Where’s God?

My understanding of God is that IT is all knowing, intelligent, unlimited, the energy that at some point had the desire to experience ITself in as many ways as possible. That desire, in the form of thought energy – a thoughtform – instantaneously began replicating itself into every conceivable thing that we as humans experience as our universe and into those universes that are beyond human awareness.

In other words, the God energy transformed ITself into that which IT chose to experience. You see, there is nothing that is outside of God energy. All that exists and all that does not exist is God energy. That is all there is. God energy is ALL THERE IS. You got it – that includes YOU and it includes ME.

It also includes everything that you can see, hear, touch, and feel, and that which you can’t. It’s all God energy experiencing ITself in every permutation and combination of experience. Yes, I said all of it – the earth, the sky, the trees, the rocks, cars, houses, animals, other people – everything is God energy experiencing ITself as what we perceive as “this” or “that”.

The entire Universe unfolded, and continues to unfold, from God’s thinking. The ideas that God energy thinks are manifest into what we call reality through the medium of light.

Everything is light vibrating at different frequencies. You already know that colors are light at different frequencies. The brighter the color the higher the frequency. And, as you might also know, white includes all of the other colors and is the highest frequency. White integrates all of the other colors. There is no separation. It’s a good analogy for the statement, “We are all one”.

If God energy experiences ITself as that which it chooses to experience then there is only ONE thing – God energy. IT’s all integrated. The separation we perceive among objects and people is not really there. There is invisible energy – God energy – connecting everything together into ONE whole. Everything is just ONE thing manifest into what we perceive as individualized parts – you, me, and everything we see “out there”.

The Universal principle that makes it all work is very simple. It’s so simple that most of us don’t get it – yes, it took me a while, too. The ONE mind thinks ideas and manifests what it thinks. If we are individualized parts of the ONE mind, guess what! You got it – what we think manifests as our individualized reality. “The thoughts that we think and the beliefs that we hold to create what we experience as our individualized reality”.

Does that mean that each one of us lives in our own self-created world and is responsible for what we experience? It sure does. And, that knowledge usually scares the daylights out of those who first become aware of it. It means total responsibility for one’s life. “Oh dear, no more blaming, no more excuses”. “Gosh that’s not fair”. “That’s a lot of responsibility”. Yes, but look at the benefit. Now, with this understanding, you can begin to become aware of your thoughts and beliefs and structure them to create the experiences that you prefer to have.

Our individual thoughts are the thread in the fabric of the cloth we weave as own lives and, collectively, we weave the tapestry of Life – which we ALL experience.

When GOD energy created the idea of humans, IT factored in “free will”. Free will gives each of us the freedom to “choose” what we, as individuals, desire to express or experience. We choose our thoughts. We choose our beliefs. We choose our actions. We choose our reactions. Therefore, we choose our experiences.

Frequently I have heard what we humans say to the God energy, “Thy will is my will”. For all practical purposes that translate into, “God, what is it that you want me to do?” We spend our entire life trying to figure it out. Yes, I did, too. The cosmic joke is that the God energy has the same point of view. By giving humans free will, the God energy is essentially saying the same thing “Thy will is my will”. The God energy is saying, “Hey, I gave you free will, your life is your life.

Do what makes you happy, gives you joy, and brings you peace”. From one perspective, we could draw the conclusion that God doesn’t care. If IT did, IT would be controlling every one of us, not giving us freedom to make our own choices moment by moment. Doesn’t it seem strange that when two countries are at war both sides believe God energy is on their side supporting them to win? How could that be? If it were true, God energy would be out of integrity. That is very unlikely. What’s really happening is that God energy is simply allowing each side to choose their own experience. Unfortunately, the warring factions are not yet aware that they are all ONE.

Where was God during the pandemic and all the other horrible things that happen? God was watching the cosmic ticker tape to see how ITs investment in the idea of human “free will” was doing. Although the long-term trend is positive, there have been setbacks along the way.

Fortunately, God is in it for the long haul, so IT continues to monitor human progress. IT knows that Life, as humans see it, is all just “experience” from a spiritual perspective – the experience that we collectively choose. It’s like a play. Planet Earth is a spiritual experiment in the evolution of human consciousness. The outcome is up to us – ALL of us.

We are here to enjoy Life to the maximum and do what makes us feel fulfilled. Within each of us is the desire to be happy, joyful, and fulfilled. That desire is God energy’s investment in you. Follow it! That is the key to finding your true purpose. Follow your heart. Follow your joy and you will be expressing God’s will for you. And, guess what, then your will and God’s will – will be identical. God would love for you to be happy, joyful, and fulfilled. As this occurs, pass your joy along to others so someday “God Bless America” will become “God Bless Us All” recognizing that All is ONE.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.