Who are Lightworkers?

Lightworkers are people who want to make a difference in the world. They may be healers, teachers, counselors, writers and speakers, or they may have another profession where they want to help others.

Lightworkers work with the energy of love and light that is given through Divine guidance from the Universe and/or God. They use this energy in order to help themselves as well as other people on Earth feel whole again.

Lightworkers are people of light, in touch with the energy of love and light. They emanate it from their hearts, souls and auras. They use their work and their own life experience as a tool to help others feel better about themselves.

However, lightworkers are not always easy to spot. They are ordinary people living ordinary lives, at least on the surface. What identifies them is the energy that they emanate from their hearts and souls; it does not come from their profession, but from their hearts.

Lightworkers can be found in all walks of life: lawyers, plumbers, teachers, musicians – anyone who wants to make a difference in his or her own way by helping others without expecting anything in return. It’s a process of giving without expecting anything in return – and that will make anyone feel whole again!

Anybody can be a lightworker. All it takes is a willingness to make a difference in the world. It requires inner work, which may involve asking oneself questions such as: How do I want my life to be? What are my dreams? What does happiness mean to me? How can I help others feel better about themselves?

Lightworkers are supported by the Universe and/or God, through higher energy sources like star energies or channeled messages. When they open their hearts and souls to these energies, lightworkers are guided by them in order to fulfill their mission on earth. Their own intuition, their own trust and faith in themselves guides them on their journey.

This is a journey that will be different for everyone. For some lightworkers, the journey may be very short. For others, it may take several decades. But when one is on this path, one knows it from the bottom of his or her heart.

What Does it Feel Like to Be a Lightworker?

When a lightworker is inspired to share love and light with the world, he or she begins to feel happy about life again. There is no sense of being “stuck” in a job or a situation, no matter how frustrating or unsatisfying it may be.

Rather than going through the motions, lightworkers see their work and their life purpose as opportunities to get in touch with themselves and to feel alive again. They realize that they can do what they want to do – even if it may not make any difference at all (which is okay too).

The key feeling for a lightworker is happiness followed by peace of mind. It does not matter what happens on the outside: it’s all about one’s own inner peace, which creates peace around him or her. Being surrounded by peace, light and joy makes it possible for a lightworker to deal with whatever life brings. In fact, a lightworker thrives on whatever challenges come his or her way! A sense of peace enables them to find solutions when everything seems to be going wrong.

Understanding that there is always something positive in a situation – even if you can’t see it right away – is the key to becoming a successful lightworker. Lightworkers generally accept the world as it is, even if they don’t agree with its rules or lack of rules.

How Do I Know if I am a Lightworker?

Lightworkers are deeply sensitive to the earth’s cycles and energies as well as the energy of nature. Because they feel a kinship with all living things, lightworkers have a strong sense of spiritual connectedness.

Some lightworker qualities include:

  • A cheerful outlook on life despite personal challenges or suffering in your own life or that of someone you know or care about. A positive attitude toward life is the hallmark of a true lightworker because you believe serving others will help them heal physically and emotionally. You may also have experienced illness or hardship in your own life that has left you with a deeper sense of love for all beings.
  • You may feel deeply connected to a divine power. You view yourself as a part of the universe, rather than separate from it and can sense the energy of others in much the same way you might feel your own heartbeat or breathing.
  • You have an innate desire to help others heal, whether through physical means, spiritual guidance, or emotional counseling. You’re drawn toward healing therapies such as Reiki and massage. You’re also drawn to natural remedies and holistic living that seek to nourish the body and boost the immune system.
  • A strong dislike for conflict and any form of violence. You are drawn toward spiritual practices that promote understanding, love, and peaceful living.
  • You have a strong affinity for all living things including animals, and often feel a kinship with them.
  • A sense of urgency to assist those in need. You may be drawn to helping those suffering from cancer or other illnesses, children in need, abused or neglected animals or even those left homeless after natural disasters strike. Your desire to help may take the form of volunteer work or donating to charity organizations such as the Red Cross.
  • A strong desire for knowledge and learning, and a thirst for spirituality to help guide your life’s journey.
  • A deeply-held sense of peace and serenity. You often avoid applying for jobs or promotions that might be stressful or require great amounts of energy.
  • An affinity for spiritual information and guidance, including those on the internet, psychic readings, or even books exploring different metaphysical themes.

What to Do If You Think You Might Be a Lightworker

If you’re a lightworker, the best thing you can do is to simply listen to your heart and intuition. In many cases, people who are drawn toward helping others shift in their lives over time due to changes in their own circumstances.

For example, you might lose a loved one to cancer. Your desire to help others or save them from suffering has a lot to do with their own physical circumstances and nothing to do with your spiritual or religious beliefs.

This is why it’s so important to take time for introspection when you have moments of intense sadness for others who are suffering. By doing so, you may discover your true spiritual path that includes serving others in the capacity of a lightworker.

This takes time and patience as well as being willing to look inward and explore the very depths of your soul. It’s important to remember that as well-intended of a lightworker you may be, no one is perfect and everyone will have their share of challenges and setbacks.

If you feel drawn to physical healing such as yoga or massage or spiritual guidance such as Tarot readings or astrology, it only means that you are taking time out of your everyday life to have a more balanced perspective.

What is important is for you to remember that it’s not your place to judge others for where they come from or what their backgrounds are. All people deserve respect and consideration, regardless of the choices they make along the way.

Higher Calling

Lightworkers are healers and guides. They live by a moral code and put themselves in harm’s way to help others. They are teachers and move from one life to another without being attached to outcomes. The uncertainty of life, with its endless series of birth, death, rebirth and karma can be overwhelming for some lightworkers as they struggle with the future, but this can also be a path towards liberation from attachment and fear of change.

Lightworkers are well-equipped for the ordeals and challenges of life by an inner knowing that pulling away always takes them closer to their true nature. They are wise, loving and enjoy deep friendships and a sense of connectedness with all living creatures. They can cross the boundaries of time, space and reality, and often feel like they have lived many lives in previous existences as well as in this one.

If you feel that these characteristics define you or someone you know, then perhaps lightworking is THE path. If not, then it could be that your life is developing along different lines as there’s no law which says that everyone has to become a lightworker.


My name is Andrea and I am a lightworker. I don't have all of the answers, and in many ways, it's just a label that has been applied to me. There are no degrees or certifications involved in this vocation- but I can say with certainty that it's my calling. Like so many others, I've always felt like something was different about me- like the world wasn't where I was meant to be and that there was some other place for me where things were more peaceful and joyful.

I designed a life with meaning built into it; one where every moment was not only fulfilling but also made sense on a spiritual level. There is no need for searching or yearning because everything is right here where we need it to be - at our fingertips.