Treasure Hunt

To seek buried or hidden treasure is challenging and fun.  The annual Easter egg hunt brings squeals of delight as each gaily decorated egg is discovered nestled in its’ hiding place.  As we watch our happy children running hither and thither, we are seeing a very basic truth of human nature.

We are explorers, seeking the hidden, traveling into undiscovered areas, mapping the unknown and in quest of the treasure trove.  Our eyes have now turned to the universe, and with our astounding telescopes pointing towards deep space, we are being shown vistas of incredible, breath taking beauty and mystery.  Our nomadic feet are itching to hike these passageways in the heavens.

Unbeknownst to most, however,  is the universe that lies within the human landscape.  We too swirl with small galaxies, buried treasure and undisclosed pathways.  Many are the guides who have already mapped out this rugged terrain and are willing and eager to help you find the way, yet it is you who must take the first step.  What is this treasure that awaits you within?

It is your Spirit, your personal connection to a universe of life transforming guidance and information about yourself.  So let us embark on a treasure hunt of fulfillment, inner peace, and quiet joy.

Each and every one of has a purpose, a reason for being here, and until it is discovered, life can become a pursuit of empty pleasures and harmful pastimes.  Until that purpose is discovered, there yawns a space of unfulfilled dreams and a painful yearning for an unknown “something.”

As a teacher of spirituality, I have had the honor of speaking with many people on a profound level of reality.  Countless times the same story is whispered in my ears:  “I have no time for this search for Spirit.  I will do it when I retire, when the kids are older, when….when….when.”

At this time in our human history, I believe that this is a hunt that must no longer be put off.  We have arrived at a crossroads in our development and if one is not prepared to meet the severe challenges that face us now as a society, then we will fall to the wayside.  Twenty five years have passed since I began studying the spiritual path and humanity has grown in leaps and bounds.

We care for our environment, protect our animals, and are striving to feed the hungry of our world.  Many studies say that we are on the cusp of an evolutionary step upwards in our consciousness.  To join the stream of evolving humanity – we must be spiritually awake and this can so easily be accomplished, if you dare to take this trek into your uncharted spaces.

Experience an unprecedented journey of self-discovery by the simple act of beginning your own treasure hunt within.  Start a journal, learn to meditate, watch your dreams, are all pathways to awareness of your real self.  Every day we make choices on how to spend our precious allotment of time.  Exploring your Spirit can be the most interesting and exciting time well spent, even if you can commit to only half an hour a day.

Therefore, perhaps instead of watching the television until you fall asleep, try reading an inspirational book, or listening to beautiful music.  When you wake up in the morning, record any dreams you may recall, or just journal your inner feelings and desires as you sip that first delicious cup of coffee.  Get to know yourself well and you will have met the best friend you could ever need.

Inside of us is a wealth of wisdom and goodness.  A treasure hunt of immeasurable nuggets of gold awaits those who are courageous and willing to travel the path less beaten.  Here is where you will find your fountain of youth, endless entertainment, and the pride of successfully achieving your purpose in life.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.