Walking with the Power of Love

What does love look like? In my work, I am able to see Love in the faces of my clients. Each person who has come to me for assistance in accessing more of themselves—more of the Love that they are—shows me the power of Love in action. It consciously and deliberately chooses to experience more of itself. It deeply longs for expression. It opens itself to allow ever more Love to flow. I Love each one of these individuals dearly, for they allow me to witness the magical unfolding and the natural movement of the Human Spirit. I am a humble servant…so blessed to partake in their process, to be but a small flower along their path on their way back Home.

We are, by nature, beings of balance. The dawn of a new age calls each of us by name, beckoning us to consciously find balance, to come back to the middle, to get the pendulums of our lives swinging so subtly that you can hardly tell that they are moving at all. Each of us is called to be a living, breathing paradox—to be firm yet flexible, to honor one another’s boundaries but always speak our truth, to be strong as steel but soft as a rose petal, to increase our sensitivities but to engage ourselves more fully in the world, to steadfastly hold a vision in our hearts but be detached from all outcome, to be idealists but also realists, to experience our Divine Feminine and our Divine Masculine simultaneously. To do so takes an increased sense of balance. It is time for us to find this balance.

Our beautiful planet is now experiencing an influx of feminine energy that is assisting all of Earth’s inhabitants in experiencing this new level of being. There are many ways to access more of this energy. Anything that assists us in our continued spiritual growth opens us to experience more Love—the mother of compassion, empathy, nurturing, sensitivity, and intuition. We are called to open our hearts to those people, places, methods, and things that may assist us in this way, even if they are not the people, places, methods, and things that have assisted us in our opening thus far.

One of the most fast, effective, and efficient ways to experience a smooth transition into ever increasing levels of the new energy is through various modalities of energy work, bodywork, and spiritual guidance. Anything that assists us in experiencing more connection within—between mind, body, and spirit—will assist us in experiencing more fully the Love that we are.

Each of us exists at a certain level of vibration. Depending on whom we are and where we are along our soul’s journey, we may be a better vibratory match for one form of “healing” work than another, thereby increasing its effectiveness for us at that time. And as we increase our vibration, continually addressing and releasing the fears, doubts, and blockages that exist within us, there will be modalities of ever-higher vibration to meet us on our way, if we so choose. In the future, I see currently fragmented forms of healing work coming together synergistically, eventually merging with an equally synergistic field of conventional medicine, to form one large system of healthcare and well-being. Essentially, it will be a system for ascension. They will be one in the same.

And how, you may ask, for the time being do you choose from the plethora of modalities that are currently available? Which one will most serve you on your path right now? I say to you, follow your guidance. Trust in your inner wisdom. And if your intent is to move from a “stuck” place or to further your growth in this way, you will draw to you the appropriate person, place, method, or thing, and you will be able to tell by the knowingness in your heart that it is just right. The person, the price, the setting, the work itself…it will all feel just right to you. And if you do not feel this assurance on some level, if not all levels, within your being—then leave it lovingly behind and continue on, for it was meant for another.

Open yourself to all of the ways that are now available to Be more of who you truly are. And as you travel along your path, always remember to walk with the power of Love.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.