Understanding and Refining Your Skills in the Use of Energy

Many humans in today’s society are unaware of how much energy is directed within a day of your time span.  It is an enormous amount, as every thought and every action requires the use of energy.

Let us begin with the basic understanding – for the direction of energy is a natural occurrence but to truly understand the use of energy is a refinement that few yet have mastered.

The first point that is a requirement to understand is that you are the total creators of your reality and there is never a victim situation when it comes to anything in your existence.  No-one can do anything to you unless you are in agreement for the experience.   This is an important point and if taken on board would assist in many situations that humans find themselves a part of.

The second point is that everything has an energy and it is a good practice to begin to feel this in every thing that you touch and do.  To begin to tune your vibration to the more subtle energies is very good practice.  If you have not practiced this skill it is a fun way to begin and for those that have, more practice is always advantageous.

I offer you a few practical ideas to begin or extend your adventure into the world of energy.

You can begin simply and privately by walking around your house or garden and stopping to sense different objects (particularly plants in the garden) and see how they affect you, and what you can sense.  For instance each plant has a different feel – some make you feel happy and others make you feel welcomed while others still make you feel agitated.  That is a good beginning.

When you are out shopping, attune to the shop and feel whether the shop has a warm and welcoming feel or not.  Everything you do can be a practice.

In the supermarket – pick up two brands of the same thing and feel the energy in each one.  Expensive doesn’t always mean better in terms of energy.

Music is also a good way of tuning your senses.  Firstly listen to the words of a particular song – love songs are sometimes good for this, then begin to feel the energy of the music – often it does not match.  Check how you feel before and how you feel after the song, that type of exercise.  Does it lift you or make you feel sad.   It is very important to feel what the songs effects are rather than the words. Many get caught with the use of words rather than the overall effects of the energy.

Books are another useful way of learning or refining such skills.  Words can be the same, but the energy they reveal  is often very different.  Have fun with these practices until they become second nature, for you are then operating more of your senses and this is very important for your general wellbeing.

The previous exercises are also very good ones to begin to learn about the effects of other people on your own energy.  Words and energy often do not match and this is an important skill to learn.  What one is truly saying rather than what the words are saying is so very important.

Children are natural at this skill but as time goes on, often this natural ability  is covered up with social expectations and rules.  You all had these skills finely attuned when you were young and it is important to recover these abilities.

Another fun exercise you can do with a like-minded friend or family member is to sit in a quiet room  with closed eyes and one of you project towards the other different feelings (not verbally – only with energy) and the other one tries to feel what it is that is being projected.  Do not take this as a test but just an interesting way to train and refine these skills.  And then swap over – with practice this becomes much easier.  If you find this one too difficult to begin try saying a few words like “I like this” but using different energy and then progress to just energy.  It is important to keep the eyes closed during these exercises so that you are not reading body language or facial features but only energy.

Humans are often good at reading many of these energies when they are not trying to – you know that little feeling you get when Grandma rings and she is not pleased about something.  This is often picked up before the spoken word.

These are all good practical skills to develop but the main reason I was bringing this up is so that you can be aware of the hidden effects of energy on yourselves and also the effects of your energy on others.  To understand also means that you will be more aware in each moment about the use of energy.    Pan will speak on protection if you wish to turn to his page.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.