection and loyalty to those who wear it.

Is Tigers Eye Dangerous?

Tiger’s eye is not a harmful stone, and there are no known cases of ill effects coming from its use or exposure. Too many people come across tiger’s eye and think it is a rare gemstone with strange and powerful properties. However, what they don’t know is that the tiger’s eye isn’t a gemstone at all.

It is a type of quartz that often has different colors in the bands that make up this rock. For this reason, many people are curious about whether a tiger’s eye is dangerous to touch or if it would be beneficial for them to wear these types of stones. Tigers eye is not harmful some cultures believe that the tiger eye has protective properties.




My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.