True Expression of Male and Female Energy

In today’s society the expression of male and female energy has become clouded.  I refer here not to the physical application of the energy, nor to the body that one may be currently incarnated in.  I refer only to the correct use of individual energy on the earthy plane.

Understand, with so many crossovers (male souls in female bodies and female souls in male bodies) there has been confusion in the expression of true energy. This will in time begin to straighten out – it is already beginning.

Understand that the true male energy of stability and safety, which allows the female expression to open to creativity and nurturing, is of vital importance in the times to come.  Also, the allowing of the female expression within each individual is also of great importance.

Male Souls

In these times the male souls are undergoing a great change within themselves. The overall coming to the planet of the female expression is creating at first, within the male souls, a feeling of terror. It is the fear of loss of control.

Understand that for the first half of the evolution of this planet, the male energy has directed. This was to learn the lessons – of all that love was not, and now it is time for the female expression to integrate the lessons and understandings brought forward by the male energy and move into compassion and love. This was always intended and it is not to say that male energy is aggressive, but only that it is there to serve the breaking of the ground, the preparation for the female expression.

Within the males, they will go through a period of feeling that their time is over and that the female energy is taking over. This of course is not true in the highest expression, for it take the balance of both in their correct form to bring about the healing that is required for mankind to complete his destiny.

The males will most definitely go through a period, or periods, where they will feel the terror, loss of control and then the humility, before the true expression will stabilize.

 Male and Female energy is in truth – in full alignment. There is no conflict, but a harmonious working relationship.

It will help to understand why the male soul is so locked into his belief system. Understand here that I refer to ‘soul’ sex – not the body that one inhabits.

In the known history of Man, to fail meant great loss and to the victor went the spoils. To fail meant to loose all that was dear to him- his family, his land, his dignity, and often his freedom – all that he held dear to him. To admit what he perceives as failure, still in this time, brings these feelings to the forefront. Today it still brings great fear based on his memory of the past and his built-in conditioning.

Female Souls

Women through the ages have been brutalized. Their light has been extinguished from walking the Earth. Know you that many of the cancers of the breast are the results of that. The breast – the symbol of the womanhood – the nurturing aspect of women.

To be born a woman in the past was of no value – for these were the times. Girl babies were slaughtered, priests saw them as temptresses – you know that word – temptress. They were degraded in every possible way.

But know you entities, that in today’s society they are still being degraded. They toil to be seen as equal still. Those that choose, in the so called modern western society, to stay in their hovel and care for their children, are judged, and judge themselves as not equal; and those that enter the workplace take on a male persona to be seen as equal. They still cannot unfold their beauty in today’s society. They are still hidden. Many brutalities are still today, being carried out on women. You only have to turn on your ‘box’ to see it.

Hold your compassion and judge not the males around you. This will be the tendency. To prove that it is not safe and that you cannot trust. Remember, it is not intentional that they will miss, at times, the moment. Have patience, as it will take time to integrate this understanding. Be willing to step forward and use the female energy wisely. Love – for that is your strength. Through your vulnerability you will show the way.

For both, understand that it will be frightening at first – such rawness and tenderness. You are treading new territory, where vulnerability will be prized, and from this vulnerability, the true balance of male and female is achieved, both in the outer expression and of course within.

There is a thought, often deeply embedded in the subconscious, within the male expression in physical form, that they will no longer be required with the coming of the female energy at this point in evolution.  This is not so, for all are truly coming into their own, but without the overlays of the past.

In truth love is a natural state of all – both male and female expressions.  What I speak of here though is the natural expression on earth for each individual, which enables each to more easily open to the overall natural flow.

The still current issue is that the true female expression has not been valued, and the males are terrified of not having a place and losing control.

The males are also afraid of feeling to the level of intensity that will occur.

There is also a fear, that if the females come forward, they will do to the males what has been done to them in the past?   This is so far from the truth.  This is not the true female way.  A lot of the revenge you are seeing today is not from the females but from the males that are in fact in female bodies, still trying to be males and not valuing, or in many cases not remembering, the lesson they came in this form to understand.


For those that have crossed over, you know what I mean, female soul in male body and male soul in female body – know you that there is even more confusion. Many do not even know if they are male or female. Some believe they have changed embodiment when they have not, because they are the children of crossovers and carry this confusion.

Why crossover? The common thought of today is to gain the experience of the opposite gender. I do not think it has worked. Those that remember they are crossed over still carry their original thoughts and embitterment. The males that are in the female bodies are out there fighting for equality, but still operating with a male consciousness – still judging the females (who by the way are now mostly in male bodies) – it is a bit of a cosmic joke. The confusion is only adding to the dilemma. Still, the cycle of rebirth continues with many now forgetting that they crossed over in the first place.

Understand that in the past, if you were a male, you were constantly at war; the loneliness while you were away from your family and your loved ones; the total brutality day after day; that is why you crossed over. But that was long ago in your time – what is left is the great confusion.

Women are still not valued and those that have crossed over are still not valued – not seen for their inner beauty, their inner light, and compassion. The males that are in female bodies are still angry, warring. the venue has changed; the outer package has changed; but they are still struggling to accept the female expression.

The world is becoming androgenous – look at the children, there is often no clear expression of male or female – this is a hard road to follow.

To enter the 5th dimension balance must be restored. The spark, the God spark within, is not one or the other – not man’s judgements of male and female, but of God’s blueprint for embodiment in the plane of matter. The blueprint of each is connected. When one is missing or distorted, there is a gap in the whole of the creation.

Look at each entity as unique and of great and divine beauty. Honour each other, and in that, yourself and the vale of illusion will slowly drop away. What is left then will be you – in all your magnificence. In the times to come you will look beyond the physical embodiment to the God within.

Androgynous Soul Theory

One of the main reasons for the androgynous soul theory is that there is no responsibility taken for the action of a pure energy expression. A male or female expression can be played out when ever it is convenient. These seem to be harsh words, but it is a great truth.

It is true, and I have spoken before on this, that there is a balance of both energies in the whole monadic expression. But within that, there is also an expression of the true flow of energy, as a male or female part of the twin energies on the earth plane.

The androgyny of the soul theory – in the context it is often now referred to is a fail-safe mechanism of the Ego to prevent higher truths being exposed – to never take responsibility for the true and pure expression of the Monad on this dimension.

The true male expression is that of a rock, the base, the stability that allows the female – creative expression, and then the action for that energy in the world. It requires both energies to be in true balance to create. This can be any interaction, but of course is particularly so when in the twin relationship within the lower dimensions.

Understand that many have taken role models from crossovers and this creates confusion in the expression.

The reality in the 5th Dimension is that of teamwork – one of trust, respect and co-operation.

Integration of Lessons

Remember, your reality will reflect the level of integration achieved. Also remember, that there is always an ebb and flow in integration. High points and not so high points, and sometimes very low points – a natural evolution. As you integrate the one energy, there will be a period of stabilization, and then the next energy triggers for the gaining of further wisdom. There is a natural build up before the opportunity for the wisdom of that experience is gained and so forth.

Do not judge the ebb and flow of the movement, but continue to come back to your centre to re-assess. Remember the natural cycle of nature. You are also connected to this cycle.    If the wisdom is not gained then the energy will be repeated tenfold in intensity to assist you to become more aware of the choices available to you.

Within a lesson there are many build ups – different angles of the same energy for the total wisdom to be gained.

Family Patterning

Within the family unit the alignment of a parent is chosen to continue the legacy to oneself. This legacy is created from the past life carryover of lessons/karma. In order to let you look at the lesson, once more you choose a parent that will bring up the energy for you and re-establish the legacy (self legacy). In other words, you are creating another opportunity to realign with the God Spark – the higher reality. This realignment will be necessary for integration into the 5th Dimensional reality.

There has been much stated in the past on the monad/soul being androgynous (no sex). The reason for this was because of the judgement on the female expression and the distortion that would have occurred until the consciousness was prepared to align with the female expression on earth.

In an attempt to bring about a balance, it has up until this time, been stated that the soul was androgynous and that those that come to you come in the form of our last incarnation. That is a part truth. I will explain further in a simplified form.

When the monad is first formed via an explosion of light created by the joining or marriage of a male and female aspect – what you would refer to as twin flames or twin-rays – A new monad is created, and then splits to become a male and female expression, to send these aspects into the plane of matter for the gaining of wisdom and evolvement. The aspects then go through their individual evolution until the last lifetime where they again rejoin.

The blending of this energy is best explained in that they retain their individual expression within the whole of the energy of the Monad. Joined but still able to express individually.

It is much the same with the blending back into the God force. All is one, but within the one there is each individual expression.

It has often been a thought that when you return to God you dissolve into oblivion and no longer hold an individual consciousness. In fact this is not quite so. You do indeed blend with the whole and become part of all there is but still retain the individuality within the blending. A little like an overlapping in the same way that the different dimensions are overlapped. Your bodies i.e., physical, etheric, emotional and mental are also blended in the same way.

In regard to male and female souls, understand it is also like a blending or overlapping of the bodies, but still both retain their individuality, and this continues to blend until all spirit is one. This is not androgenous, but a retention of all that you are and all that is.

The True Expression of Energy

It doesn’t matter about the body; it is the expression of energy that is important, The true expression of energy. You are in the form you are in – work with it.  This does not mean that all the females will suddenly decide to stay home and all the males go to work.  This is very much a third dimensional reality.  I talk here of the true expression of energy wherever you are and whatever you do.

If the male is not holding the stability and safety (I state again, it does not matter what it looks like physically – I am talking of an energy) then the female does not open her creativity and her love nature.

It becomes a vicious cycle, with the male not able to go into correct action, and the female not creating. The more this occurs then the more stagnated all become-  no true flow of energy.  The whole natural flow becomes stagnant.  I do not speak here of just those in personal relationships but of all relationships – close and distant, professional within clubs and so on – all relationships.

The same issue will occur if the female withholds her love through a fear of rejection, or through a judgment that it is not safe  to express.  The cycle begins.  True balance is required here – either one can break the negative cycle. But to hold the correct  balance for the long term it requires both energies in harmony.  Both will need tolerance and patience while the new expressions are learned, and the old patterns become less and less comfortable.

We talk so often of the female expression on earth within the 5th Dimension, but perhaps it would be wiser to say that the end result will be a true balance of both male and female expressions.   This allows the true nurturing, compassionate, and highly creative side of the female expression, and the strength, stability and wisdom of the male – regardless of the body.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.